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Show 7' Tt :: t- r lS1' -l he Coalville ' rf DEVOTED TO THE PEOPLE'S ADVERTISER. VI SUMMIT COUHTY, COALVILLE, NEIGHBORHOOD I noticed ale all c IMES; nTTEEE3TOr SUMMIT COUNTT. UTAH, FRIDAY, APRIL commendable namely, hoieroar. Cull, April, 2d, I8P9. work bad been acceni pllshed,' of their the improvement Luitoh Tiai, . how and I am led to sak th question, The d'etrict school closed on the 21. of Ueuefer permit long will the people The Wedding which look placeon.the stock on and desetrample aadahaept ISTlh waa a quiet one with jutt a few Of crate the graves of their departed loved the hlot iutiruaie friend end relatiiei ooaa! for the want of tbatmigbl 11 w 0B,J t Lo were tbe victims? Ed ) have been pot op year present. A dance took subject plate at night in which all had a lull push ! This the enjoyed theuiaehea ha been spoken of every year for The bunday meeting was addressed by Uat five year, and I hop to llva to tbe Eldi ra Hubeon and Calita who gave the day that our cituena will take Ibt until never lest matter in band sod ome yery inweating remark. The things Way t is accomphabeil. The young people of Rock port went to eiijec are now, we .Uate and trim bp mt Eamaa lo the giand ball on the 21. Al. d the cattle grave in th day time, seemed to enjoy theuiaeltoe. and aheep cow and eat tba floeeri, MiaaJaruion of bait Lake la visiting and roll on tba grave at night. Your W. B. with friend in Rack port. for improvement. - HOCKjroKT - fff COIR ABE OF SILVER, 28, 1899. another Ce ? , JQXTOATZOCT Bo t t It Tt f 16. kotio J a.Ia. t LOCAL, BRIEFS. The Quarterly Conference of Summit W notice that Mr. N. B. Snapp of Steka appointed for April Mthand May NEWS. Oakiay is eorrespoudent to th C. E lat, bes bean postponed by consent of Mr. Mctirkle and 1,1221 Thomas Utah. Weather th first Presidency un'il Sunday and Bureau. have ftoUlfiihe.it year, ia.hor a 1 iuuuaa, Monday, May 14th and 16th, a which tbd echookhete closing last Ft ids, TH HAY FARM. time th Stake Yabaruacly. will be 'l I Around the County in Seven dedicated. 'The Wiabip and LUnufur sihools For aale leas than half price. Well r and For parttcu-aequipped improved. W. W. CtVM. bav juatoaad. see E H. Rbead, 4t Days. Presldenf of Stake, Mies Jew A.tcUbald who taught at J oaeph Barber Er. has been busy durCattle Bx during the pres Hinr re tbe week patting in much needed ing LOST. tttroed toer home in snyd rulle last TRe Eappennlngs of the Past Week Himes water to th to across carry school d0ed I iat fudav. Sondey, A purs containing two coins IS and sioewalks. Told ta Detail hj Efficient In com 1 nee a itfr instronnm from IJ.SG ia gold was lost bytween Coalthe Stetclepaitment of Pub ic lubtruc-tlo- n, Coax-v- tt Nencx to tub vxmbsbs or ville and Yellow. Creak. Finder pleas Correspondents. tb dtools of ihecnunt will probl Waao. The Rishop's Sierehous return to Timet office sod get reward. ably bested to prepare an exhibit for wi t be open on Saturday only for re It is not the value of the money jthat the ee ring tithes and offering. next October ihdueea th loser to advertise hi loss, oiKkir. As 0 any of the schools a e closet bat th fact that tk tmaller coin wa a Mr. Robert Siddoway and tan Robert BTTIiXrSTIlir It ta reported that Georg Edgingtoo v xv, Utah, April, 28, highly prlaad aoa veoir. througbtt the couuty, it has been have gone to Salt Laka City. w take the Echo and IarkCity run, be-Tmu deemed Editos eat not to hold a ins.itut Looav UtaB, April 22, 1899. Mra. Mary Viekary la able to bo ont uing the first of the month. Wesley Kant at until farther. particulars consult or The snow ha bean going fast the lai-- after October W September : Timm Eoitoe to confined the bouse all oeaton will remain with Mr. Edgtng-1- 0 being aext ef tkool inan received year. the County Clerk. dnyort.no. winter. 