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Show WtlM L 'The seed of the globe turnip, f - accord-Id- s to recent Investigation. Increase It a in fifteen Ume min- ute when grow In. The seed of globe beturnip I exceedingly minute, not of ing larger than th : twentieth pertthe dd Inch In diameter, end yet, in count of ttv months the seed will be elaborated by the soil and the atmosphere Into 27.000.b00 time the bulk of the eed.'nd this In addition to a considerable bunch of leave. On extremely favorable ground turnip have been found to increase by growth 15,990 time the weight of th ir seed each day they stood. The fungus la another instance of remarkably rapid growth. . The. great puff ball, will attain the else of a pumpkin In a tingle night, and Llndley, the botanist, calculated that the cells ot which It Is made up will multiply at the rata of 0,000,000 a minute. Some seeds germinate in a very thort period; the creas in two days; spinach, turnips and kidney beans In three days; lettuce In four; melons end gourd In five; moat of the grain seeds In a week; hyssop at the end of a month, others remaining for a very long period wttbout ahowtng signs of germtnatlrn. Cin, cinnati Enaulrer. An V ova weight " Tha princess shape has the advantage of displaying well the design of the rich brocades and fancy ITEMS OP INTEREST FOR MAIDS velveU now worn, the beauty of the pattern taking the place of extenaive AND MATRONS. trimming The richer the material the longer is tbe gown, all prln- Will PreCere of th Teeth Attoetlo ess costumes trailing more or less, acsses e Usaety That Is Most Hawltrh-lo- g to the quality of tbe tissue and cording Is Prlghtoslsg Children the general elegance of tbe toilet. If Ohearrahle la after tears. the gown consist of but one material, trimmings of ruffles and ruches may be By tho Applfi Tr ewploted if they do not conceal the him of design of the goods. It Woo not pnfpr that t hanK-The fastening Is UJ; at the back, and the almost always mAtlf him hy. It WM- fwt Ton br&nch thot ha bluMormd above Uir gown is closed ly hook or laces, the latter being preferred for evening Could ffueoo the and mo (an I. The lacings extend from the gowns or the tsjdlie to a little below the top bold What doea It mrAng the i1n hips In order lo keep the upper part falU tint at it merrUt of the gown perfectly tight and Ad ready trip? MDOOth,. TThaX potent lufluinrc Lota Iff Thrall FOE WOMAN AND HOME QUICK GROWTH. of ceremony. em-ploj- Iwl rf '' The eaer h?rt and tin burning Ah to falter Whooo hy d know (Save for tho Tba pansy-purpl- e frp h Jip girl outi lot you wilful curl) asleep blov A Girl1 School Hot. The fashion of tipping the hat over the eyes Is so becoming to fresh young fares that it is not surprising to know that the fashionable hat of spring will be a tipped one. It will be low over the eyes and turned up abruptly in the back The hat can be of any of the r.ew our dimpled drl.cate shades of straw trimmed with with Ah, bloom roses and velvet. l.ace straw Is the If but yon blonMomy - rrt Could whlaper a learned In the most fashionable and the popular color will be tbe new red brick. a gloom, A Strung Maa's That deepens its bluMhM even now. Roses of this color are very beautiThe strongest man cm earth says th secret of his wonderful power la perfect NoYetneod. for thr terret at laat U known ful and can be set around the crown so, I fancy It might not be and heaped at the back llke-- a bush. Hus letter's Stomach Bitters digestion. Had he not mt her. by cbonco, alone, make digestion easy and cures all coin Thera In the lane, by the apple-treplaint arising from a weak stomach, such Nothing to frighten a man away Only a chvk lik a Miraa trry bed; Only a rlngWs gid atra And a mouth likr a Iwby dewy-rem baby-mout- ! aiipl-lxiug- h iw- e. aa indigestion, biliousness, liver and kidney As a tonic it is marvelous. Everybody Weeds it at this time of tbeyear. ailment. Car of tb Tooth. If the proper amount of care was bestowed upon the teeth there would not be the complaints we bear from A Satell Matter, Miss Murray Hill I suppose I mast day to day, the teeth would laat like any other part of the body, with only Congratulate you, Sarah. the repairs made necessary by wear Mis Point Breeze Why? "Mr, Homewood tells me tht you and tear. There la nothing better for the teeth and he are engaged (hat you accepted him laat night." than precipitated chalk flavored with "Did I? Well, really, ' t remem-ba- r; wlntergreen, and it bas the advantage but I hare no doubt la right. of being cheap. Brush with this In I never have the heart to refuse n the morning and use only water on of proposal marriage. Pittsburg the brush at night. For the rest of Chronicle-Telegrapthe day refrain from the use ot the IOWA PEOPLE GO TO CANADA brush, but use a piece of dental floss or a thin rubber band to remove parHas Bays fira with Proceeds from ticles of food from between the teeth af Oae Crop, after each meal. It is well to brush W. R. Mllburn, John Holmes, M. R. the tongue as well as the teeth, as the Dugger, E. L. Stetson, of Buena Vista coating works considerable barm to county, Iowa, report aa follow of tb the surface of the teeth. A drop or Canadian North-We- st as to Us suittwo of tincture of myrrh on the tooth advanand tba for farming, ability tage It offer to tbo agricultural Im- brush will sweeten the mouth and a migrant from the United State: few drops In a small glass of water "Wc cam here solely to look up Im- used aa a gargle will take away any proved farm and, If suitable, to se- taint that may remain on the breath lect auctuas pleased us best. We have after the nights sleep. More harm Is not TlaUed the homestead districts at nil, though ws believe them to be vary done by too much brushing and too Inviting. Our Inquiries have been much dentifrice than by letting the confined solely to tbs district around teeth alone. There Is another caution I would Hartney Deloralne and towards th Souris River in. Manitoba. Our give in the care of the teeth. Do not of lMbt,fKl!J us much eop. it will make the teeth every way satisfactory, and ws have feel smooth and nice, but will not re- decided to go hack to Iowa at once, 1 saw an Inatance aut.AsyarnLj sad, hav tpg.dliasd ,, of . to tlBClItton. set of leeth In a Manitoba Interests there, to return la the month ot March next, and, ef- pretty girls mouth. She decided to fecting our purchase of Improved diacard dentifrice for white caatlle aoap farms, which wa find we can do at and had passed through a week of that reasonable rates, immediately begin treatment when I met her. I give you farming. Ws are greatly pleased with my word she waa a one Every sight aeen ot we in that have all that part sound was of her teeth rimmed in good we find to Western Canada. Th aoll be more than equal to that of our own black which required the beat efforts and the of her dentist to restore them to anycountry for other conditions of climate, schools, thing like tbelr former beauty. The markets, etc., art all that w could roughness of dentifrice Is necessary to wish for. remove discoloration and used in mod"To ahow what an energetic man It will Improve any set of teeth. can do wa may mention that we found eration ena such at Hartney who had rented The Jukil a a farm on aharea, receiving The Travers Is one of the smartest ot tha returns ai his ihsra of tha crop. Whan ha cama to sell hla own of the new short Jackets, flu plain and a, produca ha found that hla tight in th back and over the bust. when converted Into cash, was enough to buy th farm he rented out and out. which ha accordingly did, and is now Its owner. It Is our Intention to Indues aa many ot our friends as possible. who are practical farmers, to remove from Iowa to this country, where wa believe there la n better future tor tha industrious man than U now to b found anywhere on thta continent Wa are well known In our part ot tha state of Iowa, and wa invite correspondence from its residents In nil parts with regard to this region of Western Canada which w have visited, and to which we intend to Tatum. ... -- For early spring nothing Is as fashionable aa velvet It can be folded in broad loops with a big knot of velvet between the loops. Velvet Is so decorative In Itself that It should be ent aa little aa poestble. The broader tbe loop tbe more beautiful will be tjie boa. Other male dam &r..quite different, hut velvet has a style all its own. "mt popular school collar will he turned over and with the collar will te worn a black satin stock fastened with two plnsr'one at the throat and one midway tbe ends. The lower fastening holds the stock In place upon the front of the dress. Helen Grey-Page. -- wheat-growing, two-thlrd- two-thlrd- . i