Show COSSACKS WERE FORCED TO FLY The Revolutionary Army Met With Success at First But it Did Not Last Triumphs of the Insurgents Waq Short Lived as They Surrendered at First Threat of Bombardment of the Town St Petersburg Tho novspa pars publish Interesting accounts received re-ceived by mail of tho disorders in thud smaller cities of tho Interior during tho period of armed revolt many ot which passed unnoticed nt the tlmo owing to tho Interruption of telegraphic tele-graphic communication In a number I of instances the troops wore defeated and driven out of the towns or forced to surrender At Sotssl on the Black sea eighty Cossacks of tho garrison who attempted at-tempted to disperse a gathering in the market place wero routed by thu revolutionists and forced to Hoc to their barracks outside tho town whero they were regularly besieged Tho Insurgents brought up an old cannon can-non from tho port and bombarded the barracks for two days with such of feet that the Cossacks were forced to J surrender The triumph of the revolutionists was shortlived however for a torpedo torpe-do boat destroyer arrived from Bat toum and tho population at tho first threat of a bombardment hastened ta liberate the prisoners and to deliver up their arms as well as tho funds of the city treasury which had been taken tak-en to the mountains |