Show V a ae d e s DRAM 1 J ra eL eLaw aw j i j jv March tho the Salt Sail Lake Theater TheaterS S v et old People I who 1 10 have I III e be f or t yeas yeni will the dramatic and muslI mus I wonder I 1 how ow I cal Ial o lade ia te t of ot this community had I town i keen cultivation win wilt I II E of oC such fluch I tG IL a In the history of at tits solution t Hi Ot m flaw When men and add ploy IlIa u s 1 U Un fat who me are now rounding out their 1 n of ot life lICe were ere children the thet tilt t was tuns the of oC dramatic anti uno unnI t Ir r L production that elicited thew ther the I r rt 11 I per ader and admiration of ot the ilia best lest In f w rs from nil parts of oC the limo 10 seeds Feeds then planted took tool W Idu d loot KOI ot and the artistic talent ns an n nILLS wJ Ire ILLS as the tho critical taste latte evident throughout our community today tollay ai aile aru the le of ot those curly early time lime lional Uon 1 The truth of at this fact tact Is forcibly ly lm eed eil on min the mind III In reading over from ancient Illes lIos of ot the News New a tho the critiques on min a series serlee of ot concerts given RIven In it the th Theater In 1869 They The were writ written written ten tell by Prof IroC John a crill a and ad d a composer rom poser of oC note whose whoso an lb tb thong n m Rots How beautiful upon the tho moun mountains mountAinS mountains used to be one of ot the staple se Ie Iel HUoni l don of or the tilt Tabernacle Ta choir In the thedas days das 1 hen Mis Mi e Careless was Its prin principal principal cipal soloist Prof Prot Tu was the theether father ether of E K 1 W Tu the historian gun sou he tiled died In tit q city elt In 1579 Ho came carne here from Crom England 1 Iti Fuld In 1901 and ond as os the th following from his pen II n Eh sh A sr he at Into the busy professional life which centered around the th salt Lake Lako Theater On entering tho the city lIty on Saturday Oi October Mer he says Bays I was wan much pleased pl u d In ha seeing per lIeI advertisement that a u concert was Willi to be given ghen by b the Musical Association on the following und and standing landing the debility occasioned by Iy the theIon thelong long Ions Ion I Journey journe across the time plains on Shanks Shank s a Pony Ion I would not miss the theoP opportunity oP of C hearing for myself the thep p progress ogress made mode In vocal ocal music by that spoliation and at nt tho the request of sev sevc ral c al friends mis I will endeavor to give my 11 hiO St opinion on the time performance of ot that concert The concert opened with one of oC Prof Thomas pieces I which did him credit us lIS a n composer copo r The by bythe bythe I the cornet was teas a u chaste piece of ot ren ron rendering rendering dering and the band did well In giving gl glIng ing nr the gentleman an un opportunity of ot cooing Justice to that beautiful In Ia fa fat t the flue gem gem of oC the piece Instead of ot de destroying the thi effect by loud playing The horns however were out of tune at the finale but It may lOllY be Ie here paren th observed that I have havu since heard hard the saute same gentlemen play pIn with line Jin expression The horns are lire favor Caval line lies Itei tel smith vUth me and und an orchestra would not D he without those beautiful In Inan ff an The Th association commenced with one of my mI oU old favorite glees Awake woke A Aeo Ace Aeolian Aeolian lian Ilan L Irl r Awake The not only gave a n truth truthful fut ful Interpretation ta but lIu t some seine portions of ot the th glee were excellent t in III its It per Of Ol course one aile would not m measure a mixed choral body od of ot pupils Slung their second concert under trw the dire rf rd their master with a n chorus of professional performers l conducted by L a I osta yet It may a be e truthfully said eald that they thc did credit to their training and proved the rank ranle of ot their toaster ler arc a a class teacher leacher The duet Hark harkIs