1 as fireman. Tlj writer recently S I. experience. th on following Louiaa based Jeuien Mr. It and to waaaonounced Mr. Boro quiry through this paper IBfillATE KOTICB. WANIBir The farmer making the inquiry had a that tbeiaat spperlioument of County a pair of taluaon Ilia 34th The boy rbetOOebairs which war furnished hie skim rbool fttdshsd beta mad . We ar I Estate ef J. M. Harris, deceased. . and the girl and dtad immediately aeparator end was feeding Wash, mr, Utah, April 26, 188 bj th female Belief Socitiea for tbe Petition for letters of Administration, mtlk to young hogs. Finally on of tb bow anfiiortsed to say that tba laat ap-- gt .ke Tabernacle, arrived last Monday, set for mother are doing nicely. hearing May, 10th, 1899, at 10 RnrroaTiMM died and on opening It tb stomach portionwaat of State funJs pres-- 1 Tlus exeellent furniture rill be well fn oclock A. M. at Court House, Coalville, the bogs ill , T. T. la Rastnueaen very Mia part Utah. Mr A, A. Anderson ha moved bis was found to be full of nndtgeated cord. ent yeer tu Bade on April ,6. kt ;ptng with the beautiful interior of From 'W. I. Face, Clerk of1b District of the time being unconecloua. was of th be etated that Balt to Lake this week. Tba Court. family inquirer bnildlo. To , reason fatlkxleth all appaarancea aha will loeaeher hiring f teachers J. J. Jons attorney, wa the best milk ektm that epiniou Pi a and witii ipecial view to e.'curirg the First publication Anderson, Turd Cnrti and en'irely. For cough and cold there ta uomedi-e- iu wanted t possible food tor bog and and beat Mark to Hixson left this raise for hereby week, Wyothestandaid The farmer are buay putllug in Ibair 0 affective as BALLARDS know if I thought U was tbe skim milk of acbolciliip in tba I to get employment. th force, ming teaching wheat. n tbair aome aoa MARRIED. have jjORXHOUND SYRUP. It ia tba eropa , that killed th pig. My answer was that name, olttalanu who are tiaa . year w M0-uJ. M. Ilixson Jr. eats down from our Mmdy Frice M tnd M Elmer Allen came in from Wyoming experience bad demonstrated that being guiaated from th beet normal W, G, Fisher and Lena Thackeray few weak a Park last and k Jih City (pent 8. skim milk was one of t be beet possible school kr keen last night. were married In th S' Lake Temple and w ill be procured days with us. feeds fhr bogs, and also that skim milk wellVnown ent to s various boards of truetqaa vTiliiam Rldeo and family hava last Wednesday. Both are Tne 22 Quorum ef Seventies held their mould kill bogs. who wgaddreas all the appl.cants, w Snydervtlle where they wiU throughout Summit County htld' en joy Both aiatementa were oortect; lb quarterly conference here on the 23rd; them to PeoA, Utah, April 2, 1889 max direct appli- ,w reqaeatit durio thi iumffier. Mr th highest respect and esteem of many diffetenee depended upon tbe intelligen there wee a fair attendance. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will make Eotroa Tina h pardUMd U, fio, h wiU Use all tione be Coal v I'l their permanent bom . Tna , Tbe the at applicaUou Sunday worship speakers b h p,rk ,,,4 think there will be ' Anattn W. Marchant and Ida Milo feeding. Young pigs do th best on answer! without delay wuetber eon- offer sincere congratulations and Thus H. F. James were Peterson, do of meeting thebriJee home ,nd ,IIOUl kwp were mairied at the skim milk, bat it is better when slight- siderodVorably or not. If this eitands tha happy eoupla all those good Woolsteuhulm and Bilas M Pack. All plan hl boy buiy mother in Peon on April 12th. The " ly sour than when fresh. When bogs be folios! leacheis will be engaged! wishes that ara appropriate (or auah mad interesting remarks. groom il the son of John A. Merchant get to U 60 tb 75 pounds lira weight early. Id the beat ti Wbad will