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Show To get rasdy for winter ... " pur en? needs this check-up! I I '-Freeze d I Getting your car in shape for the change of new-action oil cleans out engine soot and dirt, season also starts with a change of oil. Always Utoco's new-action actually can add miles to a famous fighter against engine wear, UTOCO engine life and is especially effective in im- HD-M Motor Oil with its new additives, fights proving valve life and lifter operation. Change harder than ever against engine-ruining acids, to Utoco HD-M Motor Oil. ' and engine-clogging sludge. This remarkable With these Utoco services, you're sure your car has the jJ care and attention it needs most in the fall. And your f f Utoco station is ready to provide these services now. I U I J V I More W... with HT0(0! HP UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY Would You Like GAS HEAT? Co P. G. 33 II for Dei ails HASMUSSEN HEATING and VENTILATING CO. 79 South Main Pleasant Grove UTAH OIL PRODUCTS ARE TOPS For Prompt Delivery in This Area-Tel. 78 Am. Fork STEPHEN R. MURDOCH DISTRICT DISTRIBUTOR N0W.Jfthefnes$ sfmight bourftori. tiai ever came out tfMritiieki BRAND. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY g! ipj keniucky sfknooK Ipgi? 4J BLENDED 5. 4 WHISKEY ggg BOTH 86 PROOFS; KENTUCKY BLENDED-WHISKEY CONTAINS 65X GRAIN" NEJJTRAL.SPIRITS ; THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KY. mm, -s&k3rw If:: mi When you travel Union Pacific, you rest as you ride in llifilll Cw'; wide, roomy, comfortable seats. There is plenty of space II Ell j 't. & y. I "'''J- r- :'f B YlS-i to stretch out and to stroll about. And you'll like the JLJL-.;;g. congenial atmosphere of the Club or Lounge Car. One of j fr '" t.ry j the highlights of your trip will be those delicious dining v'' -' f-i"-1l - ' UiiijimiiMiVs11"1"1"111 1 t car meals of your choice. Union Pacific chefs cater to f J Zis''iU your every taste with such delights as the October dining ; f M-f tt 7" U X car feature tender, tasty Fried Chicken. J2 V.':"p1SW Yoor novel F X ' |