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Show - .J - mn im I. IfllAD which under irrigation bear abundant of tb ; gnd at tha point 3, 1899 OlLYILLE, FRIDAY, APR., 1 ( JEOITOB. ( lubMityura ft ft irmm. .... ... mTmi Mx Meath TbtMMaath point In tb height . altitude the of 1 aM.il bM til i iwf f ff. I 1 I U oloU X eolwma... Icolami I M11 (1 Lak or ban Lrauciaco or lew here 00 10 r it o M 76 00 40 00 00 6 00' 00 1 , por Uua lor Aral liner-Bt- Ibmtoaeb U f. laWM at 10 fee imfer la OaaMlla. OW, 10, a 1 tatkarloa aaaa o. v; UW) . BfW w Match r A. O. W llllan ..i.t..r.AB suit httochaf ..... . . . tvmtut X. Baakla. . EAR. RIGHT INT etCL this in and 55. for their shots; because it ii rtdilv recoguized by them of 1 11 PRICE, Queen Quality finds favor with women who have paid 4, ap- ugh das shoe as a thoroughly of im- provement except in competition and w fear that tbe time is not verv near at band when another railroad will be ran through tbl way- We do not pre- of nuusual merit at sensible price. To pay more is throwing - . point, but it branch covmt JanaaA Mluar 1 matter n that tha Echo and 1 JUDCMS THUD JUDICIAL DISTRICT of general Park City on of the beat paying brunch- better es oa the line and deserve W.Bartoh. money away when such value can be obtained for $3.00. OxT lords. $a. 50. authoritatively upon the tend to speak toaapk Chlpnau Opinion .. .AC. Blobop jvdcim a shapely, and makes the foot appear particularly handsome. liondon C O. WhiMBOl . Awlllu., Ii Reduced To ellhv our Braaar QlauMUUr Job A. MarabaU ...Haber M. Wall JaBM T. HaniBHiDd Morgan iUobbrdt 0.1 Mantel. IMamlBd ftnfiMf ah w Tb OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. foTtaaor of Coalville Vtill He . Artak positive detilment ; and from juaapb B. Ball pearance there 1 not much hope .... ..... .. Ztajima 0,1 people v present railroad aervice section 1 almoat worthless if L7011 Hoarj .Oaorga W. Kona Chari H.WaO John Clark ywvuli r Job if nut cnniriidu lot SHI- RSTROUft F. SS 10.S . CaiaaUa T rack . I. Suapa V ambiguous i enough 11 Tba Ilaa. RS" tbe name -- AmU proposition. aaO The extra leugth at tbe toe give the foot ioolu . and , ease found in thick, wide shoes; yet Athens looks long and the -- neighbor all tuctetr, hut Bill inrivl ihal they compare with her oil almort any Mat AaMar. Camapaatiau a huty, boapitable, independent but tbe place ' treele, graven, farely burled fur an muntbt in mo Park City, ut40ul (Bias will bo olrtctlT odborod Tin 00 JO 00 Athens Shape, Kid. with'tip of same material. Toe.the width of aVilver qua iter, light flexible sole, medium heel, high vamp. p"pula-tlon- , U SO u oo a oo XI to 7 10. 17 to! Botif oa. 10 oobU LslI bbbU par till lot gtf 0 The gulch , aduoter A 1. . coaIville a rieing 0 Lady's M Pik Litit of temporary dwelling fine residence may be found in A4wmn Rm iMfc . lMbM HTHBD mounUino-a- You yf 7000 feet Draw nearer Blot ihle Bopl. " np growo l. olaan, pretty, pronperou town Then turn to the oouih ; elevate your teloacope until It command BUSINESS MANAGER Twi ha two stream tbeta My Coal-Til- H. .. ... j - hut it appear sideration; con- that the cempany intend to lose no opportunity done to fncreaa ita profits and this 1 at the ex pent of the people Train service here pay a bigh price for The wretched hut you ia the . privdcg.train in an trailing behind a freight car caboeea, and changing GENERAUWERHANDISE. ' of - old ! k traatlopaniao City . rhyslcis..v. "Ef- thm f b Uaoi. A xrodakTJ. CftStl BftR Rtceao CoaItUI la tond W. almlMer. team and wagon unemployed be may do well at freighting from $alt Luke to m graveyard ; but to Coal 111 we fear 2.26 a ton that lb too lreqoant sea nt thi will rtault in aoma misunder- ber ; for but mine We from 50 ow have tents to sail it in Salt Lake at a profit, lot fb.OU after tha freight is paid; end ve. the 1 ara aatployad ia tapping tba yaat coal dapaaita al tbla regioa ; that thi dty By maaauramant we race tniy determaintain a park wbara our aalgbbora mined tkat, from a certain atrip of land ara glad to wau lor aummtr day baving 86 rod river front on the Weber "aiting aid kcoapt Vba wakoms which baa baaa. and aball always ba axttnded to tbam) that Coaly ilia baa aomathlng mart parmaaant than a aingl