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Show NEW BABIES. CITY COUNCIL. The Spanish Fork Press The City Council met in special ' WEEKLY session last Saturday night, Jan. ANDREW JENSEN, PUBLISHER 27th, 1906, with Mayor Creer and Si .50 One year..... full quorum of councilinen present PAYABLE IN ADVANCE with the exception of Cauncilman Brockbauk who was excused Several bills were presented, allowed and appropriated. Mayor Creer then For Sale! A good city lot, good appointed the members of the varlocation; cheap. Come to this office ious standing committes as follows: quick. Election U. VV. McKell, A. Local News. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kockhill of Lehi are visiting in this city with relatives this week. Keep your eye on the grand select next Tuesday night, Feb. 6th, at Packs Pavilion, Alfred Ainge is in town from ChTBig Lost River couiitry, Idaho, Where he has deen about 3 months. Win. J. Thomas has beeu sub peoned as a witness in the Smoot 'case and left for Washington Tuesday. Walter Griggs has retu rned home from Gold Mountain where he has been working in a mine for Parley Darger. It does not pay to make soap at home when you can buy the best laundry soap at two bars for a nickle. G. 0. Eiriksson. . grand musical and recital entertainment will be given in the Fourth ward. meeting house next Monday night. All come out. , A James F. Dunn, agent for the an Sugar & Live Stock Co. has just received a letter from the excursionists who went to Mexico to see their plantation it show's they have a fine proposition. 4 Utah-Mexic- Fred Matiey has been in poor health of late. ,He was up town Saturday, when he took a sinking spell and was taken to his home We understand he will go to Salt Lake soon to he operated oh. Word was received by wire by Lorenzo Thomas Tuesday announcing the death at Schofield of David, the 7 year old son of David J. Bees, formerly of this city. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs, Mary Isaao have gone up to attend the funeral. A son was born to Mrs. John C. Holt last Sunday. There is a Claim of Society on Common Colds are the Cause cf Many. Serious Diseases. v How can you stand your There is but one; Everybody part? Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of tensen this morning. the cause of vanus diseases, claim A son was born to Mrs, Roswell Bradthat if catching cold could be ford this morning. A son was born to Mrs. Frank Sim- avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. mons lust Monday . Be well dressed and successful looking. A man must look the A daughter was born to flrs. Eph, G. Everyone, knows that pneumonia Hughes on the 22d of Jun. at Baltimore. and consumption originate from a he is representing, especially in the company of society. We can cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchi- you any man look that way; give us a chance to fit you with r Mrs. Rose Merriman left for Eureka e suit. We guarantee quality, workmanship and perfect tis, and all throat and lung trouble J, last Friday. are aggravated and rendered more clothes, at reasonable prices, Hansen, James L. Hales. A bowling alley in a tent is being serius Do by each fresh attact. Judiciary Marinus Larsen.Sara-ue- l put up opposite the postolliee. not risk take or life chances Go-oHales. your IJrockbank, James L. f Last Miss Caroline Peterson when Chamberhave cold. a Saturday Finance James L, Hales, Mariyou was taken to the Provo general hospital lains nus Larsen, Samuel Brockbank. Cough Remedy will cure it to bo operated on. before these diseases develop. This Claims James L Hales, Marinus The Scandinavian last night remedy contaiDg no opium, morparty Larsen, R W, McKell. IF YOU WANT was a grand success; it was well conPolice and City Prison Samuel phine or other harmful drug and ducted throughout and all had a good has thirty years of reputation back Brockbank, R. W. McKell, A. J. old time. of it, gained by its cures under Hansen. Jesse S. Missener, solicitor and colPublic Grounds and City Propevery condition. For sale by City . GO TO lector for the American Fork Citizen, Store. A. Drug Hansen. J. R. W. erty McKell, made this ollice a pleasant call lust Samuel Brockbank. Saturday. DENVER AND RETURN $20. Streets, Alleys and Irrigation T. A. Petersen, a matchmaker of 30 On Jan. 27th and 2Stb the ColoSamuel Brockbauk, James L. Hales, years experience, and a former resident rado Midland will sell round trip R. W. McKell. of this city, has opened up in business Lake tickets Salt to Denver and reEngrossing and Printing A. J. in Martell & Clark's furniture store. turn, good until