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Show IN THK niSTRICT COURT OF THK Third Judicial district, in and for Salt l.tke county, state of Utah John Pernor, plaintiff, vs. Hc-rlng CyanldliiK Process Company, a corporation, de-fendant de-fendant Notice o( rvcelxor's sale of assets. Notice is hereby Rtv.n that on Satur- iiay, November Id, liUS. at 10 o'clock 'i m at room No !S4. ivolv block. In sail Ijiko City. Utah, tho undersigned, receiver of the alvvr naiuod impanv. will sell a i iuhllc sale to tho highest bidder or bidders, ror cash, snbjoci to confirmation ov the court, all the remaining assets of said company. Including I six-foot bv eighteen-foot Koerlng drum. 4 Koerlng lesilng drums, domestic and torelca lel-tera lel-tera patent or Koerlng drum nnd lara drawing,, bhie prints," bine print cabinet. Patterns for making drum pans. office .halls, 1 bookkeeper's desk with swivel stool, map rack, brass name plates cvrpek limners, 1 v.foot T s.iuare. 1 evtonaloti atratght edjra, claims and causes of action and mlscellaneou articles of personal property, information concerning nil St which can be obtained from sals! receiver al room !'( IVoly block. Sail like Cltv Poisons having liens, profecein-osnd prl orltles may bo purchssers at such sale and credit claims on bids. In accordance wllh an order of said owurt heretofore made and entered. A. tl. ROBINSON, , Receiver. James A. stump. Attorney for Receive! o.'Tili |