Show LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs Ir John W Farroll l yesterday re me received celvid the tho sad 1111 neva of or the thc death of ot other her mother Mrs litre Ann at lit Now New Newark cw ark N J Karl olin Colin It a resident of or Hutte Montana died here hero yesterday from hid effects of ot a II surgical operation for tor ap He lie was 21 22 2 years of If age Ag and a II nephew of Louis ruth A Colin or of this tills lIt city mit Mr Mrs Irl Mollie Reynolds Willi widow and any only heir of the time late latt Ouy has lila his will for probate Tho Tue prop property erty consists of or a It hou o and lot at U IL Jefferson on street valued nt at 1800 and MOO worth ot or household goods goodsOn goodsOn On 01 Thursday night tho the bIg reservoir on Thirteenth Kast ast street fell cli three remit feet owing to the WIL to of water In III sprinkling lawns especially elp tit mm t nights limes hUll hus sent kunt out in to warn tho timo people against It l Dr Payne Vayne ayne charged ehan ld with criminal I operation will probably be III arraigned afternoon before Justice Kroe KroeKer gem Ker II Dr McIlroy says that thal time the wo ivo woman man ll nn operated on by II Dr Ir Payne layne Is on omi the convalescent list anti and will probably have recovered In III a IL few tew days The Tin Utah ers of ot the lural mural quill will In most hospitable man maim manlier lier ller the time Kentucky I association ion tion when the time grass editors collie tume through here ln Felt of If time tile Utah Ulah Press association him written to the secretary of tIme the Kentucky association tion the thc matter An agreement haM been leached be lie between het tween t Warden Dow and amid tin till commit committee tee toe of or farmers obtaining water vate the th Kennedy ditch from Par Pur Parleys leys heys canyon canull whereby time the farmers will of ur the llou antI and time the elate statu prison fat in limo thu other oilier one aile eleventh Tills fun will allow the prison farm thu limo entire lIu for fifteen and 11 mm each week The Thu labor which hae hao fur so 80 long bug been located just JURt east cast of tin the Cullen have leafed tho thu entire third hour of or the Lawrence building corner curlier of Second South Houth ami West Vest Temple streets and will be quartered there theme In Inthe the tIme future Maxwell post 1051 0 U A It H the Hit tell lIeu Men ten III the tIme Womans Compe and aud the tho Arch will also alo use e halls Dr 1 r Van all Kleeb Dego Iego tiled shied I f from i oin general debility at his hale residence ft 1 South West Vest Temple street He lie was A n of or New Now York ork 71 II of or age all timid and 1111 has ha lived In Utah for tor about ten ton years yearn Fur For l ur several years he lie was wan proprietor of or a n drug store at cit It Sugar Funeral services will be tie held haitI Sunday at 4 of from fro rota In undertaking parlors George Geore J Spencer was wall the victim of nf ofa ofa a n pi ca mint surprise at 11 hut had t Ingot Dig Ing ot of rump Woodmen ot of f the World Aa As n It token of or their appreciation for tor services to woodcraft the till ot of the order him with a pret pretty ret rett ty t emblematic Jewel Jellel of or gold old studded With the tog log lo and ax In iii silver On the back Is III engraved a suitable Inscription I I ion tion The presentation tn speech was made by b Clerk lark Ed Id 11 II Callister collector tor of ot Internal Intern l revenue hiss bait an Ull option till August 10 on the om now occupied by b County Clerk James The rime Intention of ot the OM county count commissioner t Is III to consolidate COn the two to oll by tJ Mr Ir Jamea in the tile large on Oil time the Ih fourth door now no occupied 1 by tJ him imin MM as It lila hIt ollire of ot clerk of ot courts U It hiss has not maut yet reI how howler however ever IVer been decided whether the collectors col coltora toys tors will be moved from comma Helena lichens don tuna The Humane society H lie working In Industriously Ceorge Jeor l has lias Just Junt been suCCessfUllY at III Mar Mur Murray MarTa Iut Iutta ray ta for lor having worked a It b badly lly emsel emAll emaciated sled nl d team lenin Sentence wan 5 on the time promise of ot William to treat lr t his hla hi learn lean better Two arrests were welt amy also 1110 mude yesterday by It D n Dc i They The Mire John hn alley of lit M South uth Sest street I and U L 1 M I Who lives ne near r the corner of ut Twelfth South and Sixth West est It streets ta I Captain John Anderson of tb the Vol of or America time tilt founded by tJ b len Gen lie hI left Itt the Salvation Army Anny nn six l lake yesterday tars ago tigi ns mule mine to SoiL Salt fur for the tin purpose e of or forming a branch branek of or the time work here The Tilt objects of or the organization ate aie similar to of the Salvation Army Arm t nhit Anderson la Is I authority for tor the he statement that Mrs Irs Booth will here In Inot ot of two mOil h to lecture |