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Show KIDS WIN PRIZES Nothing to Buy Nothing to Sell Win Foo'.bolls, Basketballs, Dolls, guns, etc. This Weeks Winner DENNIS McAFFEE Who Won a Football. COME IN TO THE Paul L. Harmon Co. FOR YOUR ENTRY BLANK rKIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1953 STTHCS BC2AC3D Meets Every Home Demand STAR FLOUR MILLS AMERICAN FORK. UTAH The BANKER'S STORY I 1r!L I &y LENING OUT A SAFE PORTION OF V I DEPOSITORS' fMONEY, BANKS ) 1 QJTff CREATE ADDITION - A (m'bL deposits I u.J M:K MtJTs principle pC OF THE fL jL -J- --C FftACTIONAL yZp- RESERVE " SYSTEM, BY WHICH f J-Lii ::, THE BANKING SYSTEM AS A ' r' ' H UNIT "CREATES "MONEY s--ti t IS. THE BASIC INGREDIENT - . i I jf OF OUR ECONOMY We are ready and anxious to loan money for any good purpose. Come in and talk it over with our officers. . . BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Two For One V Plus One Penny Rexall c SALE , Shaving Aids Medicine Chest Rexall Shaving Cream it YJ i Ji Needs Brushless or lather Gives speedy laT tt H B "slick-as-a-whistle" shaves at a H H W Rexall Pro-Cap bargain price, 39c 2 for 40c Adhesive Tope 1 t sticks better, stays put longer, lL g S iff 'S Psitive,y less irritating. 1 in. B HM 1 B X 5 ydS' 39 2 fr 40 I I m B 0 in x 10 yds 39c 2 for 40c Fresh, manly scent, $1.10 Tri-wide roll, cut in., V2 in., 2 for $1.11 . in., x 5 yds., regular 59c Vitamin Values 2for60c Rexall Bay Rum . , . After-shave lotion and skin Rexall Diealeium Phosphate Rexall Mercurochrome freshener; made from the fin- with calcium gluconate and yl0- 2 solution, oz. bottle with est imported distilled oil of Bay EaCh capS"? SUppbeS applicator, 25c 2 for 26c leaves. Pint, 59c 2 for 60c 13 Jhe minimum da. y requirement require-ment of calcium, 15 the re- Rexall Toothache Drops . . quired phosphorus and twice the Toiletry Tips required viosterol ( Vitamin D2) for temporary relief of pain ' r An excellent supplement to the ,cauf ? ,by dentaI cavitles- In" llasol Hand Lotion diets of expectant and nursing ena foruuse only mtl1 a den' A non -sticky, fastdrylng hand mothers . . and for any one tlst can be consulted. Large lotion. Smooths and softens lacking in calcium, phosphorus Slze 2 for 36c hands after exposure to weather and Vitamin D. 100's. $1.24 or water. Excellent as a powder 2 for $1.25 Rexall Corn Solvent base and cuticle softener. 8 oz. . For the Painless removal of 79C 2 for 80c Rexall Panovite corns and skin calluses. Dis- With Minerals courages infection. oz., 35c Mascal's Hand Lotion a single capsule gives you all 2 for 86c A smoothing, softening lotion the vitamins with known mini- that combats the roughening ef- mum daily requirements plus ofOTIOI16ry j feet of wind and water. Ideal minerals Plus valuable a- . j as an after-shave lotion. Pint mounts of calcium, cobalt, cop- Retractable Ball Point Pens j 69c 2 for 70c per, iodine, iron, manganese, press clip to Press a&ain j magnesium, molybdenum, phos- to retrat. Easy writing with- j Mescal's Hand Cream phorus, potassium, and zinc. ou sklPPm&- New non-smear mascaisnana ueom lon-q -S4 iq 2for54 20 ink will not stain or fade. Black A greaseless, vanishing cream luu s- lor with gold cap and clip. Uses that softens and smooths rough . standard refill, $1.29 2 for $1.30 I skin. Offers protection from Rexall T ! weather when used as powder Brewer's Yeast Tablets i R .. I base. 6'i oz., 59c 2 for 60c Supply valuable amounts of Vi- Lira ,MIore tamin Bl and B2 at nominal rlaymg Cards ( n... m... . . - nr,Vo wn oso 9 fnr qqi Bridge, Poker, Pinochle; single ! CALVIN MILLS' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP Pleasant Grove, Utah at 690 North, 6th West Tune-up Brake Jobs Wheel Packing Motors Electric Motor Winding n3 OTHER SET GIVES YOU PICTURE DEPENDABILITY LOW REPAID UPKEEP CABERET SELECTION POWER TONE QUALITY TWO TYPE CHASSIS AND ECONOMY AS DOES PACKARD BELL Sold and SERVICED by Don's Home Supply 96 SOUTH MAIN, PLEASANT GROVE i I .A-wuve complexion 3oap . deck; choice of colorful backs; 1 Large 312 in. x 2 in. cake. extra long-lasting, 95c 2 for 96o Gives creamy-rich lather, ideal HOT GrOOfH DUyS for skin care, 10c 2 for 11c Commercial Envelopes Klenzo Hair Brush White, for home use; 3-58 in. Adrienne Foam Rubber Sturdy nylon bristles will wear x 6 in., 10c pack 2 for He ' Powder Puff indefinitely. Professional or Cloud-soft. Lasts so much long- half-round style. Choice of blue BuVS for Rnhl&K ' er ... just" wash to restore like or pink handles, $1.00 2 for $1.01 TOr DOOfeS new, 10c 2 for 11c ' Rexa Poymu,sion Rexall Hair Oil a pleasantly flavored liquid con- Dental Needs Keeps that well groomed look taining Vitamins A, C, D, Bl, all day. Cherry-red liquid with and B2; mixes readily with Rexall Ammoniated masculine scent. 