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Show Cadmus Club Met On Monday With Mrs. Adamson The regular meeting of Cadmus Club was held Monday evening, October 11, at the home of Mrs. Winnifred Adamson. President Carol .Taynes welcomed welcom-ed members and guest, Mrs. K. Paul Adamson. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Effio Adams. Mrs. Durena Warnick of the educational committee announced the program, "New England Folklore." Folk-lore." Mrs. Beulah Bradley told some interesting witch talcs. This is a part of our American History. The Puritan rulers persecuted all those who did not accept their brand of reigion, and put to death nineteen nine-teen persons in Salem, Mass., accusing ac-cusing them of witchcraft. Miss Margaret Hayes related "Tales of the Sea". She told of the ;;iini,L. .ivwi CMlnmhiis and Hen- rich Hudson; of the landing of the Pilgrims and of the Yankee Clipper. Clip-per. They were all dramatic stories stor-ies of the sea. Lovely refreshments were served ser-ved by 1 he hostess. Cadmus will meet again on Oct. 26, at the home of Mrs. Geneva Gibson. |