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Show I '" UTAH NEWS. M The hearing of tlia case of Hurry M llayi ly tin board of pardont bat been BB postponed until May 0 Bl The I till A. Taenia hat ono tangent B thirty fire mile long, and there are BB but two curve In alxty mile BB Horse thieve hare been operating In BB Sprlngvllle rewntly Albert SUrr Ion fl In; a bloslcd mare ana night latt BB M The country In the vicinity il While BB lllrrr lit Wen stoeksd with iiatl. ami BB a In a few yrarthlsictlou will bt the BB hunter paradise. M The MateauillturUliavIng new book BH made for the transfer of liramlt nml BB mark. The law require, that the en- BH lire list of thcto iball lo recorded BH anew BH A null r) clone struck Castle Oato BH on Wednesday, Mowing ilown one Hfl bouse that was In tliemuraeof erection Hfl anil playing havoc with a number of JH outbuildings. H The rewanl offered by Davit county HH for the arrest and conviction of the HH murderer of ThomaaSamlall ha leeii HH Increased tu SrtUO, ami the firm for HH whom hu worked huaolTircd JIOO HH The Order of Hallway Conductor at HH Halt Lake Clly are trying hanl tu bring HH the conrentlon of their order to be HH belli III IIMI to Inn. ami at the boya HH are workers, they will probably auo- HH HH 111 now regarded a probable that HH nlthln the next thirty ilaya (lovernor HH Welt will appoint United State HH senator to llll the vacaiuy caused by HH the expiration ol tknator Lannoua HH term HH Article of lncoriorBtloii of the Itlcli- HH Held Commercial and Savlug bauk HH hate been filed The new bank I HH capltall-cd at 833,000. and I composed HH of good aubatnntlnl business men of HH southern Utah HH A California man arrived In Utah Hfl lad week with twuiarloadaof bee, he HB having decided to more hi apiary In Hfl thi atate ou account of the dry weather HH In California. Utah ia fast forging to HH the front III the lice Indiittrt. H The grand IihUc I O O V, of Utah, HH waa III avMlon In Halt Lake latt week, EH the occasion being the twenty-fifth HH annual conrentlon of that order In HH thi atate The attendance wa large, flH every lodge hi Ing fully represented M th,vw.i ,ii i.. ,""- BflP'1 stsCrLJirn In far away llrlttnl, Kugland, I BBj lt being boomed President llarne of BJJ the Halt Lake City coutioll ha received JH a paper from that city which contain JH a fairly good description of tlia pro BBJ po-cd building BBJ It la laid that Otter Cretk reservoir flH will furnish during the time when HH mott needed, wall r enough to water JH three time all of the land In Hovler Hfl county that dcpiiid on the primary HH water right of the Sevier river 'llila HH meant a great deal fur the farmer lu HH bevler valley. HH (lovernor Willi I frequently In re- HH eolpt of Inquiries a to why the Utah HH boya killed at Manila have not been HHj lent to the United Hlatea. It I aald HH that the bodle were Interred aoou HH after being found, and cannot be ill- HH Interred until the end of the rainy tea- HH urn, fur Military reason. HH lletwccu 400 and Six) ton of powder HHJ itorcd In an old tunnel near the ro id HH that I being conttrui.tcd from thnrlll H ver King mine to thu town of 1'nrk City, H cxplixlcd on the afternoon of the Kill H hortunntety no one waa hurt, but iuv H eral people received aevcre ahocka, The H came of the exploiloii la a myilery H Tho director of theUtiihSugariNim. H puny have dcildrd to raise money' for Hj tho projioMd plant at Mprlngvlllo by H selling 40(100 share of the treasury H stock of tin) ruiiiutuy at par valuu, H whkli will amount toSIO OOii. Ihcalte H for the new factory hat Keunlecttd Hj and order placid for the maihlnery H Henry llucklcy, aged (II yeara, an H ex soldier and for some mouth nn In 1 inato of the Salt Iikecouuty In Urinary, H attempted to take hl$ life ono morn- M lng last week by slushing hi throat m nltharator It It no doubt owing to K lilt ncakuis that ho failed to sever H tho jugular villi lie 1 In the hospital H and may recover B A dispatch from Washington atate Hl that two couiMnlea of the Twenty BR f(irli Infanlrv lire tulw sent to AlasUn uH Until the companies are designated H there will be iiiikIi speculation at to JH the ones to Iw chox.ii The two re- WCW'' " malning at Kort Douglat may be Ujlll c1iom.ii or two of those at Hsu trail MH clsco may bo u nt north HP) Mr. Julia Croxall of Halt LakoClty, H while cutting kindling met with a VI painful a.ldi nt A piece of wood Hew HI up with great force and struck her ou HBH thaeye no Injuring that mcmebirtkat HH the attending physlulan found it uecoa- MpJ tary to remove IL 2 HH The I'rovo city council ha passed an Jj ordinance muklng It unlawful to play Hi cards, dire or any game of chance, or B allowing such game to be played, for B money or at all In a saloon or billiard BBB hall, or In auy room which can be en. tared from a saloon |