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Show Warsaw llarracka. Tho barracka at Wareaw, erected by tho Ilufslan czars to hold In check tbt unruly Poles, are by far the most spa-clous spa-clous In the world The guns In the walls facing the city could easily level lev-el tho capital ot Old Poland to the ground, while tho garrison maintained, numbering nearly 10,000 troops, could overawe any rebellion, unless the conspirators con-spirators had aid from outside. The barracks cover some 5,000 acres In the highest portion of the suburbs. The barracks at Aldcrthot, England, are the second largeat In the world, having hav-ing accommodations for "0,000 troops, nnd covering 4,000 acres. The Cur-rash Cur-rash Ilarrackt at Klldare, In Ireland, are In 10 squares, each of which has sufficient space for an entire regiment and Its officers. |