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Show I DIED A'J' THE STAKE. iionnitiLB opatii op a NEano MUllDEREn. Mrlltn lloan.llo Trr n I, Arier lltlnc UatlUlxl IslloatmllollnilhLjrMU Htt- tpNilntrt 1 ifcullaarrs. Newman, (Jo., April U Sain Hose, a negro charged with tho murder ol a farmer and the outragu of the dead man' wife, was burned nt tho atake here Sunday afternoon by a mob of 200 enraged people llefore the torch was applied to the pyre, the negro was deprived of hit ear, flngera and other portions of hit anatomy He pleaded pitifully for lilt llfo whlli the mutilation was going on, but atood the ordial of lire, w Ith surprising sur-prising fortitude llefore tho Iwdy wa cool It wa cut to piece, tho bone were crushed into small bit und even the trio upon which the wretch nut lit fnte wat lorn np and dltposcd of a souvenir. Huso killed Alfrtd Crauford. a white farmer, near Palmetto, nml outraged hit wife ten da) a ago Since that time business In that part of tho atate ha been suspended, the entire population turning out In nn effort to capture Hose lie successfully i luded pursuit luritirdlscovired nenr Macon Uovernor Candler haa bciu asked to tend troops here to preserve order foe a day or two, nt it I frarid the nc-grins nc-grins may wreak vcngiaucc, many threat to that ifTccl hnvlng been made lime admitted the killing of Crauford, Crau-ford, but driilid Hint he had assaulted the dead main wife lleforo being put to death, tho uigro stated that lie 1 had been paid 813 by Mgu Strickland, I a nrgro priaihcr at Palmetto, to kill Crauford A mob of cltlr.cn It scouring scour-ing the lountrj for Strickland, who hat left hli home |