Show HOOKS H C 0 IC S Is a work worl of ot genuine his lila the name mane of nn an old oW New York family atoll who hio actually owned d the land given them thom In the story It Is III now a u apart apart part of or Central Park Paik and on It was wa a n spring which for or generations bore borc the tIlt name of oC fountain Dr Pr Montanye himself with his dark secret to keep the Pequot slave with his 1118 Hogging flogging to avenge the privateers privateer pirates slaves and slave merchants are nil all attractive studies studied and so Is la laMadeleine Madeleine Montanye the time patriot Kin girl living among British foes toes and under the British ling hag While all other seaports wore were feverishly preparing for freedom and prosperity the city of ot Now New York remained a British h camp The lost last months of at this paralyzing occupation are nrc pictured to the life lite In Mr Stoddards dards fascinating contribution to his lila romance He has hns treated the time topography of or the tale with his wait Wall known accuracy and md has hns brought In Inmany Inman inmany many man rare features The last days of ot piracy and the tho slave silo trade paw pass vivid Ild vividly ly h before beCore our eyes ees In connection with the thrilling Incidents of ot the story The book Is not only valuable as liB a 11 carefully painted historical picture but It Is a n delightfully entertaining rg n mance nuance with a well ell sustained plot that holds the readers attention to the very last In writing Montanye Mr Mn Stoddard has line chosen a 11 fluid field which no other nov novelist novelist se uis to hue have entered so IiO that above all we wo can say Here Is something new The author must have bcd born with keen faculties of ot observation ob research and literary Instinct to have haic been able ablo to spread such a delightful book before his hili readers He lie Is 19 an easy finished and authoritative writer Montanye Is a I novel that compels at attention The story Is ono one that has long needed telling and anel n tI better bettor narrator could hardly be found Mr Ir Stoddard dard third n a writer of ot known brilliancy in whose hands history becomes fascinating ing romance Spirited action notion coupled with the charm of or narrative and th tim character drawing that characterize Mr Ir work U Is fully displayed In Inthe Inthe Inthe the novel These hold the time Interest of at atthe the reader to the end and lift the lie book to a bight literary plane piano for It has a distinct aim earnestness human Inter Interest est eat and nna dramatic sHUA of ot tremendous n dous ilous Intensity It will meet with moro more than lien u approbation for not hot n a aler per person son eon Is III Introduced without a n vigorous In Individuality Is S Primary History of at the tho States Slates Is III a it new book by b John Hath hack h professor of oC American history In the of ot The high reputation of at lle laster ns nil a n historian and the tho phe pho phenomenal success su of his school history of ot the tho United States arc sufficient guar guarantee antee anteo of ot excellence of the present book hook It contains work for tor one school and gives a good general knowl knowledge knowledge edge of fo so much of ot our history an as ev every ever even ery er en American should le learn rn while for tor those who arc are to pursue purllue the study fur tur further thor ther It will lay hay a thorough foundation for subsequent work woriC Among Its dis distinctive di features we e note that It Is 18 short hort and anI leaves unnoticed d such ques questions lions a RII as are beyond the understanding of ot children that In a 11 simple and Inter Interesting esting style It affords a n vigorous narra the lie of events event nn an accurate por lor portrayal of oC the dolly daily dull life lire mind and customs of ot the different periods and that It Is lIS well vell proportioned touching on nil all matters matter of or real importance for tor or the lie elementary study of at the founding anti building of or our country Our history Is grouped about a few t central Ideas ht which are arc easily rom com by b children anti and which servo er erto to upon them lisle the tho fa fast t that the story of ot our country II Is something than therm a mere dry dr chrOMIc The mire numerous rind attractive are historically nuth n tic and show haw well known scenes c ne and In Incidents InI the tho Progress program of civilization I The Tb ny ps are remarkably clear cleer