Show P 1 WMM M iJ Late News by Wire I Sgi 2 YtipNr 1JJ YtipNrcod tho Toronto skater Is male ngfSrrnngements for tournament of IfaeiTikators In northern Michigan jajllSve hundred Harvard men have lgit led 1 their Intention of trying for the lmsou track team this spring VIti s the biggest squad In the his t Io the university s i Movement was started at Monroe 1M to organize a syndicate for tho Jir uctlon of a twentyone foot rl ° tto compete for the LIpton cup Chicago races next August irgo Standing American profes racquet champion successfully de ded his title In a match with P Latham of England the worlds b < Ion at tho New York Racquet Ai9 ennls club e Cumberland Valley Rifle asso jlja held Its annual meeting atc at-C lie Pa Jan 1 Among tho of Aee w elected was Charles Albert ill r the Indian pitcher of tho il tics He was chosen vice presl I fi athletic authorities of MIchl 1f jnlverslty have asked tho Unity yv Uni-ty of Pennsylvania for a dual In fa track meet Michigan suggests W Hlf Pennsylvania accepts tho In fJ1 ton the meet bo held In Ann Art Ar-t April 1 < < krles Leonhardt of Newark N J Xllet ted Eddie Barr of Milwaukee fiii GrecoRoman wrestling match ilia won the first fall in twentyone nun les Leonhardt won the second ji t minutes and tho third In twen yl th so minutes Gin Jenkins heavyweight cham Mqffjwrestjer of America is apparent iy1 3t oTeranxIoua to wrestle Fred a L tp n0 a I f y I i Dan Patch 155 > 4 Worlds Fastest Pacer 811 tho Wisconsin man for the Jruunplonship It is claimed that he ihtlstepped an offer made by Harvey Packer J Beclls manager |