K li i' H lru, Mtmtiti Tha barracks at Warsaw, erected by tha Rucslan czars to hold In check tha unruly Poles, are by far tha moat spa- cious in th world. Tha guns in th walla facing the city could aaally level th capita! of Old Poland to tha ground, while tha garrison maintained, numbering nearly 40,000 troops, could "overawe an reLenrori.'untes thecon-aplrathad aid from outside. Tha barrack cover some 5,000 acres la tha highest portion ot tha suburb. Th barracks at Aldershot, England, art the second largest in tha world, hav lag accommodation for 20,000 troops, and covering 4,000 acres. Th Cur-rag-h Barrack at Kildare, In Ireland, are in 10 squares, each of which has sufficient space tor aa entlr regiment and its officers. Are Tea It Is tb Iil All Fsst-Ksss- T only cure tor 8wollea. Smarting Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions Ask tor Allan's and ha but n single dart In the front, which leave It n little loose fitting at the waist line. It buttons straight up ta front without or reefer ' i. ,nrflr " Sect, and la finished at the neck with ' T A ihort lUriitNb After he wss grown up Mr. Ruskla conventional tailor collar and lapels. taeniae n great author, et whom near- Its chief novelty lies In Its being cut ly everybody haa heard. When bs longer In the front than in the back, n was n little boy his parents wanted new "cut." which tailors insist will him to become n minister, and on have n great "go" this spring. night he beard them talking about it, so he, thought he would begin right - Bvralw Qewa away. The next day when he was 7he princess form it ih most fawith hla little playmates he got a red vored by elegant mod t Meg, probably cushion, which he placed on a chair. with a view to suppressing the skirt Then standing behind it and pounding and bodice etyl with the bodice unlike H. at be had seen the minister do, he th aklrt The latter ely.e atm holds preached hla first sermon. All he said it own. however, although It la abanwas, "People, be good!" but it was a doned for dress occasions and affairs pretty good sermon, after alL a powder to he shaken Into above. At all Druggists and Shoe Etores, 25c. Samplo aent FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. T. Toot-Eas- e, the v i 1 -- rrl(hOolB( Children. Nothing can be worse for a child than to be frightened. The effect of the scare It is slow to recover from; It remains tometlmes until maturity, as Is shown by many Instances of morbid sensitiveness and excessive nervousness. Not Infrequently fear is employed as a means of discipline. Children are controlled by being made to believe that something terrible will happen to them, and punished by being abut up In dark rooms, or by being put In places they stand in dread of. No one without vivid memory of his childhood can comprehend how entirely cruel such things are. We have often heard gTOwn persons tell of the suffering they have endured, as children, under like circumstances, and recount the Irreparable Injury which they are sure they then received. No parent, no nurse, capable of alarming the young Is fitted for her position. Children, aa near as possible, should be trained hot to know the sense of fear, which, above everything else, Is to be feared In their education early and late. Some Interesting facts dealing with the fears of children have n been collected by a professor. He found that 1.701 children were afraid of 6,456 things. The leading tern were., lightning, and . thunder, reptiles, strangers, the dark, death, domestic animals, water, ghosts, insects, rata and mice and high words. Some of the fears were the results of personal experiences that is. In a district where a great wind had wrought a havoc the children were afraid In other cases the analof it. ysis showed by what means parents had worked upon the imaginations of their children. In one district sixteen poor little ones were dreading the end of the world. The most gratifying fact of all waa that not one child had been frightened into obedience or good conduct by the fear of tbe devil. A century or two ago that fear would have led all the rest The pleasing Inference Is that parents now dwell upon affection and love to Insure the goodness of their children. Instead of terrorizing them with Satans wrath. well-know- or fly-fro- nt al NLOCOMOT1VES. A Have Many