Show Salt Lake Is Headquarters A permanent organIzation of the See America League composed of the representatives of western states municipalities and commercial bodies was completed Friday afternoon by tho election of an executive commit toe Fisher S Harris secretary of the Salt Lake Commercial club was made secretary and In a general way ho will have charge of the See AmerIca Amer-Ica campaign Salt Lake was made the temporary headquarters of the league The executive committee Is I empowered to change the permanent location of the headquarters but In view of the fact that a Salt Lake man Is the executive head of the association associa-tion It Is probable that the permanent headquarters will be located tn Zion where the Seo America First Idea originated The executive committee Is composed com-posed of the following David Starr Jordan president Leland Stanford Jr university Palo Alto Cal Rob ort L McCfrmlck secretary Weyerhaeuser Weyer-haeuser Timber syndicate Tacoma Wash T B Walker banker and business man Minneapolis Minn David R Francis St Louis Mo former for-mer secretary of tho Interior and former for-mer president of tho Louisiana Purchase Pur-chase exposition Irving Howbert banker and business man Colorado Springs Colo Nathan C Schafor Harrisburg Pa president of tho National Na-tional Educational association The executive committee will havo general charge of the See America First campaign It will map out tho publicity plan will select a seventh member will select its own officers except tho executive secretary and will dictate tho policy of tho entire movement In selecting the committee commit-tee especial pains wero taken to choose men of national reputation who are not Involved In politics or In the railroad business |