4 oz. 29c baby's formula, fruit juice, etc., Tooth Powder 2 for 30c ?3-59 2 for $3.60 Helps prevent tooth decay when Plastic Rattail Comb Rexall Stork Nurser used after eating. Licensed by or men's dress or pocket comb, the complete feeding unit- nip- the University of Illinois Foun- 10c 2 for 11c pIe duplicates natural feeding. datum. 3 oz., 43c 2 for 44c 8.0Z. bottIe calibrated in cc's or r0vii cit a Sicfc Room Needs ozs- Rubber aP keeps niPPie Kexall Self-Acting sterile. Easy to use. simply heat Dental Plate Cleaner Victoria Hot Water Bottle and remove cap, 35c 2 for 36c Easy, fast. 7 oz. 69c 2 for 70c Smooth finish, high quality rubber; rub-ber; molded in one piece. 2-qt. Nursery Castile Soap Rexall Dental Floss size. Share this buy with a pure, mild, non-irritating; 3-oz. 30 yds. 2 for 26e friend and you both get one at bar, 19c for 20c half price. Reg. $2.39 2 for $2.40 Rexall Petrofol Mineral Oil ?py Porno;- A highly refined mineral oil Victoria KeXOU Remedies that is tasteless, odorless, color- Combination Syringe Rexall Nose Drops less, non-habit-forming. Action Hot water bottle and fountain A few drops give effective re- is gentle but thorough. Non- syringe. 2-qt. capacity, regular lief from minor congestion and fattening. Pmt 59c 2 for 60c $3.19 2 for $3.20 irritation of the mucous mem- . branes of the nose which ac-ChristmaS ac-ChristmaS Needs Rexall Foot Powder company a cold. Make breath-Relieves breath-Relieves burning and smarting, ing easier. 1 oz. 49c 2 for 50c Xmas Tree Icicles absorbs perspiration and de-Lead de-Lead foil strands 16 in lonp-'fin Stl'ys 0c'ol's 1 ' gives tinSlin' Rex0" Cold Sore Lotion . to pkt 10c 9 f g',f refreshing feeling to tired, burn- Relieves and helps dry out cold tor lie ing feet 4 oz in handy ciispen. sores. Combines the soothing, r, . Ker 30c 2 for 40c protective properties of benzoin t-hnstmos Cards, Tags, Seals and camphor with the drying Choice of gift enclosure cards Monreole Olive Oil ' properties of alcohol. 14 oz. decorative seals, or strung cards finest quality, imported. Guar- 29c 2 for 30c luc 2 for 11c anteed to be the pure virgin oil r of choice, selected olives; excel- Rex-Rub Cascade Xmas Gift Paper lent for cooking and salad dress- A stimulating rubbing solution Choice of colorful Yuletide de- ings, marvelous for hot oil treat- that helps relieve muscular signs. Package of two 20 in. x ments to scalp and hair. 12 aches and pains. Greaseless 6 30 in. sheets, 10c 2 for 11c oz., $1.19 2 for $1.20 oz. bottle, 89c 2 for 90c .SMITH DRUG CO. Ailrcrtitrment Ji From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Mj Modern Art Takes a 4 Licking! Did you know we had a real lot of folks -,'one fellow even artist in town? Yes sir! Handy wanted to buy it!" Jackson was a contributor to the From where I sit, Handy's Sculpture Exhibition at the "modern art" just shows how Cenlerville Fair last week. some people can be led astray. j His work was streaky pink and Sonic even get to be "experts" curved all around sort of especially about the other fel- streamlined. Caused quite a stir. low's business. Whether it's art 1 Nobody was sure what it was or mus'c, or a simple thing- like supposed to represent, but some choosing, say, beer or milk with liked it and thought it was good a snack we should live and let art Handy gave me the lowdown: live- There's no call for either of utit ... , , us to set ourselves up as a 'Why, it was nothing but a ., , . model for the other' piece of cattle salt our cows have been lickin' at for months. If I just had it mounted. Fooled a Yy 'W Copyright, 1953, United Stales Brewers Foundation I . CHEVROLET OWNERS: We are specialists in Front-end Alignment We have the only VISUALINER in Northern Utah County No one is more qualified to service and repair yoar car than an authorized Chevrolet Dealer, with Chevrolet schooled mechanics. Your Chevrolet Dealer alone, receives from the Chevrolet Chev-rolet manufacturer the latest methods and instructions on how to service your Chevrolet to give the utmost efficiency TIMPANOGOS MOTOR CO. Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Telephone 93 American Fork |