Show i d r r I IN URGE fio CITIES Education Moving to Cantors of p Movement In 1871 Havo Have Many Man Y for Not No Possessed by Smaller r Towns fawns c u u lb the junior Junor y for July lly Julyn 1 In n 0 n WI ilia 11 B hn h en article 0 entitled The Center uma hl 11 I ho shows that at d Jul expansion o of our oura the h II a I n universities the mho Irl nt t cities outstripped the tho smaller towns to 1 8 In III Inor pao k advantages 3 and i they tod A Iff r to 10 a the tho Mullen I The The ny that Down IQ g U about allou Iii th In IhO S1 toW i 1 art t pee with Iho I In mho tho larger lore i J and in n jnnny many places cea went cf C ti l m 11 Tho Th of country are i f and nJ outdoor life lito were vere on the pW s I II u I L or ur an e V naturally Sept pent to In boys dons w here heru their heir parent Mt felt that liui un IB III troll traps till thu tillI nty Lary city unI ut II t the t 1 I or td the Ihl L h t It i was as J would hive hll vo bet betIl If Il I PI tuning t l tl la Lash Inn hut vt If ret fasl sl Ill In the Ilie nand mind of J tho the nl country ft a autI utI r tiance fur for or outdoor spars The lne small town loo 01 forded afforded u n l co coi rob col i Je lea turn ui nod 11 11 I l vl Jh h i sound the college vh III U i city ty the wun almost a most by IJ limy nan llan thor her Interests surround nj n Itt It II V t si It comparison In IK a male made he lie het liet t 1111 t t ii U Hio Iho recent growth n tut ot colleges a In or vI near nr r largo cities clUes cities Ulnae thos In hI Mm Util mall I town MB lIS I fol s j lt us u take twenty of tho the heat best knave among the older of ot the c anil Mary 1 II IV IVr tar r sSU n l II 1 Uk sin In franklin unit nud learge i wn nh I t era eral tAi l n I pf of Bur ity ar of ot North C t ot lit lY of Vermont and tea Leo of ot P Yale ll end i lit thE th ss fourteen oro aro In small val JI lag 8 or nr in Alibi which not lint In III Ini i eased In population to 10 lie he omit ome larar ar f while six U Ix of ut them then ore lire situ w tit 1 m In n or II near hear ell Ius of ot mor hall hail a u hundred hull rid I In n The fh fourteen colleges of or the ihs smaller r havo have now no fewer than t len terI n uni unit the Iho theono ono of or um lI m Is la extremely On the tha other ind 1 the six til colleges In III Inor or vr near war the cr cities have hul moro than thirteen thousand sti wItla s II vry ry rt large ratio of ot students It may mil be bo that flat IM t is of O la Is s mi nil unfair M le P the tho southern T o 0 almost destroyed the tho ar af The same conclusion however IB la hsu r u hod by Jy nil all the Ih culla In III the New states Males I era York and New ew Jersey J I Y omitting II till I wh Burh as 18 ore professional only of III if a 1 total of and un unities In Hunan states stales twentynine ae aye Ii In towns or clues cities of or than IMn a Il hundred thousand students while their libraries aggregate about a n million voU vol i r wi Irs the tM thirteen In o 0 of Il a hundred 1 thousand or truce lava have n a total of more Inure than nine nillo t en thousand students quid aggregating more than u It million and a n half volumes Of O the tho thirteen lIon liar Harvard ard aId Columbia Iha u University of ot the lily rHy of New York tho the other col rol eel tf In New York awl havo more mure than of ot the tho and nor more than Ihan of or the tho volumes e the he h libraries Only six of ot till the colleges collegeN and universities ties Ilu liUi have been named anted have more than ban n a thou students namely Harvard Yale Yolo the of or Pennsylvania and the tho of Tho rho fh marked of ot three of or Iud Ia Columbia slum and ond the Ille University of fit P Pennsylvania Ins mn been 11 their enormous growth doring recent years Inn not lIot only In financial resources scientific a null number of students hut hilt especially In the tho number r of stu su students dents dente d lIB taping taking advanced courses C In grad vorK worl TV T movement toward tho mho larger larl er erb fin li Is illustrated In this Ihl WO WOI I Irr r thus those founded more recently we ilia i ind end nJ nd l h 1 few ety whoso whose benefactors leave have hll if ir lr d I a small II ilia 11 country town na os a n nits Bite its II fur fr n great university Tha rho old oil hH he nr ry still advocated If by y time tho InK Ing balers II of or some of our larger that diet the best work can HI be he done donen n j the c town Is IH fast and v n Its H the this In Incorrectness correctness of their theory Is In 11 part hy by their own awn nets An example ft et t thIs Is 18 found In n the medical school of ot Cornell University ll situated in the tho metropolitan city of state slate while tho the homo home of o the university IH Is It 11 may bo ho contended tint that Hie thu Medical school lit hi I part JIlin anti parcel of ut atthe the tho ty yet ct un tutu n mutter matter of I tact fact It cannot but hu v C cipo