Show BRO BROS WILLIAM WILLIAMA WILLAM A GLAYSON CLAYSON lie le Was a Good Go and Faithful Missionary in inthe n I Ithe the Reid Field Feld That flut K lii 1 the tle of Ills hIl ula oIn borer burer and ald iid All Iio Know III 1 ter Albert Ibert EI E ller writes wies from Oration W Va July 9 On Sunday f o we te were called upon by ly our 11 to part pait with wih our beloved president Wm Vim A A on for tor or his hs hil work ork was Deeded on the tho lle other oilier side ide Wp VI Sp desired him here herel but feel tel that thiat nil mill was hone done for tOI the best hest so we humbly bow to the will wi of our Maker The wad ad end eld came after uter n a I long hong siege of ot the tho typhoid fever fevel but Just when there thore thole were such bright prospects for tor a 1 speedy recovery Time The lever feer had bad died seine MUnn days past and only on Die tue fateful day an was Elder J lder Clayson Clason making arrangements to go BO Into the country countr to recuperate We 0 leave others other to write an epitaph to President Clayon memory iid gladly leave heave his hi record In the th Hook Book I of 01 Lifo as al he ho has hl matte made moll It ItHe I itlie I He lie was WM assigned to labor In the north northWest West Vent conference and mil entered Welt upon his hIl duties lutos with wih a I zealous anti and determination an on 01 Jan 13 1900 Ills and good gool work worl soon brought blought 18 him under time the notice of tho thu lie presidency He Ife quickly kly rose roso froth from Junior to senior enior Eider and Ind In July was ras culled to the presidency us as Ut Counselor CouI cal to President Pm 1 Birth 1 rd While ho lie did dil not labor lahar to excel other Killers Elders Illers ho he labored to excel himself which he did and anul in 11 October he was wal called to he bo president of l chili the same al as lines pres Ident Under his hil care the work of oC the th conference hue hati continued to grow and auth RII today todA stands as l a 0 monument to his la lit labors labor boss bors nail those r with him himle himlIe He lIe le was aH loved by I tho the Elders the lie Saints and ami those who met him for tor he lie made ninde mule a friend of oC every one he came In contact with Men In have respected him for tor his hil sincerity and aini all manliness when whEn they the could not tolerate his religious views at nt all al rite Tho hospitality of ot West Virginia Is ht everywhere noticeable On 01 every eve hand ham you ou meet a 1 warm welcome anti and when nt at rare occasions as lS Is II the case every everywhere where we are nr refused entertainment by b some Home one family tally the next one OM seems seams ms to try tr to overdo U Illicit In II making us tie Ui wel seel welcome welo come Collie o I 1 KO ItO 10 we 11 forget the past amid ald have hao nothing to carry home to blur the thc good goo II name annie of r the people In only a ft I days travel you OU can flail find representatives of ot most religious religions many more different sects secta Ulan than we have hao at athOle home hOle The people LIlt are when they the hoer hear the truth hut but their minds tire are lre crowded with wih old and anI awful Mormon stories While our baptisms are not HO so 0 many Inny In number yi mak up tip II for Cor It I In other oilier ways wal ant We ve do 10 wish our Saints nt at home were wee only ns as faithful as ns most of f them theta here The he land Is 18 broken up by bills hlll ills Wo We have haye hills hl everywhere but hut have hae no 10 high mountains towering In the UH iK do rIO our All JI Irrigation Is II the kind God GOll provided as rains are very tory frequent |