music stealing bY li Mrs rs Trooper Trosper and Mrs II H iI would have been l een for forth tri th thy y both to h have good voices yo Ices n Il performance but for the thenon Ji non r i tiun of oC the piece and the stilt tI x m of oC one olle of ot the passages In thi th place piece It was a n too tov tooK toor r K w I nn n nl In the second the triplets v sun created The first fault Cault f r i m i bo ho remedied and the II an f T i avoid the second the mouth sh l uJ oil Lr br l t kept moderately opened ol ned nail the still rind find horizontal Time The IheI I I sag ag uhl then be e of ot ea easy y i In bin n chile the till moving of ot the tongue f r us i s ft a stilt stiff and uncouth delivery deliver of ot tM th tt n if lh Stabat Sta at Mater of oC swan wa wu J hs hR i lust fast best arid and most meet classical work lv rI Ii n in that cantata Is of ot the th ghost h school of oC vocalization The bravura passages require great grent anima t h n ant and volubility of ot execution and II nil It uri runny lip ha rendered without tie the th FU F sudy uI and antI experience of ot a n great art artA Itt Ism IttA IsmA A present I must say sa Meddle Maddle Un Ti h his is not qualified to render such p I with the tho effect rt that In is required j t n etl l In the first place her 1 tro II f MIH ur III not regular nail anti lignin again her herf hera f a roaming i divisions of Oc tones tonell Were ony on t lu 1111 faultless Let Maddle tr PI s r raw h flud ny all great fingers are r IL I l to study for tor d s 8 in lime Hole she Bhe will find Ond her own r d 1 by b being brill pronounced nn nil nr pi p st d 1 t Moreover Italian i ii mil J I art the tho element of ot ah nl flit English l r At 1 u I j art all audience and I 1 should ad nIl adr h r t to If study stud well the English Inn IAn Ft rj g If Jf the she sh be he not nut already acquainted v I It and sert 81 t for Cor her hr performances Io n It at f the th excellent of ot pi r such fh at ns Tell MP Me My I Heart rl Hoar hear the Gentle Lark h ar ur r aid a n host of oC I r d ri th i lI V M 1 Will Care for tor Mother Now Is III J a I r of oC great l l lon Irin And 1 I f ut u t lx y tint that the tho singing of the solo 1010 I 1 It r IJ toy I Mr tilt Dunbar woo Wall a II creditable r l 1 I 11 anI I but hilt that f f oJ ind mi attitude of ot his file hl Is much 11 I Icy this tails stylo of ot compost I t 1 hI J celebrated Leston was a n Jilin Jin II by V nature but hut his face fart 3 r ullar jl comic form that I I i lilts In that line lino were laughed i a I fj y the Ih audience and ho lie was wall wife sr H M Ih t to change his tragic perform R y r and he succeeded In be he In It Adored the most accomplished c in n in England Ih J h Vandal Wreath II I 1 p quadrille by n R reds wn l a composition of ot II 11 J tic ar a sno rit and I must In honesty coil coif LI 7 f r v 11 hoot M I 1 i Ilk the hi composers stir stI rP of f this Piece was waR nil HWI tp uM ull Iw Ire desired lIe M tr It t the mime life liCe boat was n a failure fa i J 7 on should not make a n choice ou o n It requiring great In rf alII and wild 1 expression u It Is lit more mol h rp st style IUle le and requires I IIRth ot or rendering which can ran or T i I riven hn I effectively I by nn an arco I i Iner Tire O I Ir f t f he time highest lIt order Is IR one that Un can i 1 nails made useful anti effective alt als I AU AI t nl e i lit is due dime to the patient anti p i t I ring teachings of their master r ri i M Mi i and nt the time is III n not hol l far tor die 11 hen hn ho hI will be hI hulled as the then t n a great and glorious move n T it I ly Iy to th the territory at large I hU u d be remiss In my m duty dut did dM I omit emit to 10 make malo honorable mention of ot tho the nt l conducting r of oC Prof Proto Thomas In n wh wl Ih h hits his band and ol also o ot the L 11 mann r In which the gen t rn man n tho vocal ocal orchestra or th h association i 1 j My say 3 but bUI little on the appear ante Ln of