Show Battle Between Union and NonUnlon Miners Goldflcld Nov Jack Glneau Is dead and George Colo a member ot the legislature from Nyo county wag shot through the arm as the result ota ot-a pitched battle between union and nonunlon miners at Cliffords ten miles from Stone Cabin on tho Manhattan Man-hattan road Sheriff Tom Logai placed eight nonunion men who nrq charged with perclpltatlng the trouble under arrest George Cole who was for years president of the Delamai Miners union went to Cliffords the scene of a strike to Interview miners charged with working for less than 5 the scale A man named Hlralss is Bald to have opened fire shooting Colo through tho arm and Glneau throng the lungs A pitched hand to hantl battle ensued which concluded with the escape of the nonunion men |