from final time the u of or II Cornell o II mid amt must ho hP 11 by h the tile en mitt 1111 social t I I and lint business life lit of Hew N v VoiK It II IB Is not um t without Interest to 10 note lIole that Ihal tl till the of Qt of tit If nn an hour hy I in Ii from nom HillI lead had Us ire law medical school fn in that city and Harvard with within in iii ft h low fillY bt lo had Its 1111 school In J The author Ju tl fi this movement of or hinder hili her education thus cities cille el tied by hy b ills dl I the mho t which the 11 life s nail activity it of a great ally uly exert upon Ullon tho the of or tho the ln Ian naym soya One cannot doubt donut that it 1 ID Is of or onor in 11 broadening time till mind and Iho Ilse sphere of nt tie IC Holm It IH Is to 10 nu th time the pro j ml I co of lit ninny mull hl fI semi senu In UK tug their wins sons to In III or fir n near nr lart u thin this prejudice to bo be mu I In the lime of moHl mini Ihan The lIe student KOCH gees to In with time tho Holo Intention intent inn or of on en mien lion Ilou and of ot making ih very elY hest a of opportunities offered to III hint him slams to 10 Pursue his hili IH as uS In tai or ur near the tho largo large I Pity city ns n in the tha country town tOWI on th the theother other hand the limo n who IH II only un an nt M n whore ha goes to IC obtain a o certain put fol Ish and 1111 slight with willi a n h Hh er cr n Run d In III lIt lime town 1 na as ninny Cf for r Idleness 1 us lill In ill lire tho largo large To time tho In limo llio larger lallIer titles rilles Is offered the tho opportunity of oC enjoying the best In the Iho way nf tut n urt II nil music III II HII net act and In short almost to u Interest mid entertain gaieties e t elaborate orate In the time town uro tiro not IIO less I a exacting than luau of ot the limo city ety flu Tio temptations of ot the rity life peem to 10 bo ho no au moro ta to a n away from studies than those of ot tIme Iho country v 1 lingo but bill ill for forthe the time student nt w wu Will u temporarily what l is Offered In the country town the may himself hy lIy n I cielo of it intelligent raid people but lut he Iw humus Hods II henries fey few if of tint 1111 tow ow to for II good music mush or OJ net lief Ing lug II 11 or listening to In time the non of o world wide WI B who via visit 1 lt time the Ih Ihla largo la cities from tine limo to time tune Far and away beyond Iho mho hearing of ot good goad music lectures and the hI I like ilkI Is t II e question of or actual II I IU II II for tor Learning necessarily arll means moans research anti without the Iho means of o fO re research search no can cun tn expect to ad nil advance vance For this thle time the art arr er city offers renter greater advantages am and will offer morn mare pod Inure ns nl our In ht wealth It H sedan HO RI If It It must be trio run that lint given two wu f or endowed en veil pM equally well man mun managed led aged thin tho time one In the Inure city ell will VIII eventually offer to granule students greater Ulan Ihan the one cil rd II In n n a small mall town lon can enn afford rom Cont pare limo tho opportunities Which a It graduate student would have Ilao In III 6 tit II equally endowed such ellch with nn an able ablo corps of ot one oe Otte in ii a n little country lIlal tho the other In Baltimore or clr I New NI York The Tine larger larcer cities attract the tho artists till the actors the time literary men tin the th men known Imon Indolence ace As JH Now No ow York has ilna outdistanced NI Ste its 11 rivals in population po It has hus become time tho literary lit ern 1 artistic center r of ot the h U Staten Its flit nt at roe tons draw to 10 n mu tine ino great men of ot the time country In nil all walks of nr life lite just JURt justus justas us ItS It ft continually draws the time men mell of or wealth Finally the hue writer maintains that the same name change in the locution location of ot tho time bl best t universities la le going on In As s 11 ft n graduate pf Or Columbia It was wall With no nu little pleasure hunt Hint I r rend read In it till the London Goodin Spectator of ot February l 11 12 I 1695 an Ill discussing the Iho needs of ot modern In universities nod comparing host of tut II io and time the United States Slates the article called ell INI attention to I th the lie set fact that the groat seals of lit learning In IS Europe and nl o In III the were lu to be found f In largo large rides cities The rime facts given In the till article show shots why vhf wh It Is la that tha the Ihl chief chef Institutions are today nude In lu or near large cities and mill Indi Indicate rate cate ral that this Is III n condition not nol to 10 he Ie deplored aa all n Il lo I I but hili Is la simply n a natural and beneficial result of or tile the growth of lit modern society and the Ihl ad advantage advantages vantages vantage of ot the large city rit |