nf lh the 1 Theater lest through my no flounce of ot architectural design I should be lie caught tripping but Int I 1 may many mn bo lio allowed to say that in that great reat Italy HaJJ Ion lon of oC the lie he there are but ut three that will surpass It t viz time till Queens QUI Theater Hay flay Ua Market Markel tho the Italian Opera Covent Garden Our on nail tho the National Theater Drury one 1 and per perhaps perhaps perhaps haps with these thelle exceptions o there thero arc oro no mio others In III England I that will equal It 11 ItA A fow lY months month later inter the association O gave another concert and again Prot Prof review reviewed cd the musical progress of or our city and criticised the time perform performance onro ance of oC the choral society which was then In ii the zenith of ot Us its fann faint fannIn In lit my In critique of ot the lost last concert I T called attention to the tho very cry excellent arrangement of oC the choristers and the wonderful effect produced upon the time nu au audience thence on or the time rising of the curtain On this tubs occasion It was still mote more magical The angelic Angelle Juvenile host was mar shaped In rob ro robed d In him white to herald a n heavenly scene Irene Inc aye n e for fur there Is M nothing on earth so angelic and heavenly hea hen heavenly venly onh as ns the time appearance of little children child children ren but hut when the th curtain Bro arose e I and presented to tin the Ill view such a n vast ost as all assemblage of oC choristers the th fair fall ones one also dressed In white t and anti the gentle gentlemen gentlemen men In appropriate costume one could almost fancy In tn tin the II presence of oc ofa n a host hoit of oC heavens choir hotI The rhe effect Teet produced on the audience a called forth a n spontaneous shout of oC delight delightful ful surprise The rhe concert opened with a n part song called calked the Echo which was rendered by I the whole laxly body choral In tn excellent ft vie Time The duett Hark TH music steal stealing ing lug by I Miss flora Clara V I 1 and Rachel Oln Clayton ton was I S pel formed TIll The time Is III well kept and the triplets were easily em II and und smooth smoothly ly h rendered The childrens chorus I Let Iet et till nil the tho children sink sing was waa a gem of oC no com cons common mon moll order and the precision lon In iii which tho the dear little ones mastered the ime rind the time attention the paid to the lotto con conductor On ductor In by br his hand and haton the piano and forte passages produced a 11 thrilling effect and deserves the high eat cat It praise pral e eSon Song Son Who will wilt care cAte for by I Miss II lam flara K F was tins ren ten rendered derail dered by I the young oung roun lady lad with much pa pathos I thos tho mind In one or two I no noticed tlc tt the Introduction of the tempo ru bate Lyle J of ot the th Italians which adds d another beauty bI ut In the time delivery deliver of ot t tInd bal bl ballad I lOll lad compositions Mies n voice vale Is n a legitimate soprano of m nl mean quality y and In 1 with good go training b u b pattern from an experienced vocal Otal command of f teacher on the general Ie I nd the volee olce she will tall make n II singer Inger worth lly She was wan however howeler n Il of notice nervous which cawed caused 3 Ill a 11 false ole olo Is termed by b great teach t ac cords of oC the throat This Thill lIthe vocal con of taase effect ermi In III a 11 greet great measure marred the of tier fur natural delivery Just Juit the Battle nattle Moth foth Song Runs Pr Cr liy by h Ml Miss s Julia Young II g W was well doie tier Her style of oC g and excel excell elicited from the audi audience enunciation aud l t lAd IaU enc encore Te The n unanimous lady ence en otTOO the emit call with w graceful atm chase tte Uc with nn an ol of Eves fair daughters daughter I Horns home I Song Kong Dear Mother rother Ive lc Come Il Ca Clayton Claton was to 10 Ulo