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Show iVOUTIIWEST NOTES. The third triennial session of the National Society of Nns of the Itevolu-lion Itevolu-lion convened In Denver Inst week Mrs. I 1- Hnleli ol Laramie, has been elcilvd a vice preil lent of the Woman s llaptlst 1 orelgu Missionary Society of the West t leutenant (lustave Nickel of tlio 1 Irst Montana regiment has arrived home from Manila and will receive an honorable discharge i link Smith of I'neblo lolo , driver olsnutlk water wagon shot nnl hilled his w Ife nu. liusclf hs the outcome of a dlvorco suit recently brought by tho woman It Is said that money has been secured se-cured for the building of the air lino from Denver to halt I ake City Colorado Col-orado people have been talking of this line of ro id for ) ears. Tho employees In the train and tard detriments of the Ml lliin 1 Terminal compauy of Colora lo are on a strike f.r shorter hours About SOU men arc nITceUd Ihu roa I Is tic 1 up Governor Thomas of Colorado will veto the bill passed by the gcnerul ns sembly nt Its recent session provl ling for the In Iclcrmlnalo sentenco with parole privileges for prisoners. William Harris an I John Tell wero fatally burned bj an explosion of gas in the Colorado 1 uel and Iron company com-pany a mine at New Castle, Colo The mine Is considerably damaged Dan Lucy, charged with tho murder of Patrick L Hegan, near Uutte, In September, 18J8, has been landed In the Silver How county Jail, he having been captured In Cripple Creek, Colo An Insauo man, lllchard Willis, confined con-fined in the uba, Cat, courthouse, managed to Are the building, and was himself burned to death The county Jail, adjoining, was also completely dc-I dc-I strove 1. Tho citizen of McMlnvllIc, Ore , have petitioned the president to dls chargo the ao diers from that town now serving In the Philippines, and protest against their retention In that country Hoods caused by melting snow In the mountains near Sheridan, Wyo , did an Immense amount of damage lu that city. 1 Ive buildings were washed away and tho main supi ly pipe of the water works broke, shutting off the water supply. Pari In 1 ransol, a miner, was killed In the Union Pacific, coal mine at Rock Spring on the Mill, by a fall of coal Ills partner escaped the samo fate by going out of the room for some oil for his lamp a moment or two beforo tho coal fell A fight, Is on In Grand Junction, Colo , regarding licensing saloons. All licenses expired on tho lTlli, and tho new council has refused to grant licenses, li-censes, tho marshal being Instructed to closo all saloons. The matter will be settled In court. HarTy Ilrnsure,ageiU0 wasdrowned In Hitter creek, Wyo., Inst week Ho had been gambling and drinking and was last seen alive at 10 o clock In the morning Two hours la r his body was found In the creek There Is some suspicion that he was robbed and thrown into the creek A Cheyenne woman applied to tho district court one evening last week for a divorce from her husband and In less than twenty hour after filing tho application the case was tried, tho woman granted a divorce, with 81,700 alimony llils break the record In divorce protcedlng lu W toning The management at tho (Hobo Smelting Smelt-ing company, nt Denver, declares that tho plant "111 not be oloscd down, but that on tho contrary more men will be employed than ever before, and that tho old scale will be paid, but the men will not receive as much for eight hours work as they did for twelve Two colored miners, Henry Moore and Mark Miller, quarreled at Hock Springs last week, and Moore shot Miller through the thigh, InUlctlng a dangerous wound Aa a sequel to the first shooting, William Shortrldge (colored) attempted to kill his wife, because alio visited Miller after ho it as shot, Jealousy being the cause of all the trouble. The loss of stock throughout the northwest Is not nearly so large a was at first supposed, all owing to the excellent condition of stock when the bad weather came on Tho stock at present are In good condition and are doing welt Not only Is there an Increase In la terest In tho mini sot Nevada this year, but farmer from all over the state report re-port indications of good crops. Nevada Is fast forglug to the front as an agricultural agri-cultural state, as well as a magnlBceat mining commonwealth Six of the soldier of tho Second volunteer vol-unteer cavalry who lost their live In the south last summer were burl-d at I ort Uussell, Wyo , on tho 16th Inst , tvlth Imposing military ceremonies. The names of thadeceased aro Richard Clark, Archie Sackott, Samuel John son, William 0. Comstock, Charles A I'lerson and Lemuel Smith Two lost their live in railway accident while their regiment was on its way to the front, and four died In southern hospitals hos-pitals from fever contracted while la I camp |