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Show KING JS IN A sor.AP.rc. BELGIAN nULCH IN ANOTH" SCANDAL. Iter ricnr In the Crnirl. I conoid I're.lr. . en.tlnn hT rrnlecllna III. I'.rlnrr In Operation u Ulubll HetU. (Special Letter.) There nevir was n fnlr book king who uai such n iilctureno,uoly wicked old monarch as In 1.0111 I'lilllfipe Maria Victor U-onold II . klm? of HclgHtm. soSfrelRn of tho Independent Cotso ,it;tes. duke of Pnsmi). prince nl xo-Coburic xo-Coburic and (lotlm rutunrl of the Twcnt) -seventh rcKimcnl of Imperial Infantry Herman empire, chief of the Ho)nl I'riuilan dragoons, squadron II: KnlRlit of tho darter. Knight of the Ooldcn Kleece nnd Knight of Hi" lllnck i:ule lleUI thee thlnr I" linn n benign, fatherl) hoard nnd a record rec-ord of scandals that would mako even tho Princess t'hlmny blush. And now there U 11 ehanee that he may add " tho crowning glory to hl worthy career ly helnK tried n criminal charge At nn mte. If ho l not tried It will be onl) because the criminal crim-inal courts dare not proeute him Leopold weakness for dancer and other charming and entertaining hut expensive luxuries and dissipations hn been keeping him hard lip for many ytar, lilt greed and need for money led him to gn Into the gambling hell bualncM with tho devout hopo of knocking nut hit roal collenRUo. In tho touth of Kuroiie tho prlnco of Monaco Hut something has gono wrong with the old mnn'ii calculation. I Ills wonderful manipulation of Lho at- 1 falni connected with tho gambling i places has raised ucli n lorm about his ears that n deputy has announced that ho will lay tho case, before tho criminal authorities nnd halo Iho dear old ro)al offender beforo a court to answer charges of fraud nnd bribery It nil began with tho king's chaste and I pious effort to mako Oslenil, tho famous fam-ous watering place, n resort equally famous for Its gambling facilities With tho delightful complaccnco which Is his peculiarity ho used tho city property prop-erty for tho erection of the dens. Mid they hnvo municipal protection In tho shnpo of policemen, who aro polled beforo them night nnd day like sen-trie. sen-trie. Tho gambling places have been enormouily popular, so much so that Leopold lias found It possible to add tovcrnl choice scandals to III collection, collec-tion, which already was more complete thnn that of any other potentate. The faorlto game Is l.es Petit Chcvaux. "Little lloraej." which generally managed man-aged to get largo horses on tha pcrton who staked their money Tho man vHio held the goernment leaies for the gambling privilege was n Frenchman, liaron l)ello)c. He la a particulate warm friend of the king, and stis-pkVoua stis-pkVoua persons hao ald for )eura that the two were In partnership Del-lojo Del-lojo was luylng 3C3,0'jO francs annually an-nually for tho privilege. This was known to be n rldlculouily low rental, as It was understood that his profit was ten millions a year. When lil lease ran out, n few months ago, the municipal council of Ostend which tins to take the first action on leases of this kind declined to renew at the old figures, Delloye generously offered to pay tOO.OOO francs Hut the council coun-cil was bullish, and demanded COO 000 franc. l)elloa mide n kick That was foolish. Up bobbed another phi-lanthroplat phi-lanthroplat who was willing to pay l.r.00,000 francs n ear for the Christian Chris-tian privilege, of winning the money of his fellow-men and women He produced pro-duced excellent security for hi offer, but, to tho surprlio of all Innocent folk In Oitcnd, the virtuous city f ithers declined de-clined to conalder the offer The ex-cuie ex-cuie was the rather lame one that It would never do to nctept so high a rental, ns It would shock public opinion opin-ion to let It go abroad that the gambling gam-bling privileges were worth so great a sum. Then thero began n light between be-tween the rival gamblers, and the mat-tar mat-tar was drugget! beforo the house of representatives, which has jurisdiction over tho acts of municipal counill. The homo ordered that the council o'l-Tertian o'l-Tertian for bids. The council said II would lie degrading Iho house announced an-nounced that It would not let (Mend gamble nt all then The council began be-gan to cajole, threaten, und, members of the houie say, to offer bribes. Uui It 7- '.i M IMPW ' Vv el !f'X KINO LKOI'OM) tho house remained obdurate nnd finally the council advertised for bids Seven enthusiasts responded One Corberon, offered 1,705,000 francs To next highest bidder was a rather mra-terloua mra-terloua person, who bid under the name of DeCaters. lie offered 1.3S0 000 francs. To the lively surprise of nil good cltlicns tho municipal council promptly awarded the contract to De Caters, The house of representatives annulled the award Just as promptly Then the municipal council appealed to tie king and he upheld the council I d ordered a ill putalton of the repre-"btatlvei repre-"btatlvei to indorse Us action. And It was that l-eopeild not Into hot water There Is a deputy In the house M reprenntatlves named Journe-s ot Uel'i.ti Hr nne 111 public mevtlng J tin limine and charged openly nnd ,ruly tlikt li Caters wni onl) n flg-lied flg-lied for Delloye. (list I)ello)0 Is ' Hn partner, and that the nwird ad been obtained with the most flag-Wat flag-Wat hrlbe giving and taking that ever I bad ridm-ued any country. Ho said I tt piwiitons In the three gambling Mlare. hud hren offered to all tho rela-1 live, nml ileH-ndens of tho members Jj the municipal council, and that toon rnriia had been ild oiienly for single ne fter announcing that formal , rlminsl eharges would be modo t oner hf nintlnned "Not only wcro , brllieii otTered openly to secure tho Prlvlleid lut It la notorious that the hione) which Is paid for tho privilege. Is sinlin and wasted In the most hsmefiii manner Hut tho truth Is Inst ih government retuses to Interfere Inter-fere hoaiiw the hand of the king pro-nnts pro-nnts It lirhlnd tho Oitcnd municipal council whl.h has inlrcbt all Iltl-Hum Iltl-Hum Kisnds King l.e-opold However, the country and alt Kuropa knows now what an mieqiialed government wo have ' |