Objections to Thatr Introduction. English workmen do not view with Twe-Thir- a. MRS. Bwsltah WorkntBB h. r PAINFUL PERIODS NO MORE AM ERICA 1 C3 WRITERS OF PLAYS, Liaally file a Fsreoolaas of They CrOM Mlplft. GEORGE OSMUN, oMBelvidere, Warren Cd.. N. J., writes: Wonderful stories are told of the Suffering as I had from weakness, irregularities and backache to dramatic amounts paid authors, says several years, a release from this suffering was a blessing. Uhl In Scribners. If they W. J. how I wish more suffering women would accept your kind offer and he relieved. Were true, they would prove that the There is no need lor women to suffer. Mrs. Piukltam s advice and Lydia E. qulckcsi ay to get rich was to write Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will relieve It takes two years, a sucie'-.'-fu- l play. them. howeier. for a skilled dramstlbt, like Mrs. Ida Peters. Milan. Tenn., writes: Bronson Howard, to make a play, and Dear Mrs. Pinkhau When 1 wrote to yon he cannot guarantee that It will be the time asking your advice 1 was a great 1 liked t the unfathomable public sufferer. Menstruations were irregular, somedo not know what Mr Howard retimes a week too soon and then a week or two ceives but the tvpnal pay of a dramalate, and when they appeared were very profuse; tic autlio! in 5 per cent'of th- - gross regreat pain and tenderness in the' bowels, pain in But there la uo fixed back and limbs, ceipt- wttklj all the time. I Some was weak and nervous and had no appetite. standard of payments playBurning and choking sensation in my throat. wrights get a certain sum down and I received your reply and followed all your the royalty of 6 per cent. Othinstructions and now I am cured. I owe my ers are paid on a sliding scale One recovery all to Mrs, Pinkhams advice and her noted pair of collaborator received for wonderful remedies. one of their productions 6 per cent of Ella E. Brenner, East Rochester, the gross teceipts tip to Iri.OOO, and 1 Ohio, writes: per cent additional of each one thouI have been thankful a thousand times sand over that figure. As their work since I wrote to you for what your Vegetadrew flu noo a week for the first six ble Compound has done for me. 1 followed weeks their managers had to pay them $700 a w.-your advice carefully and now I feel like n for the use of their work. different person. My troubles were backIn the ease .of purely theatrical hackache, headache, nervous tired feeling, painwork smaller prices are paid, and the ful menstruation and leueorrliuea. I took rate - often fixed at so much a night. four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhim's Vegeta$25 being a good fee For adaptations ble Compound, oue box of Pills, oue package counare seldom paid in this royalties of Sanative IV ash and am now well. try. A manager usually hires a hack Mrs. Maggie P. Stine. New Berlin, dramatist and pays him a lump sum writes: Pa., for hi- - work. For operetta adaptaI have suffered with terrible backache tions verv small prices are paid; that in the small of my hack for about seven Is why the adaptations are usually such years, and could never get anything to help poor trash. No man who can do good me. I tried several physicians, but found work ran afford to accept the terms. no help. I have now taken three bottles Original operettas, if successful, pay of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comboth managers and authors very well. pound, and feel like a different woman." DOyly Carte offered Gilbert and SulliOwosso, Mich., writes; S. Cedar H. Mrs. Street, A., 124 van 10,000 down for the exclusive I wrote to you asking advice in regard to my health. three ago years Nearly fights to the Pirates of Penzance. I waa so miserable; suffered from painful menstruation and backache, waa They declined the offer, accepted their nervous, dizzy and faint. I received such a kind letter from you, telling me customary royalties, and got 12,000. Just what to do. I followed your advice and I now am recommending Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I thShk QRI folthis pain destroyer." of Silk Rtranant. Of all the treasures, silk remnants are perhaps the most useful, They come Ip for that sufficiency" of iik blouses In possession of which even the woman of modest pin money an make a brave show. Let her but have and well-maa well-cskirt of