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Show j I A Line o' Type or Two i 'Lord, what fools these mortals V- ' -t 4 By 6. L. T. Perhaps It's Just as Well. I've sweated and struggled With Bergson's Le Riro; I've Meredith searched with a comb superfine; The reason'.' It seems so remarkably queer ., . That, your sense of humor's so different from mine! My head is still aching from James and from- Freud, From musty old pamphlets, from tomes, and bruelitlres. Say! won't you please, tell me, e'er faith Is destroyed, ' Why my sense of humor's so different from yours? UEOWULK. Concerning spiritualism, an Evanston pastor .avers that "there is danircr In meddling with what we do not understand." under-stand." But if man. a curious aiilmal, hat been deterred bv fear of the unknown, we should still be lighting our fires by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Iu a Manner of Wheezing. Sir: The prerevolutlonary Austrian national na-tional hymn was "Gott Erhalto Unsern Kaiser" (God Preserve Our Emperor). While God didn't exactly preserve the .'inperor, he canned him. so lo speak. CALCITKUSL'S, The purpose of tho renascent German .'lull of the U. C. Is "to glean tho best that the tierm.ni' language, art. literature, tnd music have to offer." That, if it on. eras modern stuff, should not cut into (heir evenings very heavily. Unusually Interesting Literary Note. (From the Omaha Bee.) Lord Huns. lay. who speaks at the Fon-taaaUa Fon-taaaUa on November 15, is accompanied by his wife. Luiy IMunkett, daughter of i dozen or more earls. "For discords make the sweetest airs." observed tile author of "Hudibras." Fspe-:ially, Fspe-:ially, we might supplement, the disc-:hprus disc-:hprus that come in Jugs, marked 'Music." Ye Ed Is Passing the Smokes. (From the Hellefourche Falrplay.) Tho editor of the Fairplay Is comparatively compara-tively young ut the job, and this week (India ii tnse!: up against a prooiein. tiiat Ji writing up his own wedding announee-nent. announee-nent. You know he can't very well say t lot of nice things about the groom and lis wife won't let him say the nice things ic thinks about tho bride, so about ail he manager oi tne editor of the Falrplay was Miss Bother MeDonell. of Camp Crook. . D.. daughter of D. EL MtJJonell, who was a well known pioneer of that country. coun-try. I Come In aud get your cigar. '"I believe," says Mr. Cotnpers. "that bolshevism in Russia began In prohlbl-tkm.' prohlbl-tkm.' Nbw and then Sam'l lets a golnp that Is worth hearing. He Do. Sir; Bpeefctag of the American Speech committee, my friend Jean deserves honorable hon-orable mention. Jean, who is cook In a lumber camp, remarked, while picking over a mess of cranberries: "Cranberry he make better apple sauce than prune she do." L C. "Linens and other valuables were the principal articles taken. The chief of police po-lice lives next door." Oshkosh Northwestern. North-western. Hey, Watson! Seasonal Signs. Mid-autumn skies, whiles gloomed, whiles crystal clear. Oft frosty hints of winter's fangs un- Hpped. The Lranleus gleaned, the orchards lornly leer. The fields of Ceres noble largess strij ped; The honnie birds to klnd!ler reclons led. The w lid geese surging south In clamorous clam-orous flight, The gray Bqutrla larder stored 'gainst months aead. The mns'rats' homes made smm and weather tight; Orion's radiant splendor new revealed. And toft aglcam the Pleiades hard by. Old Taurus, rampant, huge athwart the field. Mid ah the hosts that throng the autumn au-tumn sky; Hy lltiM thus plain, and others liko In sort. M Id -autumn's here and winter's at the door; Rut lest ths seasonable siens run short. Woe's me! another, hideous nnd more! A ruth'fs strike, by evil minds devised; The folk aghast before the monstrous wrong: Their ruler' pleas and warning?, too, despised: de-spised: But bide a bit the government Is strong. AJMBQ. In N-nv York tho longshoremen's strike Is reported broken. Will Mr. Prlggs oblige with a series. "Wonder What a Longshoreman Thinks About?' lU'UEAC ON II.I.KCItTlMACT. 4 JOY STREET. BOSTON, MA?SAHlKTTS. Telephone Haymarket 2:54. Swoorins Down Upon His Frey. Sir: lean Oiites has been appointed San Francisco?! first "My cop." Me made his first arrest when he flew to Alamedn f and brought hack a prisoner. Denlscns of the air are warned that Air Policeman dates will arrest anybody caught scoop-In scoop-In " up moonshine with the big dipper LARKY. "Women's wool knee warmers at thov afford excellent protection from the cola." Dei Moines gra. And prevent nny discomfort arising from the h. c. of ! 1 A Dauiol Como to .Tuilgniont. Sir, lteclslon of the supreme court in the caS 01 Condon vs. Village of Forest perk. :ts in. h: "The game of golf Is a healthful nnd harmless recreation of the same rlaas as lawn tennis and other like itames, which do not nitrnct crowds or tend to disorder or call for police supervision or regulation. regula-tion. has never been known to afreet in any Injurious way the public -health. I order, safety, or morals. The fact that the wnnic lias auraeiions which Induce nlayora lo practice It docs not chance lt character to an ninuscincnt or entertainment entertain-ment provided for the public. It s nnt n suhjecl for the exerelao of the police '"'I'ho supreme court of Illinois never hoard how It makes my father-in-law swear. . DOTJBLB ItAKUKU The promoters of the Hull Ull Icing Machine Ma-chine OO. may he Interested In (his, from l,e llelvldcre HopuMlenn: "jfai alia -e High-grade roan mUklag short horn bull. Pec llav Conlay." Havon't Thoy a License? (front the Spencer Newa-HeraM.) Doctor McGhtrrarian nnd ii brlda have tne i,st wishes of a host of frltnda for unallowed happiness. Thov appear to ho the United, except l H numoat ol atatas, Mine Workagt of America. Zaaio? Sir: 1 note hy the Mnrnhnlltnwn Tlniea- tapubllrnn that Br A lonnaon ot that nlnca raeonUy sola at auction a niimner of mules, C H. v. Strike III haste and repent In leisure. |