Show AND XII HAIL Time The Soda Springs Sleeper n r Is III b l being well Kant Hut st and westbound travel to be t very try ery heavy dNita the lb beat heat beatI C P traveling fright freight agent for th tim Burlington has gone to Dillon Mont These waa wu a HO tire In the Oregon Short Line hopa at diy day night Tb The Oregon Short Line will give a vacation to Idaho and ami north rn Utah points next Saturday TIme The IO Los Angeles Angelet are ams dumb regarding the meeting Of time the San Saim Pe Fe ire dro official in the city of tIme the angels angeli Some SO beet growers of Utah coun county ty availed themselves of the excursion to Saltair over the Short Line thIs thia morning The ri greater greSter portion at of the l business will I be handled on time the return trio trl East Bait by oy tIme the Northern Pa el elk Ar ArAt At i tant lenient nger Agent Oe Oats W V of the lIla llio returned tram from Spring morning Tin The corps of surveyor on time the P I I N ham have nearly completed time the final o n Into 1110 Seven Perils mining die dis district Traffic Manager S SHI SIll HI Ill of the Hlo 1110 Grande Orande Western In hI Tj to return from hi his vl visit U of Uv hi western agencies of the wad road on Monday are announced from rum out at point i to this city for Pioneer day meni mens sad and the t l I S V S South Sea Seu Islanders to Salt Saltair air July 31 The handsome now ticket ot the Oregon Short Line Union Pa rifle have been further Improved by the thu installation of some lift palms and pot hot plants It Is now wild said that Stephen P Gage of the Southern is to be retired on omm n a He lIe has boon with time tho Pacific railroad and amid Its us successor cur sor time the Southern Pacific company for nearly forty years yearn The Southern Pacific at work between Stilt Salt LaKo have up UI Into mb two parties Ono Ommo is between Garfield and Lake Point and tIme the oth other r In the vicinity of time the Suit Lake Los Log Angeles tracks Telegraph operator Hague who did luch Rood servIce dunn tile the on aim time the of if lila his Instrument In sending out press from time the Oregon Short LIne Lino at ilL that Wyoming mining camp campIn In Is visIting with whim relatives In imi this city DespIte rumors to the ef effect feet time the auditors others of the lIla Itlo Orr lide are to be moved to Denver September 1 Auditor Murphy of the Denver i lila Klo Grande who Is s now In this city It is all news to Owing to Increasing business over tIme the Union Pacific It t line lias been necessary to divide time the handling of traffic at Lura mule The freight department has bias ben been placed In the of E II It hate of Neb It is said that tit position of passenger w enger and ticket agent will be Iliad filled by Charles Clark of Lara nile Among lit thiS shipments secured b Agent I Ben en of tilts the lila llio Weste r during this the past week were ten tell i tars art of sheep from to Chicago live cra rs from Tucker to Kan sag alf 15 c cars r from to Chi Chicago cage cago seven cara from froim Colton olton to Kan Kansa sa stall City Ity shaven cars from Colton to IranIan City ity five Ilme earn of fromi Mantl Manti to city ity four earn cars or hence from Carlin Net Nev lo to Kansas City Cit |