Show EPHRAIM op OI JOlli V F P Career Cloned Alter it ii Mn ill ul Special Correspondence county July 10 After a ii litigating lingering Illness from roam Brights John lohn F F P an old and iesH citIzen of this city died ut his home lucre hern yesterday afternoon Ho lie In health to allow him to attend time the Scandinavian conference ut itt Provo where he hue ono of Jr time the principal speaker but since his liin return horn he steadily grew weaker until death him front from his suf feting Mr was vory prominent among the tho Scandinavian of Utah He lIe was well ishI known In all parts harts of time the state nail and lila Ills death donth will be he sin sincerely mourned front from Cache to Dixie Ho Ito took an active part In the ing of this city and county and a great grent deal of the early history of time the community nit can bo be best learned from time tho re ye records cords of events which he line compiled from time to time lImO Mr Darius was born In Copenhagen Denmark on June 16 1822 1832 He lie em embraced embraced braced time the Mormon fill Ih In 1850 and labored as its a missionary for several years and uund suffered Imprisonment and much persecution for or time tho Gospels sake sakeI He I to came caine to Utah Plait In IS and located In iii Lund and made this city hl his homo haute since that time coming to Utah he n a number of years In Scandinavia and In time the northern states as u ii The funeral services will b bu held In Inthe the thu tabernacle tomorrow afternoon |