serg and another of black allk, and she can vary her toilet as she pleases, besides always looking nice , ut a. 9 complacency the Introduction ot the American locomotives on the Midland railway. They are not only an affront to their national pride, but they ee In them a positive menace to the engineers' trades union, which has been one of the most powerful In all Europe. Tbe American locomotive Is placed on the rails in Great Britain at a cost of from 20 to 30 per cent less than the British makers can produce the same sort of machine. So the working of the American locomotives Is watched with much more than ordinary Interest by men on both sides of the ocean. If the machines can be made thoroughly adapted to British requirements at such a saving of cost to the British railway companies, it means that the British maker must produce them at a like cost or else be thrown out of the market. That means lower wages to the British workman, and against that he will fight with all his characteristic obstinacy, as he has to the introduction of labor saving machinery. Even the long drawn out and disastrous strike which made possible the Introduction of the American locomotive, has not taught them the whole of their lesson. There Is even now a proposition on foot that the union of locomotive drivers shall adopt a rule prohibiting members from handling an American-mad- e locomotive, when the englneera union shall reach the conclusion if it does, that the Introduction of the American machine threatens seriously the wages of their trade. BRIGHT HOME MAKES AMERRY HEART. JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SAPOLIO Do Yoor Foot Aeho tnd BoraT How's Tbtel We offer One Hundred Dollars reward forsay Shake Into your shoes, Allens Foot-Eas- e, of Catarrh that oannot bs cured by Hail s a powder for the feet It makes Mae Catarrh Cure. ' feel New Cures Shoes or V. 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a Easy. tight We, the undersigned, have ItDOirn F. 9 Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Cheney the last 16 for and believe him Sweating Feet At all Druggists and perfectly honorable In allyear business transactions Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. and financially able to carry out any obliga made by tbelr firm. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. lions West A Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledat O.; Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale Waldlng, Visitor Does the trolley line lead to tbe Druggists. Toledo, Ohio Hall a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, satenneteryt Yes, If one isn't cn refm. Bra. Winslow's Soothing Byrap farahlblrsB loathing, softratths itumi. rsduoo, in. S animation, altar, pain, cursa --mid cotta 26 oania a bouts. Horseflesh is being served s la cart in European restaurants. Rises Cure for Consumption Is the best ell cough cures. George W. Lota, Febucher, La., August 20, lbjo. Of Idleness is the refuge of weak minds. ing directly upon the blood and mucous surf aoeai of the system. Testimonials sent free Prise Tbe per bottle. Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pllla are the best Two Valnsd Opinions. prominent western railway man. In speaking of tbe passenger service of the New, York Central, says: It begins right, ends right, and is right In tbe middle. An officer of one of tbe transpacific steamship lines says: There is no train Bervice in the world comparable with that of the New York Centrals Lake Shore Limited." The best Is the cheapest, and the beat Is always best The New York Central stands at tbe head of the passenger lines of this country and has fairly earned the title of Americas Greatest Railroad. Buffalo Commercial, February 14, 1899. A I hat Eastern Trip. Going East, take the Santa Fe Route as far as Chicago. Most direct line from the West generally, and thirty miles the shortest between Missouri rtyer and Chicago, which insures quick time and sure connections. Track is with very few straight and crossings at grade. 