Show I I I I ii 04 if t s I ALBERT EDWARD EDWARDAS rJ AS A i i I INow Now that ICing King l connection n 0 with the lie london clubs lilts hiss become less lJ t intimate It i t may Inay be of Interest to record i I some facts And IId Incidents J which In thin tho jf j old ohl I days clays could scarcely have be been I n pub 4 Li with I the name Bailie p propriety Tim fht t I first duty of the clubman Is 18 to 10 he be club I liable bable and if alt the tho In London Iono were asked who In their opinion Is i till tho most typical clubman of ot the day lIay they I would unhesitatingly the palm to I the first lItt In f In n the early day daya King Jing J when fits f I Prince of or Wales Vaiee like Ilk his hilt brother tha thu I lute late Duke Duk of and Gotha Outha I made motle frequent us use of ot White Whites und and nd vi fa ca ii also allO a II member mem of certain service clubs I L n its HI the United Service not to 10 HpaK of ot the Hoyal Yacht and the lie Jock ey Py nut But about 30 years yearn ego ago hi h majesty took look steps to establish 5 a n fl w club to which the name of the lie tat Marl borough WM Willi given Riven and It Il 1 Is III to thIs thU j ciul that hat one on n must mut turn for details of t his hll life lite at u a clubman p Ills His majesty was wai hla own chairman i 1 t of or the committees committee over who WhOM e InU I he lie made malJe It his duty to pr id An At o us i I black k hail ball utI excludes It will be rapilly w wu understood u that hat no one on would have hayo had l J fl a 1 chance of at election who to was wa a not pr per agreeable to him The Tho list li of i r I candidates at al any time Is II not a 1 i one and aM Slid In the tue ordinary way VA a 1 man t y would expert expect to have hav his hll fate tate decided t within a It couple of lit years yearn ThIN Thie arc aro Ji 1 about aboul members each lach of whom pays it j an toil 11 entrance fee of oe and an annual I subscription ot of M and Ind to nil all Intents 1 and purposes the club Is II made up of tho to t fI i 1 t I i 1 heat best social elements In lii 11 l it IU Ii To ro take a 1 few examples Ute the th list lIat nat ij 1 orally Includes the nuke Duke of Cornwall and York lurk the Duke fluke of oC Prints Prim Louis roia of anti and anI the lie I 0 5 j j I Duke uke of ot lit Fife Than Theil among r reign the Ilg monarchs monarch 0 there II ni sits the Ih kin kIng of the tho h ll II list J 0 Klans glans flail Oscar If II and King Icing Ing George Jeorge nt ot 1 I l I I H Greece There are courtiers like Ilko Lord soldiers and anti sailors like j jarl d Karl Jarl arl Hobert and anti Sir Michael 4 Seymour symour diplomatists like Lord Cro Cr CrIner Iner professional men like Sir William MacCormac and so on I i The This rooms ronnie in iii the club are oro furnished hed without any an attempt at display You enter sitter a narrow nalTO corridor which scarcely I 1 deserves to lie be called a hall hail and alit on the tha I 1 right hand a 11 door leads Into a Il lounge loun i i o this hits Is ts a delightful billiard room J with a couple uple of excellent tables tabie nM a n 4 I d J whole armory armor of cues Hound two tivo sides alde I of ot the tho room toom Is a 11 raised bench upholstered I 1 stared In the lie finest green morocco leath leather 4 er in the tho 4 plain but comfortable i e estyle style which the king prefers Above Is Isa 1 H a long narrow dining room which jan fan he bp made to seat eat 70 comfortably al although 1 I s though It U does docs not 1 l s often happen that i there are more marc than titan to 0 at ot table lable and lind of or r I these some arc are the th guests guesta gUe of ot members j 1 ft I I Of all this the lie royal rORI clubman trade made i jt i iI title I O as tilt unostentatiously I as us any private rate vate te member and It is because beC use of this t t f t I that hut he ha delighted to spend nn an hour or f 5 two within the lie walls of the lie club toward I the end of or the lie day whenever he ho was a In town Upon going Into a room the tho I 1 f I members continued their heir occupation of ot i f reading reaching the tho newspaper or chatting with j I one another or dozing comfortably be before before 1 fore fort this the fire If It the prince In III his genial I t tray i way ray wn relied called out as he passed How do I you do A 7 or Good evening I 11 Ii 1 they would reply without leav leavIng h I Ing lag their seats and ami most of at th them m were i ion on terms of ot sufficient Intimacy to say 0 sir In of your our royal roal highness t j because 9 n ne H 4 I for tor the sake lAl e of oC whIling away awa an nn h c hour over the tho newspaper 1 i i l The king kin greatly appreciated the free freedom ree I torn dom from train ceremony which this interest est t tIng 1 ing lag club affords There Is nothing o othe of the sumo annie kind Hind anywhere In guro e as 08 f lj the foreign sovereigns admitted who IO at sit atran 1 i I jl fo rare ran Intervals were taken there thero by b him isbn 11 i I i to share n a leisure Jel lre hour r t 4 t I J |