Show DONE IN BROWN Very effective Is a brown broadcloth redlngote suit the coat of which reaches to within four inches of the edge of the walking skirt The coat is I lined throughout with white taffeta and it buttons up single breasted with n dozen velvet buttons trimmed with silver in the dark antique an-tique effect It is open up the back of the skirt nearly to the waist line and Is fitted with three tabs and three buttons by which is may be fastened together It has hip pockets this Jaunty garment gar-ment and stitched velvet facings finish the collar and cuffs An Inlaying of white broadcloth further adorns the collar The seams of this garment which nt the front replace the darts are carried straight up to the shoulders and the corresponding seams In the back of course Join them exactly This Is altogether smart and tallory in effect Philadelphia Record |