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Show Lions Sponsor Master of Illusion For Stake Tabernacle Benefit This is the last time the Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove Lions Club can invite you to the great Lee Grabel Mystery Mys-tery Show coming to the Timpan-ogos Timpan-ogos Stake Tabernacle next Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Pleasant Grove would not have the opportunity to see such an outstanding performance if it weren't for an up and coming Lion's Club President. The troupe is playing the larger cities and the club saw how it could do a service to the community and at the same time help the Stake Tabernacle Tab-ernacle fund. There is a wide variety of entertainment enter-tainment and lot of mystery. Just to mention one act, a girl is shot from a cannon. It is hoped that the recreation hall will be large enough to accomodate ac-comodate all who want to get in. Tickets are on sale now in each ofthe wards of the stake. The date, next Wednesday, 21st at the Stake Tabernale. |