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Show ) DECLINE TO J)ISAKlk SPAIN'S FILIPINO ALLIES AHE IN A SAD PLIOMT. "5w e Vallitt Hlio Un. Allrtl lha Upanlsntt Il-rii.r to tllvn i Thrlr trms, I rrln Ihs trutranreofTlirlrli u.lltl..ls. Manila, April S Spain acvacuatton of the Philippine Islands will 1-c practical!) prac-tical!) completed b) tin withdrawal or the Spanish garrison from nmboangn, Islan I of Mludanao and from the Sulu ' Islands ami If thu United state assumes as-sumes control of Mindanao and the Sulu Islands on tho rlpnulunts withdrawing with-drawing theiiillltur) luilliorltio-. must, In order to garrison thosu Island, diminish di-minish the force of mcrlran troops, whiih aro already too small There was almost mutiny ninong the Spanish troop In tho Islands Wcause v thry wiroexptctid to prinieil to tho I adrono nml the Caroline Islan Is, snino of them refusing to do so, claiming that tlnlr enlistment hadcxplrtd lho latter were ixcmptid nml allowed to return to Spain on botml tlie Alva The native troop In the Spanish 2 garrison nru In a sad plight 'lher must accomp-tn) the Spaniards o- risk the vengeance- of their inmpitrioU. Tho Npjulanl promised lo disband them, but they n fused toglto up their anna Ihu natives uf nmboangn nre likely to prove troublesome when the Spanlali troop nre withdrawn from the const town of tin Island of Mindanao III believed that tho smouldering tribal wnrswlll then lie rcsuimd, anarch) will prevail and tin Inhabitants of ncnrly ever) village will light with their neighbors. A tripartite exchange of prlsonir will bo nrriiigid If It Is possible to negotiate with tin I lllplnos a If they were u clvlllrcd nation If the 1 illplno ill-plno consmt to relinso the Mpaulsh prisoners the mirtianmlghtn.lenso Iho'lagalog they lion hold prisoner. In return for which Spain would free lier political prisoners, the provision of the Pari treat) would thus bo car rlid out. 'lhe Spanish lommlssloii, however, hesitate to inter the llllplno llll-plno line, fi urlngti i iiclur), although Agulnaldo ha guaranteed the safety of the commissioner. |