be is eccasieBa.'""ter a time Ce bave ALmLK going T' big Mrs. Margaret Y. Taylor of Sait Lake however, skim milk doe not seem suffthe bride, the daughter of Jit- - Rhcl nec-.sais not it conn aeeuwiOf or Dext (outbing wron I , Mahulda Mile. Elder F. W. Merchant came qut on the 22nd to eeiebrate her icient lor tbeas . Ia the first pise tb be filled by those just . vAnetss was reading an' sdvrrtisemsnt of that.! I which I after dedicaWith Wbat the anita Denmark, . tbe , , cefemen4; n, birthday with her brother ,Geo.W galns uiiule ara very small, a the y performed iviOteFi MtufftiaduatiMi. jUid fii1is.,Cl alar.w.an f. th guests partook of an excellent top- Young whose birthday ie ou the earn mal cannot eat anoagb of the bulky engiged in esses when their utrenocs In 'the TV orceaUr-jJa- 1 hairboea Remedy for the day. Slat of April. Mrs. Taylor ia tb food to get much more than enough to per which had been provided will Wing, eeaeerts, dances, tbe eounty ar satisfactory. Enterprise recently, which lead me to occasion. The evening w spent In an oldest and Mr. Geo. W. Young, is the tuaUin Ufa; and in tba next place, th fair and sli 0, yes, thsrall he a lima. invtru-mentgxporienc ha shown that in he write this. I can truthfully say 1 never enjoyable manner, vocal and youngest of the family. Tb celebration bog from Some defect fa the food are U of ia wimjiolicy social teachers not and a all W. remnsic being given toot place at G. Youngs borne, Sheriff Liudsay, yesterday received used any remedy equal to It for colic subject to digestive disorder, which chat and merry laughter and bright the relatives of the family living here sult in the death of larga number of to wait antil th eleventh bout with advices over the telephone ire w Chief of and diarrboe. I havs ntnf bad t of securing tbe best lor It Folh-w- , sayings ware heard on every side. The being present. A most enjoyable time them. When th hoge are led slightly hope Mt Lake City , that a Tark City oaa moret than ona or two dote to cur often who th that and nseful was happens and be to trustee) on were do luoern and remembered, had been many , woman, (nsma not learned) long our milk on presents pasture they aae wlthlmysalf.or royeblld- tbe worat follow are ' thi. end Mr. plan which m compelled had. to esteem 1 1 , showed the much better than when confined j and adjudged lusaue. Tbe ,ppr,bDdd Hr. Msrehant are held. At midnight While the wind was blowing harl pen. We have found that it w expect what is ief, after others have muis their sheriff took the midnight train to tbe ren. W, A. Stroud, Popomoke City, the guoe wished the young con pie a ou Monday a Ore started near Bp. E K. to get the largest return from tbe eelectioua. And it is due tbe teacher city for tbe purpot of conducting the Md. For aala by John Boyden 4 ioa. that be should know at tha dose of unfortunate woman to tb asylum. ling, prosperous, and happy life and Youngs yards wbei be has a barn kirn milk when fed to hogs, a certain toe, his school year whether he may ixpect to tiomet. their be fed with must it, then departed Clean P tbe dty is thacry resoand-- i and hay slacks and other property. It amount of grain PUBLICATION FOB fkOTICE be to ot ia the r suit not one test alone, ng from a boat of tbroala The p t week has been on of con started from a fire set to barn ap some This DO. 4193. . r i In all instances where the buperio- To smite th may ers eeary tinned w'nd storms and everything that brush in his field. The wind carried but of every single teet we bave made, . SALT LAKf CtTr Utah, I commanding-notesOrrtc at in Laud made ot been test has and quiet tendeut that shall have found the leat her and., harp, arery was not t ed down took a sail in the air! th sparks a quarter of a mile and lit . April 22nd, 189U. some straw on a feed ground any of tne