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Show foundation ot his present larre ment stores. Ke was postma.o of the United States from i n the cabinet of President Hr - Q. Where did General Peari costers come from? L. C. A. They came from the rla Kehl. in Aisace. The name nT inally Pf irscl-.ing;. The general m in .Linn county. Missouri. Q. What is r. g.'C-d wav to rirte iums? C. H. A. The geranium is propafatt! ly by cuttings. If placed in soda, will take roo: in from two tottawi Geraniums frrow best in rich taxi rrom the compact heap. Kee? a mo st ar..! give ihem as ir.Dci: sa as possible. As soon as the ttaa cluster begins to ass, pick off n stem and never allow seeds M : (Any reader can get. the ans-i question by writing The Tr;botM tion (mreau. Freoeric J. HssfcaJ tor. Washington. D. C. TV; fll plies strictly to information. 1VI cannot give advice on leg!. Beta financial matters It does net a to settle domestic troubles. nocJM take exhaustive research on ars Write your question brie'V :ri s Give full name and address, eia two-cent stamp for return pasap. replies are sent direct to the iana Answers to Questions. Q. r.-in the remains of a widow of a a b buried M Arhneton cemetery. ne;r Vttshuujton? G. Y. The war department says that tne widow of a soldier or sailor may be buried cither bv the side of her husband ill the National cemetery, or in the same Errave. Unmarried children ran' also be buried at Arlington cemetery. Q. vviiAt Is a good way to clean wall paper? V. R. A. One of the simplest ways is to taKe a loaf of stale, but not hard bread, and cut off the crust: then taking It in one hand. rut th. paper cently with the ex- posed surface. When the bread looks soiled, cut off another thin s'.'.oo and proceed pro-ceed with ihe work. It is best to rub up Rod Oown 00 the paper. Q. Is there a federal law prohibiting ! the killing of the American eagle? X. G. A. The Biological survey says that there is no federal law prohibiting the ! killing of this ird. but that many al Ukt , Mates have enacted laws to prevent It :rom becoming extinct. ' Q. What is a Stradivarlus violin I worth, and what color is It? J. L. A. It is worth anywhere from $36 to J'J.iOiV Tho ornrna! Stradivarlus violin was p :.!. d with a thick yellow varnish. Lntar a Batter tone was used, shading from orange to red. Q. At what age can first cltiien papers be mken out? L.. O. A. First eitixen papers may be taken out at tlio age of eighteen. Q. In my travels 1 have noticed nearly all barns on the farms are painted red. Ik (hoi any particular reason for this? M. T. A. The reason most barns are painted red Is that rod palm is more durable than any other kind. s Q. Tho Liberty bond I bought has Into: In-to: os; coupons on it for only two years. Hew o.ii 1 ;:.-( the remaining interest coupons? A. M. A. Tho treasury department says that permanent bonds will replace the tem-nornry tem-nornry bonds issued during the war. Those bonds will contain all the Interest coupons necessary. Q. How many Catholic chlirohos and I dlocesea are there in the United States? F. M. A. There are about 1CQ0Q churches. I liMf.o oi which have resident priests. There are 10?i dlocesos Q. What is the origin of tho quota- tion, "OM men for counsel, young men for war?" H. B. A. Tins quotation was the motto of the Roman senate In tho time ol Oacsav Q. riease give me some facts about John Wananiaker. T. F. A. John Wananiaker was born In Fliil-adelphla, Fliil-adelphla, July ll. Ittt. and was errand hoy In a store at the age or 14 vears Ho afterwards went into the retail cloth-Ing cloth-Ing business, which business was the |