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Show MEN FOHOTIS. I'Mirle-nTlion-and l('-l-r In lis Kent to. lUlufurrnllliu Washington, April .'.' lourlieu thousand rcgutai aru tole suit to reinforce re-inforce (leneral Otlant Manila, as noon a the ncitssriry marine- transportation can bo provided The llrst regiment. ( onlered will probably be the .sevcntli artillery, of which tho tiro light bnt-tirles, bnt-tirles, C ami M, have been nrdircd homo from Porto Hlin for thu tuirpost They will lie sent nl uiiie to San 1 ran-clsco, ran-clsco, to await mi iituilnhlu transport atinmtr Mtli tin regular already onlired and on their way to Manila, (leuiral Otlt wilt havo an effeellvo force of 31,37 men, In addition to tho recruits-being recruits-being sent eviry few du) for the rcg-ulor rcg-ulor already In the Philippine. Till force I to be raised to 13,000 men by tho lima the aggressive operation nut be pressed In thu inrly lutiimn rhe voluntt ir to ho returned to till, country from Manila number barely 13,000, many of whom nn greatly debilitated, de-bilitated, so the deti rmlnatlon to tend 14,000 able IkkIIcs of regular to tiller, their places Is calculated to show tho rebel leaders that thn United .State I. terribly In i uriie st nl out meeting Its. I responsibilities for preserving order and commanding nspeet throughout, tho nrchlpellgo |