February 10th for Ilansen, Marinus Larsen, James Farm for Sale Good location; seven In selecting wedding or Xmas presents get somethin Pullman Observation car $20.00. L. Hales. room brick house; 34 acres farming v durable; we have them in mirrors, rockers, center tables, Rules Marinus Larsen, Samuel land, 00 pasture, 10 meadow, 2 in or- through scenery by daylight. TickCall and examine our line. . . . et office office. call 77 chard. For particulars at this West Second South, rugs, etc., etc. Brockbank, A. J. Ilansen. W. McKell, A. J. Cemetery-- R. Some odg borrowed the chappel lad- Salt Lake, or ask your ticket agent der from tho Presbyterian church souie to route you "Midland Route. ilansen, Marinus Larsen. Sanitation James M. Creer, Dr. time ago. It is not known who has it, Itching Piles. W. E. Warner, Samuel Brockbank. and Rev. Lee needs it. Kindly bring it back. If you are acquainted with anyNext in order was the naming of Snow who is troubled with this disone The Co. of Salem Dramatic the appointive officers. Mayor audience to, a at the fair dayed opera tressing ailment yor can do him no Creer named the following: OOOO DEALERS IN 0 0 O O louse in this city last Saturday night. greater favor than to tell him to City Attorney, A. B. Morgan. The play was very good, and each charWatermaster and Road Super- acter from JAr. Snow down, with the try Chamberlain's Salve. It gives Fresh & Cored Meats. Fancy & .Staple Grocerii instant relief. Price 25 cents per of of a C. the Thomas. visor, George exception couple young box. Sold by City Drug Store. exadies who had had A sou was lorn to Mrs. George Chris- VO lor-mad- UT Young Mens Gon. A Com t - heat 1 in Cidney irfFurniture: Bargains .. ... wts dest Moron tcry or CLC30 a f' ! jbted it. James La Utah. Ftrk Cii caries. 2 Smith. Poundkeeper. It D. Tames. Building Inspector, John Braith-wait- e. Council discussed for some time the numerous needed improvements for Spanish Fork City, such as the grading of the streetsand sidewalks, repairing and making bridges. Then Marshall Olson suggested that the city was in need of a night patrolman. All the Councilmen expressed themselves very favorable hardly enough perience took their part O. K. The singing was enjoyed by some, while others blushed and said they didnt like it. Gas in the Stomach. Belching and that sence of fullness bo often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The stomach fails to perform its functions and the food ferments. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder. to the proposition. They aid digestion and strengthen Council, on motion of Council- and invigorate the stomach and bowels. For sale by City Drug man Larsen, then adjourned. Store, Architect TsT. Davis of Provo Fred M. Cornaby and wife are at was over on Monday looking up home to their friends, having rebusiness in his line for the com- moved to their new and commodious home on the thirtieth. ing season. The Green h the pur of wool. James & So d:-t- NOTICE.. NOTICE.. The annual general meeting of tho stockholders of the Spanish Fork South Irrigation Company will be held In the city bull on Monday, the I2tb day of February, hMJ, at 2 o'clock p.m. for the election of officers, bearing the financial report, and transacting all other necessary business. OLIVER SWKN3EN, Sec. Spanish Fork, Utah, Jan. 21, IW0. Opposite Press Office, Spanish Fork, jclnln Trank City for tether ELiaslau : Joe 8 cresting til 1 Ut; Eurgl, C'.rk To California and Its Winter Resor Los Angeles Ocean Beaches Kiss Orange Grove Pasadena tl co Latin; At a ooinmls D. Tar asseeso ; CHAIR CAR - Paint ' Eight Co A. T I V Vice-Preside- p Impur-Bloo- rt, liuuaiuuuuiiuiuuiuuiiiiiiiuiuiuuuuiiiiiuuuuiuii e. REVIVO GOT P1IC hauling tho wa man be gravel. . The aaaocla protect Lake grafter Ther fcl cf as Oaca frlnter ftln end, b jilnfu! Roy Crand a, box f r lie The mm "yello fruit ( A I cty c lalice l th t i rMn The : ;arbl tyene t line ( jortl "astn Uta Ci rai cl cb txd : ' r ara C.'ee i Joh convl count 1904, rente the c Ilai ur Window! t 1 vaatlgi b.rvoua-Bms- c t hi end Emm - 1 it one FniiNOn n33MZ!DT So kll ts the: 0 ' ct Davie . , ' - t ret Cc.'st Ideal Time to Visit the Pacific' Niels Peterson, agent of the HOTIC TO CBEDITOBS toad, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Route, has returned to Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Benjamin, Utah county, work. He and Mrs. Peterson have State of Ctab, on or before the 2d day of June, 1W0. CO days in California and Makt JabiCbatwj.v, tree'll ,ppent The Relief Mining property is Mrs. Harward left this morning Administratrix. A. Sax