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Show i CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION TO CITY GOVERNMENT - - , . ' I . C;V ' t : r & ' : I fe. ' V - ' A i i - . . ' ; ' r. , V 7 4 3' ; ' i itkj AWu mr,n .ttmT i,,,.,, .i.J.MwaT.toJ..faW,i t&nmktt . . . i PEOPLES l'AKTY Peoples Party candidates for Councilmeai are left, Ford Paulson, and right, Joseph Beveredge, while candidate for Mayor is George C. iSmitli. oters arc reminded that last day to register to vote in the. coining election elec-tion is set for Wednesday, October 27. P '' 7 ' f , J - , . - ' ; y cf 71 . f lf ; j '1 M- ' : V ' ' it J - V , s ' Y ) ' ! ' 5 ; . - ' I . , a Alii IMMI iMtrillirTill'VlftBr"'-'-"-1-" - 7" .- JU, f . '.:m.-- fejl CITIZENS PARTY Robert Holdaway, candidate for Councilman, Lewis Wells, running for Mayor, and Ed Roberts, Mvkiug Councilman post, are all candidates of (iti.ens Tarty in i-lection. |