Show Architect TvvT Davis of Provo was over on Monday looking up business in his line for tho com ing season The Relief Mining property is being worked right along A gang averaging from 8 to 10 men bane boon working there since the 1st of December Saturday evening Feb 3rd the Eligh School will present the sensational sen-sational drama entitled The Bank Cashier Everybody come out und assist in a good cause Uuss Carlson of Salem returned home from his sheep herd for along a-long needed rest The sheep are grazing on the western desert He reports sheep doing well Plenty of snow and feed Methusnln was nil right you bet For a good old soul was he They say ho would be living yet Had he taken Kooky Mountain Tea Ask your druggist Weakened systems need a ma lure wholesome tnollow liquor thatH 1 W HARPER Whisky till kind your grnndfuthor used Sold by Joseph Wren For n good time go to the Spanish Span-ish Cafe Fresh oysters and refreshments re-freshments of nil description Prompt service and ail equipment downtodato Open after dances Opposite postollice Sunnish Fork Utah Ann Elizabeth Dart of Spanish Fork has commenced suit for divorce against Fred E Dart on the ground of cruelty consisting of striking choking nnd threatening to kill plaintiff and falsely nccus ing her of unchastity and for failure fail-ure to provide Plaintiff asks for I tho custody of threo minor children alimony attorney fops nud costs The parties were married nt Salem Nov 21 1900Provo Enquirer prr ninth Mrs P S Dart wish to assure their friends that the above does not apply to them j Gas in the Stomach Belching and that sence of fullness full-ness so often experienced after eating eat-ing is caused by the formation of gas Thestomach fails to perform its functions and the food ferments Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct tho disorder hoy aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach and bowels For sale by City DrugStore Drug-Store Common Colds are the Cause cf Many Serious Diseases Physicians who haw gained n rational reputation as analyefs of ho cause of vanus diseases claim that if catching cold could bo avoided n long list of clangorous nil nents would uovor be heard of Everyone knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold und chronic catarrh bronchi tis and all throat and lung trouble are aggravated told rendered more sorius by each fresh attract Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold Chnmber loins Cough Remedy will cure it before those diseases develop This remedy contning no opium morphine mor-phine or other harmful drug and inns thirty years of reputation back of it gained by its cures under every condition For salo by City Drug Store DENVER AND RETURN 20 On Jan 27th and 28th the Colo I racln Midland will sell round trip tickets Suit Lake to Denver and return re-turn good until February 10th for 2000 Pullman Observation car through scenery by daylight Ticket Tick-et office 77 West Second South Salt Lake or ask your ticket ngent to route you Midland Route Itching Piles If you are acquainted with anyone any-one who is troubled with this distressing dis-tressing ailment yov can do him no greater favor than to tell him tory to-ry Chamberlains Salve It gives instant relief Price 25 cents per box Sold by City Drug Store NOTICE Tho annual stockholders meeting of the Spanish cork East trench Irrigation and Manufacturing Man-ufacturing Company TV 111 bo held In the city mil Spanish Forlc City on Monday February ith WOO at 11 oclock a in for tho purpose of hearing tho annual lluiiuclul report of tho board for tho election of a president two trustees and a treasurer for tho ensuing two years and tho transaction of any other busl ness that may properly como before tho meetIng meet-Ing NICHOLAS SMITH Secretary Spanish Fork Utah Jan 25 1909 NOTICE The annual general meeting of tho stockholders stockhold-ers of the Spanish Korlt South Urination Com any will bo held In the city hall on Monday ho 12th day of February 1000 at 2 ocleck pm for the election of officers hearing tho financial repor and transacting all other necessary bus I tss OL1V13U SWENSEN Sec Sr mlfih Fork Utah Jan Zl 1KW Probate and Guardianship Notices Consult County Clerk or the respective signers sign-ers for further Information In the DistrIct Court of the 1ourth Judicial District sitting In and for Utah county Probate Pro-bate Division In Ho estate of Thomas Herbert deceased and Mary Jono Herbert deceased NOTICE TO CHEIUTOUS Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at Uenjamin Utah county State of Utah on or before the 2d day of Juno woe MARY JANE CU TWIN Administratrix A SAXEV Attorney First publication Feb 1 IfXW In tho District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Utah sitting In and for Utah county Probate Division In Ho Estate of John S Thomas deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned ut Spanish Fork Utah county State of Utah on or before tho 28th day of Juno ISOfl PRATT P THOMAS Administrator A SAXEV Attorney First publication Jan 25140d DEJINIUENT NOTICE Tho Martha Mining R Milling Companyprln clpal place of business atUenjnminUtah county coun-ty Utah NOTICE There are delinquent upon the following fol-lowing described stock on account of Assessment Assess-ment No7 of I mill per share was levied on the ° d day of Nov 1005 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders share-holders us follows Name Amount T O Dedrlckson J 4 10 Wm Jtockhlll 75 C W Stewart 8 55 I Arvllla Stewart 565 TrlssaM Yates 060 Emily Hawkins 60 Alice Klx Miller 250 Caleb Hone balance on Assessment NoO 50 II Caleb Hone on Assessment No7 83 jIJ And In accordance with law and an order of tho board of directors made on the 2d day or Nov 1P05 to many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction In front of David Hone Sons store at Hcnjamln Utahon the 1st day of Ieb ruary 1WM at 2 oclock p m to pay tho delinquent delin-quent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale FIIAlK MATIEV Secretary HOLLlSTEJVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BillY Medicine for Easy People Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live sad Kidney Trouble Ilinples Ecenu Impure Blood Had Breath Sluggish Dowels Ilmdachi and Backncho Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tablet tab-let form 35 cents n box Ocnulno made by IIui Si n 1 > T e MPANV Madison Win rnn SALLOW PEOPLE raotlarD1l1 nomua REVBVO O E p 9 v RESTORES VITALITY I > Made a 1 Well Man THE vof MeG Me-G Pam1TOEJ Ral1VtE produces tho abovn reealts 30 days It acts powerfully and quickly Cures wben all others tail IOllnimellI1I regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vIsor by using IICTIVO It quickly anil Burcly restores Nenous ceil LoU Vitality Impotency Nightly Emltalong Lost falling Memory wasting Dlleue and all effect or eer abuse or olcon aDd Indlscrotloa which mote one tor utudy buelness marriage 11 not only cures starting at tbo teat of disciso but lea great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring log back the pink clove to palo cheeks anil ro > storing the flro of youth It wards off Insaalt and Consumption Inalct on bating ItEVIVOno other It can ta carried invest rocket Uy Bull 8100perrackageorelx or8BooTlth a poet tlvo written guarantee to cure or refund tbe inouer Dooxandadyleetreg Address KOYAlMliDlClNHCO Marina 1uildin g Ii t1I4 ow 14 CtIICAO0 11 There is a Claim of Society on EveryborjJ How I cnn you stand your purl There is but one ART n j Ho well dressed and successful looking A man must look the 10 is representing especially in the company of society We can J011fiIlY mnnlook thnt way give us a clmnco to fit you with a 1 ormnde suit Wo guarantee quality workmanship perfect fits clothes at reasonable prices Young Mens Gon Coo I i I IF YOU WANT Bargains in prurniture r 99 GO TO tw i MARTELL CLARI I FURNITURE DEALERS 1 In selecting wedding or Xmao presents get something durable we have them in mirrors rockers center tables rugs etc etc Call nnd examine our line 0 ft J ii S Lewis Sol 0000 DEALERS IN 0000 = Fresh Oured Meats Fancy Staple Grocefi Green Groceries in Season tie Opposite Press Office Spanish Fork Ufc ten n 1 To California and Its Winter Resort tl i Los Angeles Catalina Ocean Beaches u P1 Orange Grover San Pedro 4ou14 Pasadena ca Ideal Time to Visit the Pacific Palatial Vcstlbulcd Train leaves Salt Lake at 830 p m daily Obacrva w Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper Tourist and Dining Car I FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR tat Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions or wrlti1 o JL Moore District Passenger Agent San Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake Ern road Salt Lake City Utah v f I fir SHERWIN WILLIAMS BUGGY PAINT t is made for painting buggies Is also well suited for porch and lawn furniture Stands most severe outside exposure and hard wear n 4ts A gloss paint of met I great durability and splendid covering z cov-ering capacity ° The colors are ti clear clean and r fir tr1 bright Put up lc + t a1 inconvenient j sized packages f ready for use Eight good shades shadesWe i We sell if u JE r rJJIE3EFI c A SIiIIh1 9iIiI11P4111i191111p1111P 11t 9411114f1PIIIli911 IP1111PP411 i11 I COMMERCIAL BANK OF SPANISH FORK Capital 2500000 Henry drdner President John Y Smith VicePresidenl = = A B Rockhill Cashier t = = Wo respectfully solicit the accounts of banks mercantile firm i E and Individuals = = Ample resources courteous treatment superior service 16 1611111111111111111illl1111 l 1 J1111111111111111111111111111111 1 CUT PRICE VON WINTER GOODS GOOD-S a Our Window 17111 Ok7 i1 TT > M7 0R A NI sLaWl 7 J 1 I B j lfj |