Show TRICK EASILY SEEN THROUGH Mine Promoters Not Sharp Enough to Deceive Hannah Hannah I cant maIm this out said the old farmer as ho looked up from his paper Hero Is a company out west that advertises a gold mine It has 1000000 worth of oro insight in-sight It estimates tho amount of oro on the claim to be at least 100 000000 Ua uhavoa ara 100pur Jwo and nonassessable It offers shares at one cent each to tho first 1000 people who apply It rends straight enough but Samuel what an old blockhead you are exclaimed tho wife Why oven a blind man could see through that trick Wall whats tho trick Why they want to make you a shareholder and as soon as thats done theyll send on a begging letter asking you to contribute 5 toward a steeple for some Baptist church somewhere You just let that stock alone We have been Methodists for over thirty years and we havo got along without a steeple to our church and If the Baptists cant do tho samo lot om sell off their cows to build one I guess youro right Hannah What tricks they do Invent nowadays to make a man think he Is going to got something for nothing and then find himself fllpflopped Baltimore American |