Show OGDEN SOCIAL NEWS Ogden Utah July 29 20 Wl er erlIa day lIa Wednesday next promises to 10 bo La gloriously celebrated In Ogden The matter taken up by b Supt T B 11 Evans I of or the Weber Stake Sunday schools and his aids They decided tu la make Inake the celebration one long to be he remembered and therefore asked all the Sunday schools In III the Stake to Ji hn m In making the affair n grand tilting lilting to the memory of those tho e honored fathers Cathers mothers mother who me to I nah tah under such Brent A 11 line musical and literary program lua been hlen arranged for Cor the tho morning ond during durin the afternoon nil kinds of at spi its and pleasures will be he Indulged in The affair promises to tD be one of or the grand grandest grandest est celebrations Ogden hus ever had un on Pioneer Day Du Proto Prof rank Frank I superintendent of at the State School for the Deaf Deat and Blind l Monday tram from Buffalo N Y where ho went to the th can exposition attend the national convention of or Instructor for the deaf Mr Ir and Mrs W W Salmon S of Salt Lake Ilke City CIt are visiting In Ogden with their daughter Mrs Irs Charles J Hoss Misses lIsses Alice Daisy Duncan of Wyoming are spending a n few tew days dRS In Ogden the guests of or Site C P Mrs Irs K J A has gone to Idaho to spend a 11 few tew weeks with friends Miss Margaret Barr Darr of ot Salt take Lake COlt Ity who has been In III Ogden with Mies s Corey Core hUB has returned home Sperry W Lawson of ot Like Ike wn I visiting with H It II n Wilson and family of ot this elt during the tho week Charles Charl 1 J HO s 9 home this week eek utter after nn extended through the northern part of ot the stat slate Idaho nn of at Buffalo Is with friends in Ogden ProC Prof Joseph Ballantyne Chas J ROBS HOBS ant K C Stratford with th r families have taken tak their summer abode In Ogden canyon on the laland The Young Youn Mens len M I A of at the Weber Stake had a grand excursion to yesterday Cards CardA arc out the tho mar marriage of or C A of ot Ogden Miss Carrie of or to take place July Jill mho Mr I C H II Miler and Amy Am are making n a months tour of oC Ing In Colorado Mlee returned home Thursday from a months visit In Chicago where the were tho H RUM ll of ot Mr Mrs of at the th league IollIe club of or Chicago Clarice Clarl t Holler Baker d home this week from an all outing at lit Wyoming TIM The Culture club had 1311 nn on ou me In at Glenwood Park yesterday e which Willi participated In by Ly a la Hub Young has hns from her pleasure Hure trip to the tho coast cOMI The pf of ot Wilson Wilsons ward to lint have n a grand celebration on the A dunce dance and refresh will be hen In the for tor the young roun people and In the even een evening ing for the older people Mrs Irs n F of or Hutchinson on II g tie th or ot her ner broth lien Ben Meyers family of or this city oIt Mr r and Mrs A S Henley hwe r turned from n 11 months outing In Call t Misses IlI ses and Ida re rl returned turned this week from several leeral weeks on the coi t ti n I w i left this week WIk for Cripple Creek wf he r Mr Ir went Int as a 1 Rte to 10 lh th T nn M I JIll I from V e Miss lIss Nielson one ne of nt t operators m In the t telephone l I spending a few weeks 1 kt in I h wife Ite and t children have hae gone lione to Portland Or on to visit with friend for tor hort time MUg Annie McKay an tuc Brown are Gre on Church Churchland Island land the of Mr White of CI f L Ju |