Show T Baseball Jimmy Casey will be welcomed In fflfpoklyn where ho was always a fa Ivrito ho outlaw TrlState League threat l to get after Victor Willis in the Arts next year claiming that hoed ho-ed a contract with the Altoona h that ho has not yet fulfilled The iMRUract they talk ot was signed a fijgr ago rank Seleo denies the reports that hrj will l manage cither the St Louis kQrdlnals or the Pueblo team Sclcc 101 his wlfo are now at Faywood rings N M and reports arc that 1ftf is Improving In health as fast as 1JllSoxpects president Ebbetts of Brooklyn is ted as saying Donovan has abso control and we have perfect con ace In his ability One thing la tarn the team under his manage tint cannot make a worse showing n It did under Hanlon Edward Abbatlcchlo for the past jeo years shortstop ot the Boston iMftlonnl league team has been wean Iftfrom baseball at last by his father M tty Is to become a hotelkeeper e and will not get back to the dla pnd ew Whistler for two years man er of the IVmpb18 club and who signed to manage tho Terro Haute Central League club writes from big home in St Louis that owing to objection ob-jection by his family he will quit baseball According to Charley Comlskey over 1500 loads of dirt and between 7000 and 8000 cubic yards of turf have been laid on tho American league grounds In Chicago making an average elevation of sixteen inches the result of which will be to Improve the draining of tho grounds It Is funny to road about Herman Long having under consideration an offer from the Boston National leaguers Fred Tenney is tha manager man-ager of the club and tho name of Long as manager was suggested to Frank Dunn who corresponded with Long about tho matter but that Is a dead Issue now Boston Herald Joe Corbett has not been at his place of business at San Francisco for nearly a month Four weeks ago ho was stricken with rheumatism and compelled to take to his bed Ho I has suffered Intense pain but tho last report from his bedside was that ho was Improving Joe has been a victim vic-tim of this painful disease for several i sev-eral years In fact he would bo pitching pitch-Ing now but for It |