and well executed d and nd give the locution location ot or I In Important place In the text Altogether this I seems e ms m to us to o 0 meet m tt the lite need noo for a n primary his hll iii lory ton which Is 1 short w wall U Illustrated and specially fitted far fer hold holding lag ing the mention n of or younger pupils Si It IR Is not often ofton that thRU book written by byon byan on an anonymous author got goes to press p u with lIh It Its third Milton Million lbs thi tb book b ak U Is I 7 i 4 even een published This Thill has been the re no record of ot Tho The Tribulations Tribulation of o a 1 Princess which Harper Broth Brothers ers 01 have Just Issued Whether Wh ther the tile In Interest Interest terest In the book has hall ben b n caused aused by bythe b bythe the mysterious unknown character of or the writer or by the net Ilet that this author had hal already written the th popular heir lar Martyrdom of ot un Empress or by bythe bytho bythe the tho universal fascination exerted upon people generally by lJ accounts of the In Inner nor ner life liCe of ot royalties It would be bl cult to determine Tin TIm Tribulations of or a Princess Is 18 announced ns nil nn an au nu autobiography told In II of n ii ro to romance mance The adventures 11 f n a spirited woman of ot quality are charmingly re to related hated anti and the render has line the addition additional al at satisfaction ot of knowing that it is till eull true a S S SA A correspondent wrote the tho other day dllY dayto dayto to Harper Brothers with reference to Zolas olas Labor which they have Just published May I commend your good taste In the binding of ot this novel ns as contrasted with that of ot the English edition edillon which has hils Just come Into my m hands Without wishing to tobo tobe tobe be bo rude uthe or horrid to our English rout rOU cousins Ins I think thru that I understand why lh chi the tho lie EnglIsh h people tle have no fancy for Cor any an but hilt the he plainest covers on their books when whon the tho attempt to 10 use Ule bright ht colors coloro results In the time gaudy gaud atrocity witnessed In the lie rover over design of the English r ehi li ion of ot Labor called Work In Hog J n laid laic I can heartily sympathize with the lie English 1 public If It that bitt Is III the lie sort of ot thing that lint Is foisted l on them for n a abright bright and attractive binding And Anti yet et etOn ono one On of or the lending leading English publishing firms Is responsible for tor the cover of ot Work Vork which In hue suggests n a pro lre valence of ot all In 11 design representing d flowers which toll not neither do they spin Is suggestive of ot anything but the gos gospel pel of work worl 01 S SI There Is n a society In this country called The Alice Society In which the lie ceremony of ot Initiation re requires t requires quires that lint the tho following follow nJ sentence shall be learned In five minutes from toni verbal dictation Never No vcr imagine Ima ln yourself not notto notto notto to be otherwise than what It might ap up appear pear to others othe that what you were wert or mIght have hue been wits was W S not otherwise other I Ithan than what you rOil hind had been would wo ld luv h appeared to theta them to be bl otherwise We Ve W submit to The AI Society by b th way the Interesting Information lint Harper Brothers have hac In preparation an nn edition of or Alice In Wonderland to be bp fully cully Illustrated by bythe b bythe the facile and ane funny runn pen of Peter Now New Nowell NC Ill ell How the society will welcome this edition of or the lie classic we dare not ray Fa S SS S S S Mr Will Vill N author of Wes Ses Harpers wrote roto Almost Per Por a 1 theological novel of ot which h hJohn John Strange e Winter said ald It Is what whitt I T have always tried to do anti and ned failed There Then Th fi is III no in We WI Ves which depicts Georgia rural life Including Its anti and I WhItecaps with striking realism r Mr moot literary men nien has hus boon In let training for some years In or orbr tor br to acquire the time vigor Igor anti and finesse with Ith lila his latest and best beat book Is written For two years yearn ho lie WIts Willi one oils of ot tho lie editors of ot the Youths Companion Hu lie then went vomit to tu London and for far an aim another other year applied himself to 10 study In time till British writing mean and coining In itt touch ouch with nearly all tho time leading of ot his hili ancestors Mr Harben Donne |