Show NEIGHBORS ORAS LAKE IDAHO A Good Stock Country With for Settlers Settlor Special Correspondence Grays Lake hake Co Idaho July II Your correspondent left home In Vernal On time tho of June antI and crossed time the arrived In Heber hieber City In time lime for their Sunday school conference He lie line has since tray trav traveled through Summit Mon Mor Morgan gail gan and anul Rich In Utah Utahn n well an s hear r Lake and this tar lit iii counties Idaho The country got drier from Vernal to SOda Hoda Springs but hew here time the country looks green and ani hay im Is fair In Inthe time the bottoms but Is somewhat thin on tho uplands Hut considering that Is raised without It being a try dry year It la Is good This Is truly a grass country an mu It Is thick every where Time The principal crop Is lisa hay but other years when frost Is not no so plan plen good crops of vegetables and amid gar den stuff are raised oven even without irni gation gut ion There Is still room for some famIlle and land hand racy may be In had very vory cheaply Grays lake is peculiar us mIs no water can be seen In In a few spots ns as time the bulrushes are no so thick an alt l tall nil nil over It Time The lake U is subsiding al at so arm Last er people rode rodo homes ov over r time the bottoms out to the Island nearly miserly In the of time the lake Some people tire ore now talking of draining It and two methods are spoken of either of which to Is feasible Qua Olio Is to out the his outlet and time the other Is to lo build n St canal censi around it Time valley Is exceptionally level leel and either will require a vast amount of work Could It be lie accomplished a very vary large tract of land hand would thereby be reclaimed or r surplus could find employment by time the trustees at Wayan ayan Gray ama or Henry lAst winter the Gray die dis triet could not till nil time the requirements cf of the he law hw on account of not finding a in time Time ward with George Muir Is in in n flourishing condition They are aro Just tenting their church with Imported rents |