Experiment Btations of tbe doing good wholesome work and secur-- 1 j;0tice ia hereby given that the followSome i f our young men who have among wulvr has Hicdnokic ofi 11 As people rub ocro.hln g d us t f rom out towards his stables and United State, as wall as in Denmark ing proper result ia the development of I to mak final proof in support , been at work on the rail read grade ahich crept invention tbelr nostTrls, esrs end eyea, s'acksat a rapid rale. Tb people of where extensive observations have also hi pupiir, hit policy shall be to Ml- - kt hi claim, and that said proof will be t bave re uined home. I antff tb feverish odors w htcb from A.nd made tbis -- j upon point. th town turned out In mas and it took uU 'j:, I Ut the filthy alley rise. Our best resul s hava been obtained recommend him fir Georg W. Stevens, the enterprising all their efforts to keep t from the jgaa yin: Abraham H. Merchant Home8W of first for J1887 the Liead here the was Q EX Entry "Clean up tb city Form your gangs. Oakley merchant, stacks and other buildings. If it had got by the fo'lowing method of feeding; L nd SW k 8W X bee. 22 won SE H busiis the week. George looking ap and, Mr. Johnson, turn, 'em loo gee 2. fn t N tt 8 E started among them it woo Id have burnt For young pigs w have fed in the pro- method followed out wilt Haul t ia the j . out. win ness and is bound to With bfeoma and shovel and with carta -- r i portion of one pound of grain to 5 or 6 Y ' up most ot th town. 1 -I - -- upon a sanitary cruise pounds of milk ; th young pig will not schools. ,Dd eultivation of, said land, vtx; Everybody is busy plowing and pntt-- i " The W. Gardner, sofT i F Clawson H.B. Johnson replies And Mr. When Jf., on well a heavy gram ration. do That the standard of in Hisirxx igin grain with a will ; the land, owing wtrweta and alley aint the west, 60 to 75 our animals a of the attain exand out force weight be fast is raied, drying teaching to so much wind, may HcKErxx, Urah, April 27, 1809, And I must awing th px and fix th pound live weight we give one pound aminations will be mad still mote a rash i being made with all farm and Editor Ttwea : bwigea fostr. Jx. of grain to eery three of milk. For the difficult the. test ia the ar of teaching garderi work just now. Th ground here Covered with enpw- older hogs e b8V found that tilt protjwe'k jn.phaiv-- 4j jadueej pttbhcUOJl4-28-18- 8 Tt general health of our cititens is tbis morning, and there is no kick about ' t Prm ffat Continued) has invariably given na better normal school preparation. portion cold rheuand have son.o people good ; tenDesmond the dry weather today. the results than to continna the larger programmar grade It tsexpectml that-tMr. Teterson of Peoa nil probably . A. Mr. and Mre. matic pains bin nothing serious, I were Lawson farm, fell i and fall driving also will th on ebool ia ef skim milk. ton We have t'ss on the oi district wheat our port nearly close na hi echoof woik o.r the 28 inst., ,nti Spring t Now that the roads between here and wheat is looking wall found tbia ration to be veiy much better ie that arracg-men- ts 'rom the depot lest eundav their horses, 28th it tobehaped J Mias Wtrthof Rockport Jiscontmued j took fright Perk Oily are becoming passable the than a whole grain ration.' An lliurlra will be made to keep it going fpawof powerful .fellows, The faoya have returned from tbe west 0n !,t-x " t lune box which lay in front of J . another month at least ; a month now tion of tbia fact is aiven in Bnilittn No hauling of mining timber and lumber with their sheep. They report very resumed. b for will and toon plnngtng to that place 67 of tbis Bratioa, page 214. In summer will be worth two whan it alarm np j L. Boydene house, little snow on tbe desert a( winter, tb fVbnol! mt np ? d"'14 Mr. "' decided of that