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Show I , it ii ..... n : j i v - ; ; it u ; il . ' Vv'r M! .. : ' . rf ! ,';! I -v- ! r--.. I d I r M Mr. and Mrs. Kay Fraughton Marlene Laycock, Kay Fraughton Married at Home Saturday Evening er of the groom, wore black. Their matching corsages were of talisman roses. Garth T. Read was master of ceremonies for a short program with Mrs. Clarence A. Grant reading original lines, Jerry and Frank Fraughton playing ac-cordian ac-cordian numbers, and dances by Marilyn Fraughton, Ida Beth and Sharon Newman. Pauline Brown cared for the guest book, the gift display was arranged by Mrs. Marvin Lay-cock, Lay-cock, L'Dean Okey, and Arlene Harris who were assisted by Loye Brown, Larene Cleghorn and Barbara Wagstaff; and refreshments refresh-ments were served by JoAnn Scholes, Shirley Hoggard and Carma Greenwood. The newly married couple will make a home in Pleasant Grove. The groom is employed in government gov-ernment work. (American Fork CITIZEN In a quiet ceremony Saturday evening at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Bert Laycock, their daughter daugh-ter Marlene became the bride of Kay Fraughton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oral L. Fraughton, Pleasant Grove. Bishop Ferril M. Soren-son Soren-son of the First Ward officiated in the presence of the two immediately im-mediately connected families. Following the ceremony the bride's parents were hosts at a reception in the First Ward Church. The brunette bride was lovely in nylon lace over slipper satin styled with fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves, and round neck outlined in seed pearl trim. A matching lace cap secured her finger tip veil of illusion and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and white carnations. Margorie Gordon, maid of honor, and bridesmaids, Carol Briggs, Carol Fraughton, sister of the groom and Virginia Gib-bany, Gib-bany, wore identical frocks of light and dark green and carried pink and white carnation bouquets. bou-quets. DeAnna Laycock and Marilyn Fraughton, small sisters sist-ers of the couple, were flower girls. Their floor length frocks were of torquoise and teel blue. Sherman Fraughton supported his brother as best man. Mrs. Laycock appeared at her daughter's wedding in steel gray and Mrs. Fraughton, moth- |