Dla II b by Ml MISS s rendered effectively by b M filet II Watching for tor P a I Song Bong Rhoda Young YoU U Is worth worthy ot of remark The composition co o Is not unit oar on of LIt greAt grunt musical so muc much the better Jetter being composed tu to out the characteristics of ot little dien Suffer Sutter them th m to come corne unto ma mile for fir such Buch Is l the lore Kingdom of ot dod Oai Tu rime fhe of oC all nil beauties In a vocalist Is IB Isto isto to enter r heart hi art and soul into time the sub subject Jeet of the time poet the musician lIu To 10 make them both nt nl ono one time All Ail 11 these DIP e qualities quail lies wore beautiful portrayed by Iy the little III II II Pint First by bv Iv hei het perfect Intonation secondly I h lu hll till the anxious for ho tor Ier much loved sire antI and lastly tJ the jo tul rul of Oc Innocent were s so Sl delineated when Pa Ia nIl ap n pared in view less that It drew from Crom th llio delighted audience a Il burnt of lIC applause e The rhe little singer uc nc to the in hr the same joyful ns no exhibited by her In n the lat hat hatter latter ter tel part of the song jong I should riot not bo ho 10 performing my In duty did I forget torget to make honorable mention of tit lIss Kann aunt Young It Is II one thing to diet ley ones une self pelt anti and another to tu bring out th the and beautiful Ideas of oC great grea authors and to be bo the assistant of uc tho solo BOO vocalist There Thero time ate twi trim classes of ot pianoforte players viz Iz leg lef legerdemain timid legitimate 1111 II 1111 t Time The delight of ot the Hut Is IA to surprise their hearers rH by Iy twanging In unbounded humbug or cats rats the key keyboard kl board oard with trial n II single linger finger running from the top lop to the tho bottom of time the union with the time rapidity resembling a Il skyrocket et 1 It If time tho does doe not HUm AAL A AAA TT surprise down Iown they the come again with such frightful velocity that It re reminds reminds reminds minds one of ot the lots iota of ot thunderbolts descending and smashing In him a 11 fellows windows Thunders of applause from Crom the tho audience etc etc Muss Miss Fanny 1 lInn Young proves roes her excel excellence excellence lence ns mis nn an accompanist t by I leaving out all 1111 display when assisting time the vocalists and for tor this labs reason renson she will make an on In hum Invaluable valuable le acquisition to the time concert room Time The pianoforte execution of the Musses Misses Anna and tn nuna nn 11 In let excellent style and demonstrated good Hood training Their Instructress Mrs MrsS S A 1 Cooke has ban In iii their education then tion herself to be hI an experienced teacher of oC the legitimate school of ot pianoforte playing Ing Such teachers leathers are arc worthy of ot r of ot deserving of or liberal patronage from the ladles of ot the city elt I l should have pae been teen pleated to have en In entered ten d on the time pieces executed by b tho those e young oun ladles but 1 I nm am sorry to say space SIMICO will not admit Mr Calder the till Instructor has hOll not tint retrograded sluice since Jibe Ills last concert with frith his hili and ids his Juvenile host by hy their performances have hOe crowned his hi perseverance per with additional honors and brought him through In great trl tri triumph God bless leps till the little lit t It ones JOHN JOU SIt SR SRA A Salt Loiter Laker sweltering in and about New ew York ork writes ns as follows Break lIlen k I Break Broa k Break Brenk On Oil thy timy th cold gray stones oh sea sen hut But the time price per Iler day do at the summer slimmer hotel Is the thing that In Is breaking me meI m mI I hail had the pleasure of a l few Cel moments chat with Mr Ir Al AI 1 man the tho head of oC the great Grent Theatrical Syndicate He Ile made It II plain pisin to me why wll the best b h st shows do clo not come to Salt Sall Lake any more mort He It said Why h should they th |