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Show LIGGETT BUG TO NORTHWEST Commander of Western Department De-partment of U. S. Army Ogden Visitor. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Nov. 9. Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett, commander of the western west-ern department, with headquarters at San Francisco, and the third ranking officer of tho United States army, was an Ogden visitor today from early this afternoon until midnight, when he left for Spokane and the northwest. The object of the trip Is for the purpose of inspection in the department. During the time General Gen-eral Liggett was in Ogden he was in conference with Brigadier Gejieral B. A. Poore. General Liggett said that there was no significance about his trip other than it was for the purpose of an inspection of the posts in the department. He said that this was the first opportunity he had to' cover the territory under his command. com-mand. He went into conference with General Poore, Colonel Glid, General Llg-gett's Llg-gett's aide, and First Lieutenant George T. Walker, aide to General Poore. Bert Crites, now a deputy in Sheriff BL C. Peterson's office and formerly the driver of the general's car in France, visited General Liggett at the Reed hotel. When Crites went to the conference room the general arose and walked to meet him and he gave him a hearty handclasp hand-clasp and introduced him to the other officers as "one of my best drivers." The general asked about Ogden and what was doing here for the boys out of the service. When he was informed of the excellent work being done by the American legion in helping the boys and their plans for the Armistice day celebration, cele-bration, General Liggett expressed great pleasure at the announcement. He said to Crites: "Please congratulate the Ogden post of the American legion for the fine showing show-ing they are making for the boys out of the service; also express my regrets to them that I cannot be here to Join them In the gTeat celebration on Armistice day." When General Liggett heard that J. Ray Ward, formerly a captain in the army, had been elected as city commissioner, he expressed hearty interest. Later in the evening Captain Ward heard of the general's presence In the city and he went to the Reed hotel, where he spent fifteen minutes with his former for-mer division commander. The general expressed his congratulations to the commissioner-elect. |