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Show Mme. Nevada, tho prima donna, who t a Ml" Wlxom of Nevada, and tt now Mr. Falmor. Is a god-daughter of Mrs, John Mackay. PAINFUL PERIODS NO MORE MRS. GHORGi: OSMUN, of Belvidcre. Warren Co , N. J., writesi "huflcrlng a I had from weakness, Irregularities and backache ; for several) ears, a release from this suffering wn a blessing Oh! ' how I vvlali more aiilTeriugM omen Mould accept your kind offer and bo relieved. Tbcro I no uevd for women to suffer .Mr. Plnkhama adrk-e and Ljdla V-k V-k " -i -t) l'lnkhnm Vegetable Cotnpuuud will relieve j' Mm. Ida I'rrrRJ, Milan. Tenn., write: W, J "Dfaii Sins. Piikium When I wrote to yon 9tv Q W the first tluio ask In if jour advice I was a great Ja VJ y sufferer. Mcnstruntluns were Irrvgulur, some- f -5 f time n week too soon unit thin a week or two yiZy9 '"'' '""' w''en they appcured were very prof uc y of great pain and tenderness In the bowels, pain In JKH rvBfllaSK. l",c' nni1 llmlrt' Icuiorrlnca nil tho time. I Kj'ts,!, C4u9Hn wa" weak and nerruus and had no appetite. dUSdfr l jQariiK "urD,nlf ""' choking M-nsutlon In my throat. JaattMCT !sZjttvRlsatt I received ) our reply and followed all your 'MffiFfaHR'HlBr Instruction nnd now 1 nm cured. I ono my ntBfnT Kks3bK rrc,,Trr' " tu '"' I'lnkhniu's advice and her JIRQVa T ItftT W wonderful remedies." C57 ?Sff- I'LLA C" ,1,ttNNER' Ea,t Rochester, V7vSr A y5E "Ilinvebccn thankful a thousand time V'fl'iJA V$LS lnco ' wrote to i ou for what j our Vegota- K''1L&& TJtv bio Compound haa done for me. I followed a8kuyjff' jArMHlV jour advlco carefully and now I feel Uko a 2aE$yfl if tBiir different person. My troubles vvcra back- TlPIBfv 7" )$Sr' Bcliei Iieadachc, nervous tired feeling, pnln- HpBVjJfj gf fill menstruation mid leucorrliaiu. I took IJRXiajBpjB iPf our ,Mtt'c ' I'jdla :. Pinklnm' Vegcta- TpEjKKrcHjflLl ft y, ble Compound, one box of P, ono packnge SEfysjH cVaaiW tv of Manatlve Wash und uiu now well," llffirilfe 'J&P"-ixrfh MRS' MaC0IB V' S1""1, Ncw H"10' 'r-frftk ' ffit-lfftl " I ''"ll,Tered with terrible backache u vvJik. J&firKnr I 'n t'10 a""1" ' '"7 "ck for about seven 7 kvr--N7&A J- yar'anilcou',1"eTergetnnytliliigtobclp ,-isn -jYi me. I tried several phjslclana, but found , Y no help. I have now taken threo bottle jl x,"s ' kjdla I rinkhnm' Vegclablo Com- jf t ,,p i.n- pound, and feel llko a different woman. " Mrs. H.A., U4 S. Cedar Street. Owosso, Mich., writes; " Nearly three j car ngo I w roto to you asking advice in regard lo my health. I waa so miserable; suffered from painful mcnstruntlon nnd backache, was nervous, dlisy and faint. I received such a kind letter from jou, telling dm ust what to do. I followed your advice nnd I now am recommending I.ydla li Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. I thank Ood for this pain destroyer." "ALBRIGHT HOMEMAKES A MERRY HEART." JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SAPOLIO ! Toar rt Arha ant llomT Shake Into your shoes, Allen's Foot-Ease, Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It maket tight or New Shoet feel Katy. Cures Corns. Ilunlont, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Sample aent FHKE. Address Aliens. Olmsted, Lclloy. N. Y. Visitor Does the trolley line lead to the cemetery t Yes, If ono Isn't careful, tin. VMnlo' fluolbln Nrop farcblUran laatbtog aortaattha nni radoaaala-Saaiaiallva, radoaaala-Saaiaiallva, allara ala, curat aladculla. tttaau ft Soma. Horseflesh Is being perved a la cart la European reitaurants. l'lio'a Cure for Consumption Is tbebeit of all cough eurea,-I)eort:e W. Lots, Fabuchtr, La., AuguitSO, 1Kb, Idleneas Is the refuge ot weak minds, lhat railrrnTrlp, Going Hut, tako the Santa Fe Itoute ss fsr aa Chicago. Mott direct Has from the West generally, gener-ally, and thirty miles tho shortest botween Mlnourl river and Chicago, which lusnres quick time and sure connections. Track Is straight and lock ballasted, with very few crossings at grade, Vestlbuled limited expresses, with latest pattern Pullmans ai,d free chair cart. Meals In dining cars, served a la carte Inquire of 0. ', Warren, General Agent, 411 Dooly bloik, Salt lake City, Utah Some people fancy they are thinking when thsy are merely giving their prejudices preju-dices violent exercise KIDNEY