'The shortest and surest way to live with Veetlbuled limited expresses, with latest bsaor in the world Is to be in reality wbal Pullmans and free chair cars. we would pattern appear to be. Meals in dining cars, served a la carte. Inquire of C. F. Warren, General Agent, Oh That Delirious roffsst 411 Dooly block, Salt Lake City, Utah Costs but lc per lb to grow. Salser has the seed. German Coffee Berry, pkg. loc; n Some people fancy they are thinking Jsva Coffee pkg. 16c Salxers New lie. Cfit this out and send when they are merely giving their preju-dlce- s lie forChicory any of above packages or send 30c and get all 3 pkgs. and great Catalviolent exercise ogue free to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., La Crosse, Wla. lw.n.1 Am-erlca- Holton's Library. Agreements have been signed for the purchase of the old public library building in Boylston street, Boston, by the Frederick L. Ames estate for $850,-00and the formal transfer will be made some time this month, according to the Transcript. Forty-fou- r years ago the corner stone of the library building was laid, and three years later the building was completed and dedicated. After forty years of occupancy for library purposes It was abandoned for the new structure in Copley square. KIDNEY DISEASE. 0, by Internal Cntnrrh, Promptly Cored by Hon. J. H. Caldwell, a prominent dnnssd member of tbe Louisiana State LegisSidney Webb, tbe sociologist, said in a lature, says tbe following In regard to recent London address that the purest town In. America was tbe Mormon Salt for catarrh: I have used for a number Lake City." of year with the very best result for catarrhal diseases. I shall never be Pe-ru-- Pe-ru-- Joshua Bates of England, a banker born in Massachusetts, contributed $50,000 toward the building fund, and to this amount other donations were added. The building cost $365, 000, and at that time the number of books in the reading room was 10,215; number of volumes In the library, 22,047. Among the contributors of books were: Theodore Parker, 12,000 volumes; Geo. Tichaor,. 7.500 yolumes.lncludlng a valuable Spanish collection; the sons of Dr. Nathaniel Bowditch gave their fathers library of 2,500 volumes and $500 In cash for the purchase of books; Abbott Lawrence bequeathed $10,000; Mary C. Townsend, $4,000; Jonathan Phillips, $30,000; Mrs. Sally Inman In 1855 Joshua Bates Hast, $1,000. ive a large number of books. Brads An Excellent Combinations the seatna, which are indispensable In the new tunic, are hidden beneath lace, the Idea being to give tba effect ot seamless gown. Why she Bid It. Why la it," they asked, that you let your hdsbaud have his own way in. Because." she replied, everything? I like to have some one to blame when things go wrong." Boston Journal. Hoe. 3. H. Csldwen. without It. I never fail to recommend it when an opportunity present itself. J. H. Caldwell, Robeline, La. Gilbert Hofer, Grays, Ky say in a letter dated March 7th, 1894: "I have need four bottles of and I am well of my catarrh, and it cured my Bright disease. I had been troubled fop two years. I weigh twenty pounds more than I did before I waa taken tick. I (hall never he without Pe-rPe-ru-- na u- Send for free catarrh hook. Dp. Hartman. Columbus. 0. Address Th natives of Ceylon claim that the tree will not grow out of tbe reach of tbe human voice. nt Mme. Nevada, the prima donna, who was a Mis Wixom ot Nevada, and Is of now Mrs. Palmer, Is a Mn. John Mackay. er The pleasant method and beneficial of the well known remedy, Strup of Fies, manufactured by the California Fi Strop Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles of plant known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation permanently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the idem laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig are need, ns they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by n method known to the California Fis Strop Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. effect Ml Bpnalra The messes of beads and spangles which have been so popular on evening dresses during the winter are beBlack Chantilly ing dispensed with. over white mousseline de sole is the latest fancy for the evening gown, and Two Farmers Doubled their money last week. Write or Wire Andrew & Lombard, Stock Brokers Sslt Lake, Utah. Exactly What Toa Want-- haady llttls box sight for a ladys psns er a fsatlsmsB vest just pockst) of Cssrsrsts Caody Catbartfs, prsTsots lltnsss. Alldniggists,ieaJSaAes CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAJf PXAXrCISOO, CAL. s toxx. .t. muiemxn. it. rrxw Pries SQc. For sals by all Druggists. perbottla |