Show COWARDICE OF CAPTAIN PEE SAVING UFE E It Is Claimed That Many of the Unfortunates I Unfor-tunates on the Valencia Might Have Been Rescued by the Queen San Francisco CalTho steamer Queen Captain Tames Cousins has arrived from Ingot sound ports and 1 the scone of the wreck of the Valencia Directly conflicting stories are told by those on board regarding the failure of tho Queen to rescue any of tho people who were seen clinging to tho rigging or huddled on tho aftordeck of tho rapidly Hlnklng vessel Chief HnaUwnlnH Mate C P Tor Benson f of the cruiser Philadelphia who with twenty sailors belonging to hilt I vessel came down on the Queen severely scores the ofllcera of that vcssll 110 says I I was standing on the forward deck jind could plainly see tho men nnd women on tho Valencia I volunteered to man a lifeboat with my men and attempt to rescue BOIIIO of the Imperiled Imper-iled ones It was n life and death ichnnco but we nil were willing to take It The captain would not consent con-sent nnd so we linl to stand by ana watch the signals of distress After two hours during which no attempt was made to launch a boat the Queen put back to Victoria Chief RoatHwnlna Mate D S Sul livan corroborated Jorgenpons statement state-ment that the Philadelphias men were willing to undertake to save all tho lives possible but they were prevented pre-vented from doing so by Captain Cousins Sullivan also charges that tho officers of the Czar and Salvor were too timid to take tho risks necessary neces-sary to rescue those on tho Valencia Captain Cousins denies tho statements state-ments of tho bluejackets saying Its a lie that these fellows were ready to go out In n small boat Not ono of them Haiti a word If they hnd I would not have allowed them to go to certain death In tho heavy sea that was then running |