who Mr. has Deseret. Sherwin-William- s it. Attorney. Huffman, Buggy being worked right along. A for her home in California; ber First publication Feb. 1, tWfl. been here in Mr. Peterson's place, is made for from 8 10 In to the of men Court Mrs. accomAlfred District Fourth the Judicial Rees, painting mother, gang averaging buggies. Is also well suited District of the State of Utah, sitting in and will leave for parts unknown. for porch and lawn furniture. have been working there since the panied her as far as Ugden. Stands most for Utah county. Probate Division. In Ke Estate of John S. Thomas, deceased. severe outside of December. ' KOTICB TO CBKD1TOHS exposure and hard wear. Try; our penny system. You 1st Good looks bring happiness. Creditors will present claims with vouchers A glos3 paint of divitwice worth the cave money the undersigned ut Spanish Fork. Utah Saturday evening, Feb, 3rd, the Friends care more for us when we to of Utah, on or before the 2Mh State county, great durability dend pi your shares in the big co1 iio.mas. High School will present the sen- meet them with a clean, smiling day of June, 1S0A. Pbatt P.Administrator. and splendid covoperation, When you deal with us sational drama, entitled. The Bank face, bright eyes sparkling with A. Saxev, Attorney. ering capacity. First publication Jan. 25, ll06. we deliver goods to your homes Cashier. The colors are Everybody come out and health, which comes bv taking Dont let the the dealer take care assist in a good cause, clear, clean and DEMMjtE.M M)I1CK. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The Martha Mining A Milling Company, prinPut up. bright. of you, you take care of yourself Ask your druggist. cipal place of business at Benjamin, Utuh counGuss Carlson of Salem returned 35c, inconvenient ty. Utah. when you deal with G.O. Eiriksson. NOTICE There are dcltmiuent upon the folsized packages, home from bis sheep herd for a described stock on account of AssessHave you been betrayed by lowing No. 7. of I mill per share was lev led on ment ready for use. e friends made long needed rest. The sheep are promises of quake, swallowed pills the 22d day of Nov. liwft, tho several amounts About twenty-fivset opposite the names of the respective sharegood a pleasant surprise upon Jos. Han- grazing on the western desert. He and bottle mediciue without results holders as follows: shades. Name Amount last residence bis sen at O. Dedrlckson g 4 10 Thureday reports sheep doing well. Plenty except a damaged stomach. To T. lit sell it Win. Kockhill 75 8 55 those we offer Hollister's Rocky C. W. Mewnrt night. A number of new games of snow and feed. Arvllla Me art 5 65 were played. At 12 oclock all 0 fto 85 cents. Mountain Tea. Ask Trlssa M. Yates Methii6ala fto Hawkins was all bet Emily right, you were Beated around the table to parAlice Klx Miller 2 fto druggist. your Caleb 5fl For on old soul balance a Hone, No. II was Assessment he, good Caleb Hone, on Assessment No. take of a delicious supper after M Oh In Beam-soAnd he would be living yet, accordance with law and an order of n Our young friend, George which singing and reciting were They say the board of directora. made on the 27d duv of Had he taken Rocky Mountain has set a good example to Nov.. Igoft, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold ut indulged in. Tea. Ask your druggist, public uuction In front of Dnvld Hone A Sons COMMERCIAL BANK OF SPANISH FORK matrimonially inclined youug men store, ut Benjamin. Utuh. on the 1st duv of 2 luurt. ? o'clock at p. m., to pay the delinA very pleasant surprise party by buildiug a good substantial quent assessment thereon, together with the Weakened maa need systems brick residence which is now oc- cost ol advertising and expense of sale. was held at the home of Henry . Capital, ; $25,000.00 Fhamk MATI.KT, Secretary. wholesome, melloXv liquor ture, in wife. himselfaud last Wednesday eveuing cupied by Young Tilley, I. W. HARPER Whisky 2E Henry Ourdner, President John Y. Smith, men go and do likewise. Use your HOLUSTf AS honor of Miss Alice Tilley, organ- thats kind the used. 1 B. A. Mountain grandfather your Cashier. Rockhill, Tea Nuggets : ist of the First ward choir. The spare time gathering together Rocky Sold A Bmy Muliolst lor Bniy Ptoplt. Wren. by Joseph affair was gotten up by members of building material to make a borne. We respectfully solicit the accounts of banks, mercantile fir' Bringi Ooldts Health and Btntwta Vigor. A stwlfle for to show their .the choir and individuals. appreciation Constipation, Indigestion. Live j On Tuesday last the 25th