Show BIG KIG BG LABan LAIt HOLIDAY y Time Tim Sons S I ius of or Toll Tol to 10 Cole brate Six Weeks hence Th Th The labor lalor are A beginning to for a II big time on Labor Day although It I Is II tame coal six IX IX weeks off o As Aa plans are arc at l ong nc told laid lall there will 1 be b a abig aIll abig Ill big parade pr ot or wage lg earners casters through the principal streets of ot the tb city ann un speeches Mi r re expected to t be mud made m by Ir Irl l I r f I bet beet bt tabor labor lb orator oto of ot tm tk ti li hiding cv speakers Time The In It the Ih matter matr has ht been bieti b iVen lit Lw l tbt I nah tali Federation J ef ot I Bach ct or tt ti organizatIons within the federation Ui bat I appointed a committee to Wt work up suitable program and to induce n ever err labor 11 In la th the lM tl eft state tate to Join in A m meeting of ot theat t com t O wll w 1 be l held at al It I h ua slay day begun L n I and anI preparations wilt will wi be La l |