Show lilt Ii ANCESTRY W ct Always to Trace Your For Forbears or bears Hack Blick for Many II Years Not ot at long since an nn acquaintance of ot sad Had to roe rne with nil nn air all of ot pride trace back hal k my ancestry to my n He tie was wan a cavalier and fought under Charles I T And what does doen that bitt amount to I answered him That was wan 1111 the generation before you and In iii that K n you OU hal had 18 tes forefathers and amid US Just 1240 of ot your ancestry In hl that generation gen rallon Among the II 17 men menor of or hont you OU have Inne never eer t heard there here I may rna hove been heen several who whim were housed for tor murder or sheep sheen for tor all Ill lint you OU know or cnn In over eer hope hore to tn know Anti And you OU must re remember member too that limit you OU had laid Cl 61 1 fore fOI foremother mother In the seventh and 12 32 In the th fifth firth all of or them hoot th m neater nearer lW to you than that cavalier c you OU must ac tic account count for them as all well Yet fet f rr af f courso MurRO otis one should be bl glad that limit his hIli near r lineal and collateral kin have boon and 1111 aro ate honest taco men and virtuous women but a 1 line must he lie drawn and that not many Men Ken orations orAtion ark aek beyond which there here Is IH l bath ml jo such flueh thing ns as n Rood Mood birth or itt birth It In Is all both bolh good minI and listi When Then any one ono to boast IIA t that he lie comes ot of n a long lon lino of proud try ho bl can dm be contradicted at tt Once arice because e o there re Is III no such thin hint ones nn all an as a long line of ot ancestry centry cannot be by h a n atine aline line tine but by b an Inverted pyramid livery otis one of UN UM comes orneR one by b one ono but of many hundreds and thousands of or long Ion It lines of ancestry some seine of thorn them proud perhaps anti anI others with no muse rollIe for pride but rather the reverse It will not do to try to follow Collow them all too fur back Some Home one nile of the lie many fill rei lend to n a dungeon of ot tho lie prison on or It may go 10 to tile the Tyburn l urn gallows tree Iree We Wo cannot pin our faith to the lie one cavalier and Ig IS Ignore none nore all 1111 the lie others otherl as all my friend was M to do because It 1 Is natures plan n that limit all the he good and all ull the lie bad of or the lie race lace should OP os mixed up In each ench one of us Popular Monthly |