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Show HUGE SHIPMENTS OF WOOL TO U. S. Spoolnl to The Tribune. WASHINGTON', Nov. 9. More than J21.000.000 dollars worth foreign wool was Imported into the United' States In September, according to figures made public tonight by the department of agriculture, agri-culture, one-half of the total coming from Argentina. This accords with claims that have been repeatedly set up by the National Na-tional Wool Growers' association, which has been seeking to have an embargo placed on wool Imports, thus far without sucoess. The report of the department shows that In September 25, 1.10.613 pounds of wool was imported from Argentina. Argen-tina. fi.79.r.4.r from Itrlllsh South Africa. Af-rica. 4.569,690 pounds from China, and 3.446.934 pounds from Australia, with lesser les-ser amounts from other countries. The total imports for the month aggregated aggre-gated 48.234.179 pounds. |