Show STAKE CONFERENCES Ht Hi Joseph rj eh Thatcher Arizona July 1 IThE The quarterly terly tenly conference of ot the this St Joseph Stake met met in tho the grove groe In the rear of at the Layton ward meeting house houKe Sunday June JUle 30 There were In attendance Hiders Andrew Kimball and W D P Johnson of ot the tho Stake presidency El EI Elder EIder Elder der C e M Layton the tho other counselor having departed on a n mIssion to o the tho Northwestern Northwester states on the tho There Therea was wall a also a 1 good representation of High Councilors and amI tho the various of the Priesthood notwithstanding we are In the time very busiest season walon of ot the year and und some of oC the Saints feel that they have LC to labor on the Sabbath to tn get Iet their lr tropH harvested The Tie folly toly of at this Idea Ide 11 mm was plainly shown by b the lie different speakers and President KImball Kimbal warned the tho people to retrain refrain from the lie 1 desecration waret of lt the II Sabbath tiny day dO or the Lord would withhold Ills His Jl blessings from them All Al tho the speakers were filled with wih the Spirit of oC tho lie Lord find we WE had hInt a n time of ot rejoicing The Tho Stake officers were presented by the clerk anti nil all ni were unanimously ly sustained The health of ot tho the people Is II very Yen good The weather Is Ie very warm anti and rn dry and ard I Iwo wo we are very vcr much In need of ot rain rainA A J CURTIS CURTI Stake Clerk |