uncar-ta- ia mourn to dapand upon. II tb ia aoaaaqoa&c. notdepopu-iata- d To b aura, this plsao baa a aoaaaryatly population tbia ia aaaaatially trua ol a place who but istamtaara largely agricultural th leal tan year. To th small farm of tbia valley such a loee laconnidarabla -- Di it is a loss, for, aa there h prac- tically ao deposit in this part of the stream's course, the land tbua cut away cannot b reclaimed. that Cbalk Creek GOOD We doubt not per pound. CLEAN OATS & JEAT FOR SEED. Lucern Seed, Orchard Gr s Seed, Gypsine all Finish, Wall per. Barb Wire fit HI treiglt aim. Uiataa asowy paakaon tbaaaat, and ita C O K Always On Thia YdJ. YY fKaJHT. ) r,nnr,n, Fcr 20 Yeiri Hu - Qawatity. Bolts T Led ell 7cra RemciiiTv iij DRoaoxaTa, JAMSS F. BALLARD, tt. Lot? ,- w jru n ylUolNERY. J cst receiied, A Large ud Complete Roe of Hats tad tfiiiiwj Koielties ia tbe Leading Designs. I. have of $2.25 Lump Stove 1.60 t ia to a targe stock of Ladies Wrap- pers. Shirt Waists, and Spring Capes in great variety of Styles. Ladies of Coalville and adjacent towns call and The STILES and PRICES examine goods. speak for themselves Tb land along meeting at which committee aball be that atmms, oboeband with farm and appoio ted to arrasg lor tba days dotted with cosy hamlets, bM bean boilt p frc3 their awn depecita- -s tkbscl g. Worms! vEgEifigg H It profitable, and will soorer appropriate observance. shoe-makin- ILr QAJMDOpEjvJIJMGIJ doing aimilar work and we believe that land owner would uh-oo- Fits like a glova. Strong Points of Queen Quality. It has behind it years of experience in fine It has in it everything of the highest quality. It fits where others fail. It is always strictly correct in style. It gives a trim, slender look to the foot. It is easy the first day; does not require breaking in. It is light, durable, and keeps its shape. It is only $3,00. We invite you to eall and examine our Newest fashion of Queen Quality Shoes for which We havs exclusive sale. --- b on ol tba greateat Of day. Prepara-watara mlagi witbiboa ol tba Weber which continue northward trararaiog tion! for" appropriate exerciae should U baastiful an agriouturaj region aa ia begin at one. Let some one call a - about the width of a nickel, with long forepart, giv. alender ing the foot a long appearance so pleasing to young Tee CoahhCo-o- p. find it necessary, to construct atat. ble sole, " i op yendar amlaanc waat ol town barriers against tba encroachment i you plaaaa, aad gas oaalward upon these itraami, lb two Wailful yallaya that lay at your leet. 0o tba ana band Cbalk Dbcobatiob Day should net pass w Craab Rads it way Iron tba bights ol ta&d to bo aaaw la tb tip ot ladies, TIMOTHY SEED, Os. river, over 100 square rodi liks bceu chiseled out tad carried away within tba paopl are as aara aa tbay ara slow. surely find 41 lap tba appaartoe ol tb pise,- - or latar . CO-- nan bar can't standing 00 tb part ol tboa wbo ara railroad compauy 'a mine are on of nat aeqaaiatad with tba town. It la their chief source of wealth, anil tlnv trua that lb la plaaa bat on ol tb moat supply Salt Lake and other place a 11I1 baantilu) camatarisa In th aiata ; but coal at that figure. Talk of monopolie' aiaaatbla la by a waaaa ber ouly W would say give back the land youve praise .earthy publla improvement, w taken a atrip 100 feet broad of the WOQld suggest that cur aoatauapurary in choicest land in the country and withoaw figure ra tarring to tbi berg, uc draw th "benefits you now afford, r occasalaaaRy. . Remember that By do tba aquar thing by tb people of aiarcaatUa Uatitntlona do a thriving tbia section. Tbe patrona of the road buataaa Bara; that two commodious bould force the company to either hatala ara Uaad t Ibait lull capacity ; abandon it or uiak it a thing of mutual that duriag tbadullaat tltata, fifty than benefit. aulsaa bar lail tb towa ia STQRe Ana Ogden. Why Is this when direct railroad connections? of Inferring N UTAH here. light fine kid, with the same, tutu edge, flexi- Made of this state by ruil from J. Job Or. 1. 1. H GJUri VFFNC. Tb of Shape twice and waiting hears and Lour to make connection this i tbe way yon reach the metropolis Put is Opera w PATRONIZE IHDDSTRY Vber Coal Co HOD M. R. Salmon. - |