result tiie seven The txing experiments Trustees o again; lb papilaar interacted In their Coe will The jury having sheep suffering to vom extent n that the eerneretJ. street District whirling is tne renter for it bid will conducted over a period of four years, No, 2, charged, receiv stodias, have .great resoecj for their Quay was not goilty. swoon t. a north arhocl Uow blocs a H and striking the Rmith' re'hnilding and it ia shown that ie gain 100 pounds to Spring teacher, Mr. Peterson, anjl are just ia about time the paper let up ea him 7 oclock j Has com me need here, house, of J8i until moment th iOtb, May At th flame. shearing Sheep fftlie(j live weight tha hogs fed on astik and a rest. that position whr a contiauance will P give the gentl Oman 1 ill be opened lima bids which at will the work. storiw ; but the interrupt de the most good. Tb primary de grain required 79 days; thee lad a at th Bnck Scbeoi IIou . Fpectfle All are gnxioualy looking for th reclear oat thrown were child eom infant her alone and Ladies the 116 tiena can be seen aftar At il ih graiit The Belief Society Young required days, and PhlUp-plne- s partmeot will b kept going lor th fell to port of Qj decisive letter Jh 4 and heavily Miss ( Lwagon Thomas oftn tns on milk alone 147 days. teachingf - Beechs res have a dance and lunch announced for time yst n'ndsr and it ie hoped that th engage-- p in were to Th two picked raserva the reject ri jht At ia thus apparent that; from tba . . i ' , ground. Paskett. near Friday evening tbe 28th, to raise aaeane ' - ment which is to take place t. or ,B7 or all bid. and carried into Carl Altiaona sensible milk Houaa. .. for Stake the standpoint ef.qnickijretnrus ,th laat a will bring Taw as FxaKtxsox. hairwaa. Ralph Maxwell returned home Cainmpit will be tdch bouse; where, after mach tt mtien, to and grain ration wou Id 2 fatten bog in end Ander-toTreasurer. n, Wiluaw C. H. Cabbcth Walter Maasrs. Wilson, . of hi peace between oar government toe agreeable surprise of all, they were week to attend tb wedding on half the time thaFth milk ratios Taos. L. Baica. Secretary. war Is e dreadful Steven Bond, and th At beet, George Filipino.. recusscitated. Tb driver finally stop- The gentleman returned to bis grading T Coalville. April 3rd, 1809. would. Ia fact in tome of the txperi-ment- e a question it the yietore Pros, left here laat 6uaday for Medicine steeds by steenug thing and J It bn to4 lid fsh FakUeatto ped bis maxeoed one hog frd on milk and grain samp la Spaniab Fork Oonyot'tk for to Bow, Wyemi3, to work a tb U. P. a4 will gain anything in tetam and ,, fence tree.. This team Hheaatnto as mnrb in 100 day aa bogs gained difirsf f tbia week. tfV.x J. A eo many mea CuU, w9ad. bnreir sprains and Law grade. af Job band fed on milk alone and tba othef'a the ? v many Uree lust and act , trained at 4 nader $ f was alt BAL- -, bled. I hope to see the day when of Uma, Wyoss-in- g, grain alona. Ado her j important fact kroise. quickly Leal (f yoa Pt)y light hu pnuUoil Rebipson Mr. Mary an of in article oa oor While reading rband nation was that tba milk and grain wbaa fed LARDS SNOW LINIMENT. .c.26;oJt-dtoafbdifferences between natien htvlng fivM la vjsitingwilh j.baf aiatar, State papers on Qoalville's progreaa in in combination gave much Target reA and 80 eenu. John Bcjd rid on will be settled byerbitratlon. rapid ancomfwt,0iy aM Mra. W. omplating the beautiful Stake House, turns for tbe skins rnlik ikaa when it Soa. Cupwngham- S. E. Via. several eceaaiena. d alone. M assisted various tba by wards, etomrn Anb Carruth dicoiuiuutfd her school woilaat fndm f ' ffe, Jr til ilttar PRESS 01 1 gi Fr t f,-- r I I mo. ,0d ut ry 1 (! al ts-gig- ing , i : . ; . 1 1 mg-uam- ed ba d.rth .r.ajur;x -- iw. jKTu.ss'Sasssr - ;yt 1 I ! 1 Uocc-Trostae- s t -- to br j. ' v- y 1 , |