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Show Smoke Expert Makes Flight S Studies Currents Over City GST. JOHN PERROT, gov- eminent smoke expert, who yesterday observed Salt Lake's smoke bank from an i airplane. i Causes of Murky Atmospheric Atmos-pheric Conditions Probed by New Methods. FLYING in a Curtiss biplane, G. St. John Perrott, the government smoke expert, who is. making a study of smoke abatement in Salt Lake, 3-esterday took samples 'in the smoke bank above the city. Mr. Per-rot Per-rot carried with him intricate apparatus apparat-us which has been especially constructed construct-ed for the study of smoke abatement here. This is the first time in history, according to the government authori- jagm j kYrXG in a Curtiss biplane, G. " ' i -WTO . x:Wil ftfftjfeJMeA... . . . ... "V . . , : : ties, that the airplane has been used for this purpose. Mr. Perrott flew first at an elevation eleva-tion of 3600 feet and made a study of atmospheric currents and smojtc conditions condi-tions at this height. He later covered tho 1500 and 800 foot elevations in similar manner. In each instance he carried with him vacuum jars and apparatus ap-paratus with which to secure and preserve pre-serve the smoke samples. Mr, Perrott is checking the theory that there is a sulphur dioxide blanket immediately above the smoke stratum and that this is responsible for the banking of the smoke. It is thought that the airplane will prove successful in furthering this study. Mr. Perrott will cover particularly the chemical aspects as-pects of the investigation. He will later also surcrvise the taking of an extended series of aerial photographs which will be used in conjunction with the work. 1 ' I was able to make a far better survey of the smoke bank than I had expected, y ' said Mr. Pcrrott last night, "and naturally a great deal better than is possible from the ground. Although we flew at a speed of ninety miles an hour, I made numerous observations that will, I believo, prove invaluable to our study. We are checking various theories with reference to Salt Lake's smoke trouble and feel certain that by the time our study is completed we shall be able to make recommendations that will do for Salt Lake what has been done in cities whose smoke problem prob-lem was more difficult than yours." |