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Show t R 0 V E THEATRE Friday and Saturday October 16 and 17 f WARDROBE HINTS 0 from your x Sniiifonc Dry Cleaner . , few e X Jl ' l X V ' ; Lint on dark clothes can be ' quickly and easily removed by wrapping Scotch Tape around V . k your hand and brushing lightly. . I When traveling you can re- -, move those "suitcase wrinkles" . ?: -; bv hanging your garments in the t I I . . Friday and Saturday t:-: rTonv of ';;JACt MOORE! ..'AiiNER Bros. colo. byTechnicolor starring kathrYN I GRAYSON I CLASSIFIED HOUSEWIVES wanted. Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. Write National Engraving. Waferton, Mass. NEW DANCING Classes starting start-ing soon, Call 4616, Donna Meier, 532 South 3rd East, P.G. FOR RENT 3 room home, Bath and gas, unfurnished, inquire 339 E. 2nd N. or phone 2785 WANTED Apple Pickers, will pay 25c per bushel for picking, bring- your picking. bag, call 3184. Pleasant Grove, average size trees, good picking. FOR SALE Baby Buggy, Also Rabbits, Mrs. R. H. Brown, 631 North, 5 East, Phone 4271. P. G. ORDER NOW for Xmas, Doll Clothes hand made to fit your doll, See complete wardrobe. 190 ' East 2nd South, or Phone 4304. bathroom and turning on the hot t j water.Thesteamproducedmakes & J them disappear like magic. ,-j- It's the easy way to keep your clothes f looking like new. All dirt removed, L spots out, even perspiration gone. f V And a perfect press that really lasts. R-16 See for yourself the difference our I 'j Sanitone Service makes. Call today! j ELLISON CLEANERS American Fork, Phone 132 Pleasant Grove, Phone 2952 ':1V GRir'Fili-JCAN WEL DON -WALIER ABEL .GoE:ARY DeCAMP-JEFF DCNMELL VSiss SCRtr'i PL" Br PRODUCED BT D'RECTTD BY Ki KHMBtf UBS VM MB ! "Sort I I "m-g-m x ; hilariously . f s J presents Sfv tr- ; pius EXCITEMENT ALL THEWAYgg I Matinee Sat. 3 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday October 18, 19, and 20 "77 Fred Astajre CYD CKiRISSE Matinee Sun. 3 pm STARTING OCTOBER 21 "Mr. Scoutmaster" Plus "Below the Sahara' Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE One large size baby crib, Phone 5146. FOR SALE 19-10 Dodge IV2 ton Stake truck, new motor, also 300 Savage Rifle, Phone 3206. FOR SALE Colored Roasting Chicken killed on order, Custom Plowing, phone 2411. FOR SALE" 2 SADDLES and a Trailer, Phone 2634. FOR SALE Banana Apples, Phone 2634. COAL Lump and Oil, Treated Slack, Best quality at reasonable reason-able rates, Deliveries, any amount. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday W M-G-M'S e ' Top '' . x TECHNICOLOR . 1 Musical! v I pi .-'''..-' I - , - HEAR1 ..... i .,-. .;. u 3 A'i- j&sjTtJ 01 ET2- SCHWARTZ k " I'Uf'a sons hits jj-'fiT AV v "... from ' FrrD STMRE Cyd Charisse DSCM LEViJir - HAKEnX FABHW-IKK BUCHHUH FOR LEASE GROCERY STORE AND MEAT MARKET Northwest Provo Parking Air Conditioned Call Calvin N. Christensen after 4 p.m. 4727J Provo fimoAt BlfffeM Know jvct; xyiv-itj, j. j WANTED New and Used Car Salesman, apply at Roy J. Brown Motor Co., Studebaker Dealer, Am. Fork. FOR RENT 3-Room Partly Furnished Fur-nished Apt. Non-smokers, Phone Sunday - Monday - Tuesday Oct. 11, 12, 13 ft..