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Show Interesting, Says Lewis. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Nov. 9. John L Lewis. HCtlng president of the United Mine Workers, refused to discuss the action ac-tion of the American Foderatlon of Tn-bor Tn-bor executive council tonight. When told of the declarations of the labor leaders, he remarked: "Very Interesting'" Pressed for thT probable effect of the action on tomorrow's meeting of the miners. Mr. Lewla said; 'T have no other comment to make." William Greon. secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers, who has been 111, is expected to arrive tomorrow In Indianapolis In-dianapolis from Denver. Kfforts to locate lo-cate him tonight, however, wore unavailing, unavail-ing, and officers of the workers said They did not know whether he had arrived or not. |