DISEASE, aiad br Internal Catarrh, I'raaaplly Cured by l'aru-na, Hon. J. II. Caldwell, a prominent member ot the Louisiana State Legislature, Legis-lature, saya the following In regard to Pe-ru-na for catarrh; "I have used Pe-ru-na for a number ot year with the very best results for catarrhal diseases. I shall never be Itsa. ). IT. CI4a.ll. without It, I never fall to recommend It when an opportunity presents Itself." It-self." J. II. Caldwell, Ilobellne, La. Gilbert Hofer, Graya, Ky aays In a letter dated March 7th, 189t "I have used four bottles of Pe-ru-na and I am well of my catarrh, and It cured my Ilrlgbt's disease. I bad been troubled for two year. I weigh twenty poundt more than I did before I waa taken tick. I shall never be without I'e-ru-nt." Send for free catarrh book. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O, The natives of Ceylon claim that the co-coanut co-coanut treo will not grow out of the reach ot the human volco. Kiaetly VVhiit tou Want. A bandr Hula bus ljuat rlf hi far a taftr a parta or a ivatlaman vast rxiekatl or Catoarat laodr CaUaarUa.praTfaulltoata. Alldrug(tta,iga.lU,tte flows This! TCa offer One Hundred Ilollsrs reward for any rasa or catarrh inai cannot b cured by HaU LaurrhLMm K.J CIIENEYACO..TolMo,CV Vt, tna underalsnru, havo known V. J Cneney for tho last is years snd believe hta parfecllr honorable la ad buslneaa trantaeltona and Onuticlally able to carry out aojobllss? Uons made by tbelr nrm. YA eat A Truax. VV boletala Drustlsta, Toledo, O.I Wildltif. Klnnan A Marvin. wWeatlf Dniiiliti. Toledo, Ohio. Hall sCaurrhCura It taken Internslty.aav 1st directly upon toe blood and mucous surrocati of tha af stem, leatlmonlnla aent rreo. l'rla Taa per bottle. Hold br all drurslato. Uall s ttmlly 1'lils are tha beat. Two Valued Opinion!. A prominent western railway man. In speaking of the passenger servlot ot the New York Central, says; "It begins right, endt right, and It right In tho middle." An officer of one ot the transpacific steamship line says: "There Is no train scrvlco In tbo world comparable with that of tbo Now York Ccntral'a Ijiko Shore Umllcd." The best Is the cheapest, and tho beat Is always best. The New York Central standa at the head of tho passenger lines ot this country and ha fairly earned the title of "America' Greatest Great-est Hallroad," Uuffalu Commercial, February 14, 1899. Tho shortest and surest way to live with lienor la the world is to bo In reality what w would aprnar to bo. Oh That Delirious I'ofT.at Costa but lo per lb to grow, Salxer has tha aeed Herman ConVn lierry, pksr. l&o; Java Coffee pk 15c Hvlser's Now American Am-erican Chicory l&c. Cut thla out and send ISO tor any of above liutkuKea or aend Ma snd set all J bkga, and crest Tata. lotus free lo JOHN A. HALZEIl HI.KI) CO, L Croaaa, Wis. tw.n.) Two fannera Doubled their money last week. Write or Wlro Andrew A. Lombard, Stock Ilrokers Salt I-ako, Utah, Sidney Webb, the sociologist, said In a recent London address that tha purest town in America was "tho Mormon Salt Lako City." An Excellent Coinbinntlon. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Svni'p or Tios, manufactured by the CiuroiuiiA l"io Hvnup Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining tho liquid laxative laxa-tive principles of plant known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tho taste and acceptable to the system. It Is tho ono perfect strengthening laxative, laxa-tive, eleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling one to ovcrcomo habitual constipation permanently. per-manently. Its perfect freedom from orery objcctlonablo quality nnd substance, sub-stance, and It acting on tbo kidney, liver and bonds, without weakening or irritating them, malio It tho Ideal laxative. In the process ot manufacturing flps aro used, as they aro pleasant to tho taste, but tha medicinal qualities of tho remedy nre obtained from senna and other aroniatlo plants, by n method known to tho CAUrorufiA Fio Bmcr Co. only. In order to get It beneficial effect nnd to avoid Imitations, pleats remember tho full name of the Company printed on tho front ot orery package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . BAN VnAHCtSCO. CAL. lotnsvnxa mr. new took, it. t. For tils by sit Druggists. Piles JOc per botUa, |