--- ........i.t.i.tAiAAAAAAAlUA Si" y-jj an ounce of protection is t; worth a pound of cure f t i , . , 1 , , , , .-4 RtW(MliBiii -j jK!S!,tl ISlScSS 2204. WILL TEND CHILDREN IN YOUR HOME OR MINE, Days, Phone 4732. THREE ROOM APARTMENT Gas Heat, Vivian Bezzant, Phone 4702, 60 East 2nd South, PG. FOR SALE- -Building Lots, located locat-ed on new oiled road, gas available, avail-able, shade trees, near church and school, Phone 3204. FOR SALE Model. 97 Winchester Winches-ter Shotgun, Phone 4793. PIANO and ORGAN LESSONS, Taught in my home, Donna Wright, 90 North, First East, Pleasant Grove, Phone 2511 INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH ROCK WOOL & save up to 40 on your coal bill See John S. Green for information. Phone 4422. MMMWWWWWW1 -- , Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday October 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 lAUIV-A - FiiJLIP CAREY RITA MOStNQ MINI -HiWHAK .JECHNICOLUK. tttwrmwi .ETunw Satin Sunday - Monday Tuesday Oct. 18, 19, 20 Gary Cooper Doris Day iix The 111 mmw . Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday October 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 H. Boggart in gfiv HIGH SIERRA afe Midnite SIioY7-Fri.-Sat.-0ct. 23. 24 OCTOBER Clearance Sale 1949 Pontiac Dlx 6 1045 I 1949 Plymouth Tudor 6 895 1952 Pontiac Ch 8 Dlx 2195 1951 Cher Tudor 1395 1951 Ford Tudor Sed Cus 1 395 1948 Ford Fordor V-8 695 1947 Pontiac Fordor Dlx . 695 1940 Studebaker, a good 40 model 150 ALL MODELS MUST GO Lowest Prices Ever Paul L. Harmon Co. Yoirr Pontiac Dealer American Fork, Utah ph. 555 : l , r M f ' ) Your home will be happier . . . your whole family ' healthier the day you install insulation. Here's why: f V Over-heating and chilling are contributing causes of the ( ' common cold and you stop uneven temperatures once V and for all with quality insulation, properly applied. ? In addition, you may save money on cold remedies and , . ,. C you certainly will save money on fuel bills . . . savings that will more than meet the cost of this wonderful home ., improvement. Call us today for free estimates. , tNo down payment. Terms as low as... tJ Month Balsam-Wool Guaranteed Insulation Jm humeri and popular mineral-fill types 1JPLAN$ ' 0. & & & 'T - 53 WEST MAIN AMERICAN FORK PHONE 26 STOP DRINKING Write P. O. Box 113, Pleasant Grove, Utah. USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET BUD-GET PLAN for Auto, fire, liability, lia-bility, glass, burglary insurance. JESS MONSON INSURANCE AGENCY. 921 E. 1st N. - Tel. 5591 FOR SALE NEW CLARINET, Mrs. Frank Hudson, phone 4383. FOR SALEOIL HEATER, Like New, Cheap, Phone 2462 or 685 East Fourth North. WILL DO CUSTOM CORN and HAY CHOPPING, New Gehl chopper, chop-per, Bill Hunter, Phone 3120. FOR RENT DUPLEX, Call 4531 Wayne Holman. CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED, Call Lowe Peterson. Peter-son. Am. Fork, Ph. 306-M. USED AUTO PARTS Tires, Batteries, Bat-teries, Radios, etc. AUTO SALVAGE, SAL-VAGE, 20 West Center, P. G. TELEVISION IS BETTER THAN EVER See your local friendly GE Store for the best GE, Syl-vania, Syl-vania, RCA and Sparton Paul's Appliance, corner Main and Center Cen-ter streets Phone 3512. VACUUM CLEANER SERVICE All work guaranteed, L. L. I ' Anderson. Phone 4733. |