Show nil nile I e S IS S SI I ASTROLOGY AST O GY I I 1 i 4 i i I Characteristics of o if Persons Born Un tin Under i I der Leo r i s i iS O I of the best bent and at the 1 same time lime sonic some of ot the worst r S SOME people are born b between July I il 23 22 t and Aug Au 22 when the con ron lit of ot 10 Leo the lion linn A rules rulea I Leo o is a s tire sign tha te second of that The Tho sun is the governing planet llanet of th the Leo i month and with the sun Run and the time lion nature both in Iii them children born bom b be tween the dates datel mentioned sometimes come to grief as n they grow older fre ftc through not being understood by Ly their parents It should hould be tt bored he 11 that they have time the heat and Im in V c of ot the sun Bun In them as well ai as the sly lily l and cruel oruel propensities of ot the tho lion If It their j II Ii dispositions become me per perverted perverted i tell from any An cause Bo Ro says nays astral I ogy Such Rurh children should hould have luaus the ex cx example L ample of ot sincerity und and truthful u ness lies before tore them at all times and care OAte 1 bo i taken not lOt to 10 arouse th their lr an on anger angor i i gor ger or opposition llIn They The Tho should hould b Lt hi led hd I I N through their affections which are al ni always pt ways intense true to the sun nature Leo persons on whose souls sonic and lIOn eon science have hae not lIot been awakened are not always truthful and like tho the lion J J they lie Ho about lazy Uzy lu and Idle till sonic Home thing rous arouses s them powerfully Then 4 they leap In and accomplish twirl as 1111 a h as all others do after afler which there them J may b another lazy nt fit It They The like hike good j eating and animal comforts and Plea Klea r rf I nom nol Rick Kirk Inspirational cooks are 1110 f to be bo found among Leo women The n I Impetuous animal passions of ot Leo men t i I sometimes drive them on Into trouble Hood Leo Loo subjects ha have hae e splendid capa cupa l 1 and a n powerful attractive per Ier personal I r renal magnetism This Is 18 felt even een by 11 I anImals whIch h Leo people control nat flat naturally h urail they the are oro apt to have N ii hi I line fine deep chests and broad brond shoulders i r 1 ii f with lIh beautiful expressive eyes They l are arc till full of the red which the sun nature give consequently their pOI par particular ailments aliments will be of tho the Inflammatory matory type like fevers and colds In Insane i iL sane Mile persons p are found In this timis sign likewise l j walkers owing to the l t f powerful p psychIc Influence about them The LpG Leo born need to keep cool head headed t I ed OIl and take much physical al exercise f They should cultivate perseverance r Th Tb y tan ran feet feel intense hatred and In i r 11 tense tenne love low while these last II t but they ate are l Inclined Ine to be fickle Their gems are r the diamond and the time ruby They will viii j i be happiest when married to persons per ons born un under Ir Sagittarius Aries or one of I their own lire fire signs CLARA t E J f u I |