ind Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Ecreins, Fcr a good time go to the "SpanBad Breath, Hltiggtsli Bowels, Headnch of her faithful services. Ample resources; courteous treatment; superior service. Every ish Cafe." Fresh Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In taboysters and re- auniversury of Henry Cornaby'e end let form, 85 rents a bo, (ienulnn made by thing done was of an impromtu na- -' freshments of all description birthday was the occasion of n Hoi kt rit loom CoMtu.NV, Madison, Win, ' ture, and consisted of singing, reci- -' f?R SALLOW PEOPLE and ail equipment gathering of the Curuuby family service, Prompt tations playing games, etc. One Open after dances, when Mrs. Mamie Cornaby demonfeature which caused much merriSoanish Fork, strated her ability ns a first class restores vitality ment was the Kangaroo court. A Opposite postoilice, cook and hostess by preparing an Utah. heard Promise suit of whs "Breach ditiner after which the Ann Elizabeth Dart of Spanish elegant where a young man was tried was spent in sociul enjoyeveuing WeI1 Man N for an offence, of which the Judge Fork, has commenced suit for ment. turned out to be the guilty party. divorce against Fred E. Dart on THt of Me. . Latest scrip system in Spanish OXISA.T The Judge in his eagerness to con-yi- the ground of iruety consisting of the defendant, was judge and striking, choking and threatening Fork: Customer to store superinthe above reanlts in SO day. II artt end quickly. Curve when all others fait. prosocator both, an l hud to tie re- to kill plaintiff and falsely accus- tendent How do you sell your their lost manhood, and old minded by the defendant's attorney ing her of unchastity, mid for fail- cheese? Store Supt. 15c per lb. men will rvcossr ibeir youthful Visor by using ItLVIYO. II quickly and surely restores , "several times that there was a ure to provide. Plaintiff asks for Customer I'lease sell me 12 Urn. Lovl Vitality, Imputencr. Nightly EmlaaloDS, Lovi Power, Ealllns Memory, Wssllns Dlarases.and II affects of self abuse or sieves and Indiscretion, prosecuting attorney in the house. the custody of three minor childreu, Supt Are you a dealer or a cus- Which an&Uonvforstudy.buelDvssortnarriasa. it counfees and I costs will Ililt Bol Customer defeudautg tomer? be alimony, attorney only cure by startins st ( he seal of d lavaav, but "Attorney your Ussrval nervotnnlo and blood bringtgffinxemri-rw- x sel, was a surprize to the court umi The parties were married at Salem, customer if you treat me right ing bach Ibe pink glow to palo builder, checks and rathe off Insanity Cro wards of la yontb. tting I every one else and we advise the Nov. 21, I9i0. Provo Kuquirer. Supt. The cheese is 15o per lb. tad CoosumpUnq, insist oh bavins ItLVlWHos etbtr, it can be earned la vest pocket. Dy mall "boys to employ him when in Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Dart wish to hy taking one pound ut a time only. IA)Operpa. kasa.or six lor Sank with a po livq written guarantee to cure or refund trouble, us ho will always "clear assure their friends that the above But for 12 lbs. tukeu at one time th ameer, tl.h and free Addrc-- s MiuiciMi co, (Sgajjacr does not apply to them. them.! cost H'o a pound. down-to-dut- fel Colo., h that am j I C Hoy Catalina San Pedro & all wl'--h t;3, FREE RECLINING Feb-ruur- y. w ei :ie t:rsd I and Guardianship Notices. Palatial Vestibuied Train leaves Salt Lake at 8:30 p. m. daily. Obscm; Consult County Clerk or the respective sign- Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and Dining Car. ers for further Information. In the Dlatrict Court of theHf'ouTtlTTudlclai District, sitting tn and for Utah county Probate Division. Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions or writi In Re estate of Thomas Herbert, deceased, and Mary Jane Herbert, deceased. J.L. Moore, District Passenger Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt LakeBi Probate In h City las Green Groceries in Season. The annual stockholders meeting of the Spanish Fork Ea- -t Bunch Irrigation and Manufacturing Company will be held in the city hall, Spanish Fork City, on Monday, February 5th, 1W6, at 11 o'clock a. tn., for the purpose of hearing the annual linanuial report of the board, for the election of a president, two trustees and a treasurer for the ensuing two years: and the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the meetNICHOLAS SMITH, Secretary. ing. Spanish Fork, Utah, Jan. 25, iyo. i The p FURNITURE DEALERS Sexton, Nicholas 90( I-i- KARTELL' CLAR J. S. Lewis m been Tl d a fltg waa I the i Jnrloi A I tablli , ir Rh Judg 3y a jnklt |