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Show Velvetone Finish Makes the lights and shadows in your Kodak picture standj out clear and sharp. Bring your films to the store and we will show you. SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. W. F. Bowerman, Manager. 271 Main, Near Broadway. To Have a Friend You Must Be a Friend i lUll "Neighborly Service" is the dominant Jjffl QhH spirit that one meets with on entering JjHli I HI this bank. You will find an atmosphere j I ffll of friendly helpfulness that comes of I y I 01 many years of successfully serving many jlffl ill individuals and firms. U 11 i We are true believers in this axiom: 1H Hi "To have a friend you must be a friend." 11 ill Our fcer? De pleased to have ill you place your business problems before Iffl If I them. They would like to help you Jpjj ill I solve them. This is a service we gladly j render to depositors and non-depositors iffl il l fr&an them in no way what- 1 yj II National Bank of the Republic, ll II SS. MAIN AND SECOND SOUTH III 111 I E. A. CULBERTSON", W. F. EARLS, H (HI ftS B President. Cashier. g d EASES S COLD WITHJNE DOSE 1 ' Pape 's Cold Compound ' ' then breaks up a cold in a few hours. Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Clear your congested head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Papers Cold Compound." which costs only a few cents at' any drug store. It acts without, with-out, assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape ;s! (Adv.) ill j llllll ill delicious- tempting dripping down tho Will III sides of a plateful of snowy-white mashed III 9 potatoes! And a slice of roast! Oh, such a 11 I ' ' Today this evening bring a friend and III I " 6'' ow" to ,wat T'le 03'al patrons call I I 111 I l Take home a Royal Cake. ill k THE ROYAL M 111 1 1 1 232 Main To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine (Tablets). It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W, Grove's signature sig-nature on each box. 30c. (Adv.) PROTECTION against chilling of the body; often a fore-ninner of colds, pneumonia and rheumatism. famous over half a century for its superior qualities. Every garment shaped to the figure and sruarantejsd not to shrink. Glastenbury Two-Piece, and Union Suits, Flat Knit Spring-Needle Underwear are made in fifteen grades, several weights of fine wools, worsteds and merino. Adjustable drawer bands on all two-piece grades Natural Gray Wool, winter weights in four. Prices qualities Natural Cray Wool, super weights in two r ? to7"00 qualities Natural Gray Worsted effect, medium weight '. J Per Garment For Sale by Leading Dealers OTTENHEIMER COMPANY i Wholesale Distributors 136 South West Tcmplo Write for booklet sample cuttinfcs. Yours for the asking. Dept. 24, Glastonbury Knitting Company, Glastonbury, Conn. ' ' i Catarrh Is a constitutional disease. Years of use have proved the curative value of the constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsa pari pa-ri lla, in the treatment of this complaint. Sold and recommended by druueists everywhere. (Advertisement.) I "There's a man 4. j ; in Salt Lake 0 who can 11 f ; cure your . t ' Eye Strain" 's what one gentleman snid to another on a train be-v'i be-v'i Chicago and Omaha recently. The anr7i J''cussinK the (thn pending) coal strike, and the Chicago , bout the str'k '"ffeifl1 S frm CJ'8 Stra'n "'at '10 ''a' "0t nmcn !to 'hlf 'I!d my eyes tested and glasses fitted by the best eye men In Chi-,hy Chi-,hy do not seem to help me." UmYrou'i. r'Piltd the utahn (a well-known local man), "I've been over the ,B eye Jl i " oot mf nvvhere until I tried Dr. Dearden, who speclallres "4 haul and mu'cle work, and In three weeks I discarded my glasses j nave never worn them since." His tfillr T lake i,, i 80 "ire that the Chicago man made a special trip to Salt i "Yei'th, "Tn-nc ,s K"i"g hack and his last words in this office were: ! lae , ,?. IS a mn in Salt Lake who can relieve eye strain; and lam j jj my ch'cago friends about him when I get home." 'th"itS?w ycu how 1 brought relief in this case and hundreds of M fail.? . ,them cases which really eminent oculists and opeometrists "uea to relieve? examination, including muscle tests, $2.00 OR. M. H. DEARDEN Eye-Strain Specialist Would You Prosper? Ak for my circular of money making Stocks and bond? of America's Rreat in- j dustrfCS the railroad? the corporations ! supplying- gns and electric light, heat and ' power to our cities the oil. sugar, mo- I tor. coal, iron, steel, copper and steamship steam-ship com pan ie with established earning power. Ask for information on "IN-STALhMKNT "IN-STALhMKNT STOCKS AND BONDS" and how they enable you to grap "op-portunity." "op-portunity." Write for a copv of "FOUNDATIONS "FOUN-DATIONS TO FTtUTrXK." featuring the money makers of todav and tomorrow PRANK P. WARD, 80 pine street. New York. Investment Broker. Stocks and bonds bought for CAsh. Offers made when I possible for non -income producing securities se-curities with suggestions for converting into profitable investments. Correspondence Correspon-dence invited. (Advertisement.) Big Reduction in Rug Prices Your Old Carpets and Rugs Made Into BEAUTIFUL FLUFF RUGS For the next fifteen dayr, we will make your old carpets and runs Into beautiful beau-tiful new fluff rugs at the following prices: gg2 l"51 -..$3.00 9x12 feet, with seam 33.00 33xS4 Inches 3.50 ' " j A 33x64 Inches 4.00 8x10 wlth 'P3"1 27- I' 36x72 inches 5.50 6x 8 feet, with seam 15.00 Out-of-town orders Included at the above prices, 1. o. b. Salt Lake We call for and deliver city orders. Wi guarantee our work. This low offer wilt not be repeated. EDWARDS & EDWARDS Fluff Rug Makers. Hyl,nd 1225' 459 Hollywood Ave. I - Are you content to pay JS.50 per ton for coal? If not. cnll at the Mutual Coal Company's office. CuIIen hotel, and learn how you can get ,'arbon county coal at $5.50 or less per ton. (Advt.J Shares in Mutual Coal company mean vour 1920 fuel supply at about $S.oO per ton. See the officers of Ehls company in the Cullen hotel. (Advertisement) Litfe Ads in The Tribune's Classified Columns Yield Big Returns. |